How to enhance the Windows Registry

Accessing keys in the Windows Registry can be quite the painful procedure as there is no way to enter a path to get there straight away. Instead, you either have to browse the Registry folders manually until you reach your destination, or use the search that is provided to do so.
RegeditX enhances the Windows Registry by adding path information to it that you can make use of to quickly jump to a key in the Registry. This makes it way easier to work with the Registry as you can simply paste complete paths into the search form to open the keys in seconds in the interface.
RegeditX remembers the last keys that you've visited in the Registry so that you can open them again with the click of the mouse button. Some other features that it makes available are that columns are automatically resized to displayed as many information as possible on the screen, and that you can copy and paste full path information.
It processes spaces in Registry keys automatically as well as they are sometimes used on sites that display them. So, instead of having to manually edit the key to a path, it handles that automatically to speed things up further.
Update: The developers have continuously updated the advanced Registry editor, which means that it is compatible with all recent 32-bit and 64-bit of the Windows operating system. The latest version released is a beta version of RegeditX 3.0 which expires on December 31, 2012. The software company responsible for the product has announced plans to release a commercial version of the application in the future. While not clear if this will mean that the free version will be retired, it could be a possibility.
As far as the program's functionality goes, it has not changed much. The interface is still superior to the default Windows Registry editor as you can still copy and paste Registry keys right into the program interface to display a key directly in there.
Update 2: RegEditX 3.0 has been released. It is unfortunately only available as a commercial version. The free version seems to have been pulled from the site. You may want to download a free Registry Editor such as RegMagic instead.