Thunderbird 102 to 115 upgrades are now enabled

Thunderbird 115 is the latest major version of the open source email client. Users of the application, who wanted to upgrade to the new version, had to download and install Thunderbird 115 to do so, up until now.
This changes today, as the email client's automatic updating system is now offering to upgrade Thunderbird 102 installations to version 115.
The updates are not done automatically, as users of the email client need to seek for the Thunderbird 115 update manually. A click on Help > About Thunderbird opens a small popup window that lists the current installed version and any update that is available at the time.
Thunderbird 102 users will see the update to Thunderbird 115 here. It is still necessary to activate the "update to 115.2.0" button to download and install the new Thunderbird version on the device.
The unlocking of the automatic update suggests that the Thunderbird team has confidence in the latest version, which is Thunderbird 115.2.0 at the time of writing. The release notes do not list any known issues in the version, but certain features, such as Sync, are not yet available.
Thunderbird 115
Thunderbird 115 is a major update for Thunderbird. The new version has received several point updates since the initial launch, which addressed issues and made corrections to various features.
Major changes include a redesigned interface, which users may customize, so that it resembles the classic interface, unified email folders that displays all emails in a single folder, sortable folders, new cards view layout for users who prefer this "mobile" design, and lots of other improvements.
Thunderbird 102 users will have to spend some time adjusting features and options. Many settings carry over though, but anything that is new may need to be readjusted.
One option that cautious users have is to install Thunderbird 115 in a different directory. This separates it from the current version, but requires the import of the user profile. Another option is to create a backup first before starting the update.
Thunderbird 115 is the last release version for the Microsoft Windows operating systems Windows 7 and Windows 8 / 8.1.
Closing Words
Thunderbird 115 is the first step in a series of major updates and improvements that will come to the email client in the coming years. The first Android version is still expected this year, but it is just one of the many features the team has planned for the email client.
Thunderbird 102 remains to be supported for at least another month. The next version, 102.15.0, is scheduled for a release on August 30, 2023. It could be the last version, but nothing has been announced at this point.
Now You: Thunderbird 102, 115 or something else? Which email client(s) do you use?

Forgot to mention- T-bird’s updater has been bouncing around between offering updates to 102 and offering updates to the latest 115, back and forth, back and forth…
THAT’S why I think I smell some panic at HQ…either that, or the latest 0-day exploited in the wild did it…
Interesting behaviour on T-Bird tonight: I got an update to 102.15.1. Immediately after the update box started banging the pan about updating to 115.2.2!
Looks like there’s a little panic in the room, considering how many bugs and dissatified users there are out there with 115…
Look, for Gawd’s sake, Mozilla, it’s an email program! I don’t need Chat, Calendar, or to have it get me a cuppa in the morning. It’s not even “Your plastic Pal Who’s Fun To Be With!”
No, I’m sticking with 102 for now, which they say will be supported for “another month”, and maybe after that.
115 isn’t a Thunderbird, it’s a bloody turkey.
Man, I wish they would stop “improving” TB. I use this program to read e-mails, a fairly simple and unchanging task, and every change just seems to be another thing I have to figure out how to undo. Just fix bugs and simplfy, please.
I just hope they don’t broke the extensions system like Firefox mobile has done. (user since 2008 on Hardy Heron)
Martin, greatly appreciate your posts about Thunderbird.
I’m a late adopter, so I’ll wait a bit before updating,
Looking forward to improvements with the Address Book; that is a weak spot.
Owl, thanks for your comments too.
@ Mystique,
According to Martin you can achieve that goal with UBO:
Article Title: Thunderbird 102 to 115 upgrades are now enabled
URL Address:
Thanks for the link and reply but I don’t think it works yet as uBo does not have access to emails themselves as of yet according to the article so it can’t filter tracking urls if I am understanding it correctly.
Article Title: Thunderbird 102 to 115 upgrades are now enabled
URL Address:
What I actually need out of an email client is access to an extension that can strip away tracking URL’s from emails so I can click on links from stores without being tracked all over the place.
Things to note!
Martin’s article does not necessarily reflect Thunderbird’s official opinion.
Martin’s article certainly shows a glimpse of the current situation, but it is only Martin’s opinion.
Even for Thunderbird 102, “102.14.0” is the latest version, and “102.15.0”, the final version that should have been applied, is on hold and automatic updates are blocked (manual updates are possible).
The Mozilla community in Japan ( frequently receives bugs with 115, and continues to submit a bug report to Bugzilla.
Therefore, I really do not recommend migrating from 102 to 115.
In any case, existing users using 102 will be automatically updated at the appropriate time, so they should refrain from updating manually.
There should be an official announcement at “” at that time.
Note that Thunderbird 115 is still very much work-in-progress with features destined for version 115 still incomplete and various “Supernova” bugs not fixed in the current version.
Tue Sep 12 2023 04:30:45 PDT
Bug List: 116 bugs found.
Today finally,
My Thunderbird 102.14.0 (en-US) was updated with “Thunderbird 102.15.1 (x64)” through the automatic update feature.
By the way,
Thunderbird 102.15.2 was released, but it was not updated automatically. Naturally, it will not be automatically updated to 115 (Supernova).
it is clear from Bugzilla that the bug fixes related to migration from 102 to 115 are not complete, so existing users of “102” should refrain from manually updating to 115.
Betterbird has been released 115.2.1-bb11 (12 September 2023) . Betterbird make Thunderbird a faithful upstream.
Betterbird: Release Notes
@ owl,
Is there a means of blocking the automatic upgrade, or at least to use the option to notify me that it’s available, but to leave it up to me as to when (if ever) I decide to install it?
Reason for asking is that I don’t like triple column layouts where the folder column is on the left, Inbox is in the centre and the mail itself is squashed up inside the third column (so that it looks like the layout in this emClient screenshot)
If you want to try out “Betterbird”, you can migrate the environment very easily by exporting/importing settings and other data from your existing Thunderbird.
Export data (Accounts and Settings, Address Books, Calendars, Mail Messages) from your existing Thunderbird and import it into your new Betterbird.
Thunderbird (and Betterbird) has a “TOOL” that allows you to easily do this.
Thunderbird’s Export/Import tool:
How-to Export
How-to Import
Betterbird: Documents
– System Requirements
– Expert Tips
I decided to try out the portable version of Betterbird.
Just migrate data from existing Thunderbird 102, and get started right away.
Although it will be intended for “test use”, I am satisfied with it for actual use.
By the way,
My favorite extensions for Thunderbird (Betterbird) are:
Auto Address Cleaner T
Check and Send
Compact Headers
Correct identity
Folder Pane View Switcher
Identity Chooser
LookOut (fix version)lookout@s3_fix_version
Signature Switch
Thunderbird Conversations
uBlock Origin
Note: I replaced the quoted URI scheme: https:// with “>>” and posted.
You can choose to be asked whether available updates should be installed.
Managing Thunderbird Updates | Thunderbird Help
About the Thunderbird 115 user interface:
If an existing user of 102 upgrades to 115, the default display method will be the same as 102 (the new “Supernova” is an optional feature). However, the official announcement states that it will be for a while, so it seems like it will be for a limited time (although I think it will continue depending on user requests)
If you are concered about “Supernova”, it may be worth trying “Betterbird” as a workaround.
Or Epyrus >>
Regarding Thunderbird extensions (add-ons):
Thunderbird actively pursue native implementations of important and popular extensions that we consider to be “highly useful.”
Already from “Thunderbird 115”,
The following extensions are natively implemented (does not require extensions).
? Enigmail
? ImportExportTools NG -> Export your Thunderbird Profile
? Manually sort folders
? Minimize on Close
? Search Results Sort By Date Not Relevance
For those whose native implementation has been completed,
Development support for extensions (add-ons) has ended.
Further support will be provided by the Thunderbird project (Thunderbird/Core_Team).
Other extensions will also be considered for implementation (based on requests on Mozilla Connect:, etc.) they will be announced on official blog (, ATN (, etc.).
I’m happy with emClient free version as I only POP from two email addresses.
@ RossN,
emClient looks interesting, but is that three column layout permanent, or can it be disabled in favour of a twin column i.e. as in Thunderbird 102.x.x. ?
Apparently, this build reintroduces a bug where turning on Italics or Bold jumps to the beginning of the line. Tested and found on two different PC’s. To reproduce:
1. Open a new email document.
2. In body, type at least one line of text.
3. Start second or later line, enter some text, and hit Ctrl-I or click Italic icon (or Ctrl-B or Bold icon).
4. Continue typing.
Result: characters are entered at beginning of line, no change to attributes.
Simply broke my email system and refuses to connect with MS servers unless I enable Java – which is already enabled.
Rolled it back to the last version.
quite serious, does not look like a feature, any comments from martin?
Here I can read “Thunderbird 102.15.0, is the final release of Thunderbird 102.”
Thanks for pointing that out.
I don’t like that three column interface. My Tutanota webmail uses it and incoming mails get squashed into the third column on the right which makes them hard to read if, like me, your eyesight has deteriorated with age. I have to constantly enlarge the whole page in order to just read the contents of a given mail because the text is all squashed up.
Personally, I don’t understand why it’s necessary to have the Inbox constantly on display while reading a mail. Consequently, when enlarging the page, the Inbox column becomes hidden which means I have to reduce the size again in order to get it back. Completely unnecesary waste of time.
I’ll make a note to refuse the update the next time the prompt appears.
> I don’t like that three column interface.
Then don’t use it? It’t neither a new feature of Thunderbird 115 nor it’s mandatory.
If it’s not a new feature of Thunderbird 115 why did it appear in Martin’s screenshot?
I note however that Martin appears to have removed it from the current article hence you can be forgiven for your untoward critcism.
I found this reddit thread useful after the upgrade:
Thanks, this looks helpful.