Step back in time with Windows XP running on your Apple Vision Pro

Onur Demirkol
Aug 10, 2023

Apple Vision Pro is coming to revolutionize many things aligned with the future but what about the past? Well, the $3,499 device will reportedly sort that out too. According to a tweet published by UTM, Apple Vision Pro will be able to run Windows XP.

UTM successfully emulates Windows XP on visionOS in a video uploaded on X, previously Twitter. However, once the virtual computer is up and running, there is no way to control it. This is due to the lack of input capabilities, which would allow users to interact with the virtual computer.

UTM's video shows Windows XP running on Apple Vision Pro

The video, which was shared on Twitter by UTM, an Apple virtual machine software, shows Windows XP operating on a replicated Vision Pro. Shown off presumably for the hilarity of running an ancient OS on technology that hasn't even appeared yet, this might imply that additional operating systems will be released in the future.

UTM allows you to run operating systems such as Linux, Windows 10, Windows XP, and others on your Mac. It employs a virtual computing environment to execute the operating system on hardware that would otherwise be used for something else or would take significantly more work to operate natively.

Given that the Vision Pro is built on Mac architecture and uses an M2 processor, it's not surprising that UTM wants to port its computer application across.

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The only way to get UTM on your iPhone or iPad is to jailbreak it or sideload it through AltStore, however, the latter is exclusively available to beta testers who support the creators on Patreon. If you satisfy the prerequisites, you will be able to use an app to access simulated versions of Windows, Linux, and other operating systems.

Videos from UTM's YouTube channel include Windows XP running Half-Life on an iPad and Windows 7 on an iPhone 12 Pro. External keyboards, trackpads, and even an Apple Pencil may be linked via the app. This functionality is not currently available for the Apple Vision Pro.


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  1. Anonymous said on August 10, 2023 at 6:50 pm

    bruh, because this is a plug. You know, advertising. “look look, we can even run xp”. Which is rather warty, though not as much as 95/98/ME and this accomplishment makes more sense to techs than “iTV” buyers, so it is not even very good advertising. Bit more like hackers who get the old doom to run on the display of a “smart” refrigerator. Technical feat, yes, RL practical and getting a worthwhile amount of use, not so much.

    I’m a bit heartbroken atm (yes, the classic: she was lovely and sweet and smiled and didn’t want me when I actually made the advance) so I have a lot of capacity freed up and a mind to keep distracted, so I’ll go on for even for a bait name like ‘bruh’ that screams “explain stuff for me”.
    It is basically a piece to sell that M2 powered iDevice with a TV-sized display and trumpet for a VM vendor in the Mac world. Telling you their VM is so good, that even old shit like XP can run – in so many other words: including all the old stuff the middleaged target audience might have nostalgia about and want to amuse themselves or burden their kids with, like old games from >20 years ago or worse like most of the G.O.G catalogue, without leaving the couch – so you have no reason to leave the walled Apple garden for a Android or Tizen TV with a horrible windows laptop wired up, and you should really get with it and dump that old hardware and get more Apple stuff to stay hip with the right people.
    But, bruh, what do I know, bruh. That would be, like, pandering or something. Surely those upstanding truthful pillars of integrity in advertising and marketing would never stoop to such a thing.
    (satire was in fact included included, but no interpretation nor warranty provided).

    These things are not for the likes of you and me, they targetted at far more mainstream and techignorant consumers. People with little care and so much money that they pay others to take their cares way.
    Or rather take the things they ‘do not care for’ away. It is basically how Apple runs it business, letting money wave all that tech nastiness away. A lot of money, but you get the idea.
    People who are not going to bother with old hardware to run XP, who just want to tap their iApp on their iThing and make it make shit happen for them, bruh.

    But bruh, my bruh, you are in the wrong place if someone has to explain this stuff for you. This is trivial stuff for the likes who used to roam here. You are likely to get trodden on by some of the other elephants next time.

    1. bruh said on August 11, 2023 at 10:25 am

      Anonymous – you really think I’m gonna have an easy time replying to something like this?

      I understand the advertising side of it, but as you rightfully pointed out, I don’t understand the purpose of advertising this particular feature-set/setup, as it does seem like “not very good advertising”. Just a random, quirky “something” which really won’t be used by most people, even if it was – what the hell could you do with it… pass through internet? Would hardly be worth it considering the browser side of things. You’d need a pass-through file sharing to be able to install stuff. And again, you could get decent hardware for very cheap to run this without any abstraction or virtualisation. There is so much work involved in making things work nicely.

      “These things are not for the likes of you and me” most logical thing you said in that amusing reply of yours.

      “People with little care and so much money that they pay others to take their cares way” okay maybe this is quite wise as well.

      “Android or Tizen TV with a horrible windows laptop wired up” not sure the levels of irony here but that does actually sound quite horrible.

      “you are in the wrong place if someone has to explain this stuff for you” Ok, but can this site currently afford the luxury of gatekeeping? I am only here because it is fun, especially to go up against differing opinions.

      Also, name “bruh” is not supposed to be bait, sorry if it seems that way.

  2. bruh said on August 10, 2023 at 2:18 pm

    Question: why? if I wanted to run XP, I would do it on hardware, lol.

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