How to use Kundli GPT AI and learn your "future"

Eray Eliaçik
Aug 3, 2023
Updated • Aug 4, 2023
Misc, Tutorials

Say hello to Kundli GPT AI – a revolutionary fusion of astrology and AI, driven by the power of GPT, promising to offer tailor-made astrological insights like never before.

The term "Kundli," hailing from the ancient Sanskrit language, translates to "birth chart" or "horoscope." This celestial blueprint captures the precise positioning of planets and stars at the moment of your birth, unveiling a treasure trove of information about your inherent characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, talents, potential, challenges, and more.

With the advent of Kundli GPT AI, astrology takes an awe-inspiring leap into the realm of artificial intelligence. Leveraging the prowess of generative pre-trained transformer AI, this tool can generate natural language text based on initial prompts. Drawing from vast volumes of data, the AI gains an unprecedented ability to produce unique and relevant insights across various subjects, including the ancient science of astrology.

Spoiler alert: Whether you are into astrology or not, this tool has the potential to have good times.

How to use Kundli GPT AI and learn your "future"
(Image credit)

This blog post is your gateway to unraveling the magic of Kundli GPT AI. Discover how this AI-powered marvel can enlighten you about your cosmic self, guide you on life's journey, and make profound revelations about the forces shaping your destiny. Whether you're an astrology enthusiast, a curious soul seeking self-awareness, or just wondering about AI chatbots, get ready to delve into a world where ancient wisdom meets futuristic intelligence.

How to use Kundli GPT AI

The Kundli GPT AI tool is extremely user-friendly because of its intuitive layout. You don't have to fill out any forms or register for anything. Here's a step-by-step guide to getting started:

  • Visit Kundli GPT AI.
  • The chatbot will lead you through the steps, as seen in the screenshot. Provide your full name, birth date, and precise time of birth. After that, you'll be prompted to pick your birthplace and precisely pin it on the map.
How to use Kundli GPT AI and learn your "future"
(Image credit)
  • After you've finished adding information, select "Save Details." This tells the Kundli GPT AI that it has all it needs to perform its magic.
  • Then a chat window will open below. You may choose from a pre-made question in the system or submit your own question using this handy interactive feature.
  • The solution is as simple as that! As you type in a question and push "enter," Kundli GPT AI will give you a recommendation based on your horoscope.

Is Kundli GPT not working due to heavy traffic?

If Kundli GPT is not working due to heavy traffic, unfortunately, there are not many solutions that you can use. You actually have two options:

  • Wait: You can try to wait for the traffic to drop and finally use Kundli GPT.
  • Join the waitlist and wait more: If you want to join the waitlist, send 'Hi' to [email protected] and wait for the process.
How to use Kundli GPT AI and learn your "future"
(Image credit)

Yet, you can utilize other resources to keep looking for AI's cosmological insight, such as:

  • ChatGPT:  OpenAI's ChatGPT is an AI that can answer both everyday queries and those linked to astrology. Although it lacks the specificity of some other astrological AIs, its robust linguistic model enables it to offer a natural and engaging approach to learning about astrology via dialogue and exploration.
  • Vedic AstroGPT: Combining traditional Vedic astrology with the cutting-edge features of GPT-3.5, Vedic AstroGPT provides accurate predictions for the future and practical advice for living. Vedic AstroGPT may be used to get insight into every aspect of your life, including academics, relationships, careers, and even your physical and mental health. Question-and-answer services, however, need payment.
  • Google Bard: Google Bard, which provides Kundli charts and predictions based on your birth information, is a wonderful combination of astrology with artificial intelligence. Having a buddy who can skillfully incorporate astrology into a compelling story is like having a companion on the mysterious journey that is life. Google Bard can be an entertaining and informative way to delve into the fascinating world of astrology.
  • Jeffrey Celavie: Discover the fascinating field of artificial intelligence astrology with the help of Jeffrey Celavie. Designed specifically for astrological questions, it is based on well-respected astrological ideas and learns from user input. Jeffrey Celavie provides accurate horoscope readings and assistance in several languages at no cost.

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  1. HaX said on August 5, 2023 at 12:26 am

    It is surprising that you advertise a fraud called astrology. Just like fortune tellers. This is how we are doing… a country of sheep… A resounding failure of the family first, then of the educational system, and finally of the media. We live in a world of information, ignorance and manipulation. And some people are taking advantage of it all…

  2. Anonymous said on August 4, 2023 at 1:10 pm

    “the ancient science of astrology”

    Astrology is not a science, science considers unambiguously that astrology is bullshit.

  3. Toon said on August 4, 2023 at 11:05 am

    This is more like a scam: doesn’t work, tries to connect you to questionable servers etc. AVOID it!

  4. Tom Hawack said on August 3, 2023 at 7:47 pm

    I’ve been into astrology for years … years ago. Astrology, so-called “traditional and scientific”. Not that I’ve denied it but rather that I found out that if my studying was required to have the basis in order to interpret a theme, I didn’t have the talent to develop the equation allowing to interpret in a synthesis way : astrology is not an addition of influences it is a synthesis of contradictions each pondered given hierarchical rules, and that is quite a job. A job that possibly could be in the scope of AI. Possibly.

    By the way, to bounce on the article’s title, astrology never has had the pretension to predict but only to consider influences, all within the hermit’s principle that what is above is as what is under, “as” understood as an analogy : Big Ben and my watch are similar though different to take a childish example.

    I’m curious to discover this Kundli GPT AI, especially to find out how talented it is to qualify for this synthesis I mentioned above, because synthesizing is really a process requiring intelligence as compared to knowledge which requires only memory.

    1. Tom Hawack said on August 3, 2023 at 8:29 pm

      OK, I’ve tried Kundli GPT, or rather tried to try it.

      With default OS and browser settings, after name, date, time and location of birth, this notification:

      “I have received all the information.
      Analyzing your Kundli… ”

      Endlessly. I disabled OS blocklists (using a browser VPN to avoid rebooting Firefox) … and still nothing.
      I disabled several Firefox defenses and set uBO to the minimum (‘noop’ for all) and received a serious warning : Kundi GPT was trying to connect to naughty servers.

      At this point I have no other choice than to consider that this [] doesn’t meet my expectations. To put it mildly.

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