Twitter is just showing everyone all of Elon’s tweets now!

Russell Kidson
Feb 14, 2023
Updated • Feb 14, 2023

As if Twitter users want more Elon Musk on their feeds?! A statement makes its rounds by many users who seem to see Elon tweets predominantly in their “For You” feeds.

Twitter is just showing everyone all of Elon’s tweets now!

Some users report that Elon's Tweets are popping up, even ones that are a few days old. And sometimes, they roll in one after the other (to be clear, I have not personally experienced it), but the disappointment is visible from other user posts.

It happened a few days after Musk shared that the company applied a “bug” fix in a tweet, which resulted in “95%” of Elon’s tweets not delivering at all (again, not everyone experienced this issue)!

Twitter is just showing everyone all of Elon’s tweets now

Elon showed his dry sense of humor as he tweeted a meme (distasteful for many), indicating that he is currently pleased with Twitter's current behavior, which is in Elon Musk Tweet overload. You would think being famous (or reasonably) on Twitter doesn’t seem to be quite enough for him!

The algorithmic “For You” feed isn’t the user's default feed anymore, and you need to switch to “Following,” where a chronological list of tweets will appear from those you follow, and you can skip being Musked.

10:11 AM · Feb 14, 2023 @elonmusk

"Please stay tuned while we make adjustments to the uh .… “algorithm." 

But that makes me wonder what “adjustments” Musk is referring to, and would it mean solving the issue of perhaps adding some more MUSK to users' “For You” feeds?

I am holding my thumbs that the rest of us remain Elon Tweet-free!


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  1. Iain said on February 14, 2023 at 9:31 pm

    Can we stick to real tech news and tips please? ?

    1. JoSi said on February 14, 2023 at 10:29 pm


  2. Yash said on February 14, 2023 at 8:07 pm

    No twitter account so no elon!

  3. John G. said on February 14, 2023 at 5:52 pm

    Now we can relax ourselves, probably.

  4. Dennis said on February 14, 2023 at 5:13 pm

    I’m utterly loving the new Twitter 2.0 — it’s so refreshing.

    It’s got a few bugs to be worked out, but it’s getting better everyday.

    I’ve all but abandoned the filtered state media for my news lately! Musk is a true humanitarian and an absolute genius!

    I even have an account now!

  5. Tachy said on February 14, 2023 at 5:12 pm

    Can we just start calling it “Musker” already?


    “We love comments and welcome thoughtful and civilized discussion. Rudeness and personal attacks will not be tolerated. Please stay on-topic.”

  6. Kalmly said on February 14, 2023 at 5:09 pm

    Hello Russell. I just stopped by to verify my expectations. Sure enough, you lived down to them. No matter. Except for me, you are talking to an empty room.

    1. LOLOLOLOLOL said on February 15, 2023 at 12:03 pm

      So Kalmly, what was the last positive contribution you’ve made to society of late?

      Someone remove this troll’s post.

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