Vivaldi introduces Tab Renaming, drag-and-drop management for downloads, and more

Aug 29, 2024

Vivaldi browser has been updated to version 6.9, and it comes with a slew of improvements. Let's take a look at the new features in the latest version.

Tab Rename in Vivaldi

Version 6.9 adds an option that lets you rename your tabs to whatever you want. To do this, just right-click on a tab and select the rename option from the context menu, and give the tab a name. It can be useful to mark tabs with an easy to identify name, rather than to view their full title, which is often hidden by the tab bar.

Vivaldi rename tab stack

Rename also supports Tab Stacks (tab groups), so now you can organize your tab collections in a more efficient way. You can split up your groups by topics like Work, Sports, News, Social, Gaming, etc. Of course, it may be better to create Workspaces to keep your Work and Personal life isolated, but tab groups can be helpful for all scenarios. And the rename feature works with both tab bar styles, i.e. regular view and the vertical sidebar.

Drag-and-drop downloaded files

You can now manage your downloaded files directly from Vivaldi's interface. This can be handy when you want to move a downloaded file to a different directory, all you need to do is to drag it from the Downloads panel and drop it on to the folder where it needs to go, this can be your desktop, a folder, or email or even inside a document (for example: images). Drag-and-drop supports multiple files, in case you want to move several files in one go.

Synced Tabs in the Windows Panel

The Windows Panel in the browser now highlights tabs that are open in your connected devices. In order to use this, you will need a Vivaldi account, sign in to it, and enable Sync on both devices. When you access the Windows Panel on your PC, Vivaldi will list the tabs that are opened on your other device, like your phone or laptop, in a separate category that is labeled as "Synced Tabs". Each device has its own nested tree structure. Click on a tab to access it directly on your computer.  You can right-click on a synced tab to copy the link or to bookmark it, but you cannot close a tab from the PC.

Vivaldi synced tabs windows panel

The announcement from the company notes that there are some improvements to Vivaldi Mail and Calendar. The article lists the bugs that were resolved, the update includes 40+ fixes that patch the stability and performance of the tools. The improvements to tab management are subtle, yet welcome changes.

Vivaldi for Windows on ARM

Vivaldi is now available for Windows on ARM, it also supports Copilot+ PCs powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite and Snapdragon X Plus processors. The ARM version of the browser comes with all the bells and whistles that are available in the desktop version, plus it is optimized to run efficiently on ARM-based devices like Surface and other portable devices.

Download Vivaldi 6.9 and try the new features on your desktop.

Vivaldi introduces Tab Renaming, drag-and-drop management for downloads, and more
Article Name
Vivaldi introduces Tab Renaming, drag-and-drop management for downloads, and more
Vivaldi 6.9 lets you rename tabs and tab stacks, adds drag-and-drop management for downloads, synced tabs.
Ghacks Technology News

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  1. MilestoneThree said on August 29, 2024 at 10:38 pm

    Great update and good to see ARM version released to stable. Wish they made this in Gecko instead of Chromium though.

  2. Dennis said on August 29, 2024 at 8:23 pm

    Vivaldi on Android is mostly nice but it’s been always somewhat buggy for me……

    When a new release comes out something gets fixed and something else gets broken, it seems….

    1. Allwynd said on September 3, 2024 at 5:53 am

      Its ad block sucks. Even if you add custom filters, all uBlock and AdGuard ones for example, it still doesn’t block all ads, some cookie promots and on many websites where I watch free movoes, cartoons or anime, it doesn’t block rogue pop ups..

      Brave on Android does it without me adding any custom filters.

      Even better would be Kiwi, but it gets updates too scarcely. Last one was version 124 from April 2024, not good.

      I’ve only seen Brave and Kiwi as good, because they have two very important features I can’t go without:

      – very strong content blocking
      – background play

      Unless a browser can play sound in the background uninterrupted, I can’t use it.

  3. bruh said on August 29, 2024 at 6:27 pm

    I can’t believe the giant spacing on the right click context menu. On the other hand, the “windows panel” and all of it’s surrounding icons looks immensely cramped.

    Being able to operate on tabs is cool though, but if I really love a webpage tab I just save an offline copy of it, and then you can manage those in file explorer, if you want to get really serious.

  4. wally said on August 29, 2024 at 2:41 pm

    “Tab Renaming” Wahoo! Been waiting patiently for this.

    1. bruh said on August 29, 2024 at 6:22 pm

      username checks out

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