LastPass no longer listed on the Chrome Web Store

LastPass customers and new users searching for password managers on Google's Chrome Web Store may have noticed that the LastPass extension for Google Chrome is currently no longer listed on the store.
A search for LastPass returns other extensions but not LastPass which is not listed in the Store at the time of writing; this comes days after some LastPass customers experienced issues when they tried to log into their accounts.
LastPass released a statement on Monday in which it provided information about the outage. According to the information, it was an "isolated issue" and not a "widespread outage".
Over the weekend, a small group of LastPass users may have experienced error messages when attempting to log into their accounts. The LastPass team identified the isolated issue, confirmed it was not a widespread outage, and it has been completely resolved. All services are now working, and no user action is needed.
The official company blog provides no information on the removal of the Chrome extension. The Firefox extension is still listed on Mozilla AMO.
The company's official Twitter account offers no information but the LastPass Support account does. Two messages were posted that provide information on the issue. The first states that the company is aware of the missing extension and that it is working on resolving the issue.
We are aware that our Chrome extension is currently unavailable in the Chrome Web Store and working to remedy the situation. We apologize for any frustration.
The second message provides additional details. According to the post, LastPass removed the extension from the Chrome Web Store accidentally.
The LastPass extension in the Chrome Web Store was accidentally removed by us and we are working with the Google team to restore it ASAP. You can still access your Vault by signing in on our website. Thank you for your understanding and patience in the meantime.
It appears that Google and LastPass are working on resolving the issue. LastPass users may access their passwords in installed extensions or by opening the Vault on the official website.
LogMeIn, the parent company of LastPass, announced in 2019 that it will be acquired by a private equity firm.
Now You: Are you a LastPass user?

Use Roboform – have for years. Works on iOS just fine. Use the extension on Firefox and Chromium Edge. There support is via email but they’ve been responsive as far as I am concerned. To my knowledge they’ve never been hacked.
Thanks, good to see some reason (s) for LP in Chrome as extension. Long time LP user and have signed up for several alternatives. Lately getting lots of “Sorry can’t reach our servers right now & you are working offline”. Ignored for week or two thinking that would end, didn’t. Now see this.
Well that’s enough. Bitwarden import of LP database seems easiest way outa possible bigger mess, and of course that LP hacking isn’t worth further sticking with it.
No one seems to have mentioned old Roboform (few $ for full use last I checked). Don’t know if it still exists. Dashlane mentioned but don’t think many have gone with it – had big hype launch.
Bitwarden opensource ,you can host Bitwarden stack yourself if you want.
Bitwarden store and use data on Microsoft Azure Cloud,they have no own server infrastructure.
I have been using Bitwarden for one year its ok,i have lastpass also.
Switched from LP to BitWarden long time ago myself after trying a few others. LP has had a few issues and has slowly gone downhill for nearly 10 years now. Selling to an equity investment firm means the originators of LP and LogMeIn (LP parent company for years now) will be cashing out. The new owners being an equity investment firm will concentrate on profits for themselves and for new owners when they cash out or take on additional investors, mostly just bean counters watching only the bottom line and not the back door, so expect price increases.
Used Lastpass for nearly a decade now, WAS (past tense) the Best. Had nothing but grief since this new company bought them out. Lost over Four HUNDRED (400) pcs of critical data. LITERALLY set me back just a little over 14mos! Still cant get into the account. Just afraid to go thru the same crap again with another less or unknown….
STILL cant get Lastpass to work on my Tab S4. Its been almost EIGHT MONTHS!
Getting to hate this internet sh*t.
Tens of thousands of ppl out of work, but you CANT get, Google, Facebook, Craigslist, Lastpass, and about 4 others on the phone! HUGE Multimillion dollar companies that we cant reach (a REAL Human by telephone)? BS
That is NOT a CUSTOMER SERVICE company. That is a FOR PROFIT company. Screw you little man, Tens of Thousands more from where you (you & I) came from- is their attitude!
They can say what they want. Actions are louder than words!
We just get days and days and days and days and…. of UNRESOLVED problems that will Not get fixed.
Why the h*ll do I/we put up with this crap?
Seriously, WHY?
I switched to Bitwarden about a month ago and still have LastPass installed just in case. However, I have not had the need to use it since I switched… So likely it will be installed shortly.
Currently using KeepassXC because I don’t want/need cloud storage. If I want ot use Bitwarden I need to host it if I don’t want tthe cloud? Seems like a lot of work to me just to keep it local.
Think it came back last night it in the AM sometime. I installed the extension already…Two machines, even.
Waiting for the widespread adoption of SQRL (Secure Quick Reliable Log-in)
and then we can leave this password foolishness in the dustbin.
It was there 1/24/20 1:40 pm
Kinda one of the reasons I don’t use a password manager. It introduces variables of vulnerabilities with using the service.
-Is the service going to be there for a while
-What happens to all of my info if this service gets hacked
-Can I trust that my credentials are secure
-What happens if my master password gets cracked
These are things I do not wish to attempt to deal with, so I created my own system of how I create passwords to the point where I can still log into a site if I haven’t used it in years thanks to this system I created for myself.
With today’s issues regarding stolen passwords, I thought to have LastPass was the way to go. But after experiencing issues logging in, I realized that my account was not working across all of my devices. Thanks to those who recommended Bitwarden.
I made the switch to Bitwarden a while back. I kept having issues with my web browsers slowing down on everything. My friends didn’t have the same issue. It turned out that LastPass was the only difference between our configs. I removed it from my browsers and the issue went away. After that I did some digging and discovered Bitwarden. Then I decided to test it out which honestly hasn’t ended. It’s been a year now and I haven’t looked back. I imported my LastPass database into Bitwarden and that was all there was to it.
Ofcourse I’m a lastpass user. I’m not aware of this news before. Should I be worried and remove the current version addon?
You can access Lastpass without internet connections. I’m a merchant seaman without wifi or data out at sea and it works perfectly fine. You just have to hit the Offline switch and if you have an iphone you can turn on Facerecognition or fingerprint to sign in also.
I moved from last pass to Blur the first time last pass changed ownership, about 4 or 5 years ago. Abine, Inc. is and has always been a privacy advocate and developed Blur (formerly Do Not Track me, or DNT) to block website trackers. Blur is heads and tails above most of the best PW managers out there in terms of customer service, both for free and premium accounts, and simply blows every other in the same niche out of the water in terms of all the services available, again both to free and premium accounts. I was an F2P member for two years before going premium; as a former sales rep I’m a hard sell. The breadth of services available for free stacked with consistently great customer service, plus what was/is available to premium members for a paltry ~40 bucks a year added ridiculous value to a service that in my opinion is already amazing. I’ve not yet seen another service that gives a password manager on its level as well as phone masking, email, making and a tracker blocker that blocks EVERY single ad on both my PC and my phone, and sports a troubleshooting/operation AI that allows me to customize every aspect of Blur on the fly. They’re also partnered with Duck Duck Go and you can search and browse the web right from the Blur app. Is it perfected? Nope. Does it work better than anything I’ve ever used? Yup. And it’s the only (to my knowledge) app like it that was created and developed by a long standing advocate of individual privacy, and is still owned and operated by its creator company, Abine, Inc. All the features I mentioned above are free. With premium you get quicker customer service response and credit card masking services. The phone masking services alone is worth what I pay for everything. All that wrapped in a professional package run and developed by a privacy advocate is well worth the pitance in annual fees. Abine, Inc also offers a separate service which removes member names and personal info from all the major creepy background check sites, aptly named “Delete Me”. IIRC, you get the first week after signing up as free account, as a premium member for free, so you can test the premium service. I do NOT get anything whatsoever for this word of mouth. I simply believe that strongly about the app and its developer. Cheers! ðŸ»
For Clarity:
Free gives PW Manager, masked emails, tracker blocking
$39/yr Premium adds masked phone #s (how many, idk) , backup & sync (critical for using across multiple devices), and allows purchase of masked CCards ($2/card +1.5% fee over $100)
$99/yr Premium adds 2 masked CCards free per month
Not Clear:
If there is any PW sharing mechanism
If there is a limit to the number of devices
Long time user of LastPass. Have always felt secure. It’s working fine on my W10, Brave, Chrome, Android, Never ware. Now, all these comments here are making me terribly nervous. God only knows what you guys comment are knowledgeable or just trying to be an expert.
Terribly confused user…
I’m of totally opposite opinion. Personally, I’m afraid of my own hubris, my own pride failing me, and I’m reassured to have an outside party responsible. In worst case scenarios, I have possible remedies, like joining a class action lawsuit. Whereas if I do something stupid or careless with my own servers, I can only beat myself up. A lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client, and that applies to computer security as well as law. PS I left LastPass a few months ago, I’m defending the business model, not the company.
Martin, thanks for all the work you do here.
Is there a place I can send links to articles I think you might like?
I say that because I just saw an article on IE 11 Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability
I was an early adopter of LastPass but after two publicized security breaches, I decided to return to using KeePass as my Password Manager. I just use SpiderOak to sync the database across devices.
Its back on the Chrome Web Store BuckO.
I dont know what their server problem was because it never stopped working for me.
I thought service had been degrading for a while and a few months ago I switched to dashlane which seemed to get me back some of the features I thought we degraded. No majic bullet though.. some sites and apps still have issues.
Thank @jake for Bitwarden and @Busted Stuff for recollection of Xmarks… I almost forgot how I became a LastPass user.
Guys who rely on their own servers… well, if you believe your own one server is more stable and unbreakable than the one belongs to a company that makes business on it. Okay :)
Long time user. Not having the extension in the webstore is only a problem if you need to set it up again.
I did notice a background update fairly recently (puts an unwanted shortcut on the desktop every time it updates). An unstated issue is a concern but past experience indicates software companies sort these out fairly quickly. The issue will most likely turn out be be nothing but one more over-blown mini-dramas that happen far too freqeuntly in the software industry.
Has LastPass improved since I stared using it years ago? No. I used to be able to set it to automatic logon and every site did exactly that. Automated password update fails on some sites. Security challenge keeps telling me “Your master password is very weak because it is similar to a password in your LastPass vault”. My Master passwords is 14 characters, high proportion of number some letters, mixed case and special characters. The email password it says it is similar to is 12 character long, mostly letter, mixed case some numbers and no special characters. Two numbers at the same in each but they do not appear together. No letters are the same. In other words, they are nothing alike. Security check also repeated advise of a website security breach to a website in 2017. Not long after the breach I updated password. Days later I contacted the site administrators and demanded account removed. After waiting the stated time. I tested logon again and received an error message indicating the account had been closed. That done, I removed references to the account in Lastpass. There are other annoyances as well. However, ‘devil you know’ principal applies. Despite increasing disenchantment, it does get the passwords and logons right (albeit, not with original ease). I am not planning to migrate yest.
I like Keeper Security, they have a great, easy to use service. The only thing I don’t like about Keeper, is it’s not as easy to fill in sites I’m trying to get into.
Sticky Notes or a standalone manager.
I wouldn’t put anything critical in a browser; browser companies constantly fiddle with them and they’re designed to follow everything you do.
Irresponsible and childish article title
Thank you for your opinion.
Moved our company to Keeper one week ago. Continuous issues from various users with LastPass. Keeper is 1/3 the cost for Enterprise accounts and they have USA-based telephone technical support.
Maybe now that it’s being acquired, it will improve. Companies don’t spend 4.3 billion dollars to let a product stagnate. The company has claimed that it will be putting substantial resources into the products, but didn’t say how much would go toward LastPass specifically, or whether there would be other changes (free vs paid components for example.) There’s no guarantee of course, but it might make sense to see what happens. If it improves, great. If not, it will be easy enough to migrate to another solution. But it doesn’t make sense for me to migrate based on what hasn’t happened yet.
So basically on windows 10 you use chrome, chrome and chrome? Because codebase for all 3 of them is chromium…
As for LastPass, I stopped using it when it was first hacked years ago ( )and password databases (although encrypted) leaked online… Nowadays I use bitwarden, and consider storing database on my own server as bitwarden can do that…
Switched to Bitwarden a while ago and never looked back
What is the best way to clean my information from their servers?
I just switched to Bitwarden after the sticker shock of $36.00 USD to renew LastPass Premium. It was the straw that broke the camels back and their outages are becoming commonplace.
Importing everything from LastPass to Bitwarden only took a few minutes. Best of all Bitwarden has free 2FA Google Authenticator TOTP. A service I had to pay for on LastPass. I actually use Yubico Authenticator where the seed is stored on my YubiKey rather than a phone.
The very first-morning using Bitwarden at work LastPass was having yet another outage and it felt great not to be affected.
You also have access offline with Lastpass… Of course, the redesign that happened a while ago is annoying and the fact is that it is sold to a private company, but this is not a complaint. You are depending on sync capabilities by using a server (Google Drive) just as much as Lastpass servers for syncing between devices. Both Lastpass and Safeincloud encrypt your data on the device before sending/storing it in servers anyways.
That said, both are proprietary unlike Bitwarden (though Lastpass and Bitwarden have received audits and Lastpass extension can be analyzed as it is javascript). If you use Safeincloud, you can switch to Bitwarden (which although you can use their servers, there is also a on-premise version where you host it on your own server. Not as convenient as Safeincloud but Bitwarden is open sources and allows you to host everything if you want that). If you want a model similar to yours, use Keepass (which is only officially available on Windows, while other forks of it are available for macOS, Linux, Android, etc) which is open source and has passed an audit. You can then store the database anywhere including Google Drive.
I am a LP user from very early days. I also am concerned about the sale. However I have tried Dashlane, 1pass, and Bitwarden. Usually I got frustrated trying to learn the quirks of the new product. For me, the IOS integration isn’t great anywhere. iCloud certainly is easiest but then how do you handle my windows desktop? Security using lp is good, just more concerned about future support. Any others to suggest ?
I’ve been using LastPass for several years. Overall it works well enough. But as other comments have noted, the user experience has slowly degraded over time. I’ve read more than one recommendation for Bitwarden. I suspect I’ll be moving over to it in the not too distant future…
Not sure if related, but the Chrome extension has a bug where it just stops working. The only recourse is to remove and reinstall when this happens. I’ve become so fed up with it that I report the extension for abuse when I uninstall. Google asks if you want to report an extension for abuse when you uninstall. One of the reasons for abuse is “does not work”.
Well, the thing regularly stops working so I felt no compunction with using that report reason. Again, they have not copped to this being the reason, and perhaps it is not, but it still makes me laugh. They need to get it together. Private equity is NOT going to help.
I’m afraid these outages are indicative of rearranging either the hardware or the staff that supports LastPass. I’m moving my web logins to Firefox. Not sure what to do about a more comprehensive solution. Probably one of the local store solutions together with rsync.
i use safeincloud !! my db is crypted in my google drive and i can have access offline!! not in server somewhere to depend on!!!
>> my db is crypted in my google drive
>> not in server somewhere to depend on!!!
Google drive = Google server. No?
I was a longtime LastPass user into recently. They completely screwed up my Enterprise account and could not resolve the issues. I’ve moved to 1Password which is better on the Enterprise side, but it’s UI is interior to LaatPass, I must say. But LastPass is turning into a disaster of a company and those new equity owners will likely kill it if it continues to deteriorate and lose customers (which I suspect it will).
LastPass is working fine for me on Android and Win10 Chrome, Edge and Brave.
LastPass no longer listed on the Chrome Web Store but available for Firefox on AMO, surprisingly? Maybe not if we consider it’s been removed from the Chrome Web Store by LastPass itself (“The LastPass extension in the Chrome Web Store was accidentally removed by us”) which I barely understand.
I don’t use LastPass myself. Nearly 10MB (Firefox extension) for managing passwords, cloud located even if locally encrypted/decrypted is not my cup of tea. Most valuable system-wide password managers exist. Here I use Firefox’s built-in password manager with Master Password enabled and I do not include logins to highly confidential sites.
I’m a LAST PASS user, and I hate the fact that I can’t see my passwords! What’s the point? That is so aggravating because I don’t want to come close to any other password, you know? I just don’t get it. Maybe I’m not understanding it.
Longtime Lastpass user here. I rarely use Chrome and my Lastpass is already installed so the issue in this story doesn’t affect me. But I think the Lastpass experience has degraded over time and I’m likely to be switching sometime soon. In Firefox there are often sites where it acts buggy or simply refuses to autofill my username and password. In Android it doesn’t autofill even though I’ve specifically set it to do so – and every time it fails it gives me an error message which re-routes me to my settings so that I can change the settings to allow it to autofill – which were already set to do so…an endless cycle.
Now that Lastpass has been sold for the second time in just a few years I’m certain the experience will not improve (and frankly I’m still bitter they killed XMarks). 1Password seems the obvious solution here for multi-platform use and ease of administration – not just for me but for less tech-savvy family members who will have their own accounts as well.
I had the same endless cycle issue the whole time I had a Huawei phone, since switching to a Samsung I no longer have that issue. I think it was a phone issue, not an app issue.
Maybe it has to do with the launcher skin and it may interfere with password forms? Idk I am not a developer.
I’m not a LastPass user, because I avoid any applications that depend on a server I don’t control in order to continue to work. This is not a criticism of LastPass, but of the entire business model.
I see enough instances of outages, unexpected changes, and the introduction of surprise bugs, and security/data collection issues to keep me far away from software like this.
Just searched Lastpass on Chrome Web Store a few minutes ago and I found the extension.
Use the built in password management on chrome browser
Can you pls tell us what other viable options to store credentials? If we wanted to avoid online password managers
There are quite a number of offline password managers. I’m not familiar with the vast majority of them, and I don’t know your requirements, so I can’t really make a recommendation. What I personally do, though, is use UPM on Android. It’s offline and fully encrypted. It isn’t a browser plugin and won’t automatically fill password fields or anything, so if that feature is important to you, then this isn’t the solution you’re looking for.
If you have the app you can use it offline. Any changes made in other instances (say, on your phone app), won’t show up in other instances until the next sync.
I’m a long time Lastpass user. I use both personal and enterprise accounts and it’s really concerning that Lastpass will be sold to a private entity. What alternatives do you suggest in case we want to move away from Lastpass?
LastPass is already owned by a private entity
Given all the pro-BitWarden discussions here, I am curious, are those reporting that they use BitWarden hosting their own instances of it, or using the version hosted by BitWarden?
The company that owned it previously was private so why do you think that it will make a difference when the new private equity company takes over?
Bitwarden. And I am moving to Dashlane because they offer theft protection and some other advanced features with their Premium service.
If you are a Unix (macOS or Linux) user the most secure password manager is pass (
It GPG encrypts your passwords and stores them on your computer. If you want to sync passwords across devices you use Git.
It’s a small program but if you are technical with computers I would recommend using it.
Dashlane. Much more secure and professional outfit.
Firefox if you don’t save things like credit card details but just website passwords. You can access passwords from Firefox (also on Android) or from their dedicated mobile apps.
Swapped to bit warden for a while now. For first few months kept last pass active just in case but then decided there wad no need. Bitwarden keeps my passwords synced and available on an off line across mutliple devices. It feels secure and easy to use. it’s free and puts the focus on security and an outstanding user experience.
Buttercup is another good open-source alternative.
Bitwarden is open source and it sync all your password free.
@jake Good one! I’m going to try to replace my Lastpass to Bitwarden.
Any soft can have it’s own bugs tho.
Another vote for bitwarden, very good password manager.
I switched from LastPass to bitwarden two months ago and never looked back
I second jake’s opinion, Bitwarden is awesome. The yearly premium plan is just 10 bucks, I subscribed just to support them, then I found out that the paid version includes a TOTP “2-step verification” feature like Google Authenticator, also synced across all devices.
Yup. I’m another LastPass -> Bitwarden user. It’s so much less buggy, esp. on the web.
After switching, LastPass suddenly felt like 1990s software with a thousand bits from the 2000s bolted on.
I also use Bitwarden with Last pass. It don’t hurt to have a back up acct just in case
Is it working offline?
What if you need passwords for your system without internet connection? (keys or other encrypted documents)