Opera introduces new workspaces feature in Opera 67

Opera Software introduced a new feature, called Workspaces, in the latest developer version of the Opera web browser for desktop operating systems. Opera 67 Developer comes with built-in support for Workspaces, a feature that resembles virtual desktops and also Firefox's container feature to a degree.
The main idea behind Workspaces is to separate websites and web apps into different groups. Opera users could use a workspace for work-related activity, one for social media, and another for shopping or entertainment. Unlike containers in Firefox, Workspaces do not separate the browsing data but may improve tab management in the web browser.
Opera Software says the feature is experimental at this point in time; features may change and while the company seems inclined to improve Workspaces in future versions of the browser, there is no guarantee at this point.
Opera 67 displays two workspaces by default in the sidebar that users may switch between easily. The two work areas display tabs opened in them only and the switching happens near instantly.
The first experimental version of the feature lacks several customization options and interactivity options. It is not possible to create more workspaces or change their icons in this version. Opera Software plans to introduce the functionality in future versions. Another feature that is missing is the ability to push tabs from one workspace to another; it is however possible to use the built-in search, using Ctrl-Space, to find tabs open in the web browser. Keyboard shortcuts are not support either at this point in time.
Opera users who don't want to use the functionality may disable it with a right-click on the web browser's sidebar and the deselection of the two workspaces placed there. Open tabs are retained in the workspaces if Opera is configured to restore the previous browsing session and Exit is selected from the Opera menu.
Closing words
The main benefit of the browser's Workspaces feature is better manageability of open tabs in the browser. Opera users may use it to separate their activity visually and it may also be useful to hide activity in places in which someone might catch a glimpse of the screen.
Workspaces is no Containers feature on the other hand and it does not appear that Opera Software plans to evolve it into one.
Now You: What is your first impression of the Workspaces feature in Opera 67 Dev? (via Deskmodder)

Containers in FireFox provides a URL check. When you enter a URL that is assigned to be opened in a container, the user is prompted to confirm that there is desire to open the URL’s webpage in a container. A user expecting to experience the prompt is inadvertently screening the URL for typos. It’s a good way to avoid stumbling into a webpage spoofing the expected webpage.
It’s one of those annoying, fussy little features that nobody asked for, nobody wants, nobody needs, but some idiot developer thought would be cool. Opera then decided that people would really come to love it, if they could only get to know it, and so imposed it on their users and buried the box to turn it off somewhere deep in Advanced Settings.
Would have been better if the workspaces had cookie containers so I could actually keep the workspaces separate. I didn’t even know the feature was there until I had been using Opera for 6 months so the feature is clearly not obtrustive or shoved down anyone’s throat. Don’t be so dramatic.
Using severals profiles is far better that all this containers & workspaces stuff!
With dedicated addons & different settings for defaut profile, email profile, shopping profile, indiana jones profiles, streaming profiles, “I wish I was an hacker” profile, test profile etc.
Between work, shopping, and play, I use separate computers, routers, VPNs, browsers, names and accounts. That’s the best way to keep all that separated.
Yet if you don’t care much about privacy and security, then whatever works for you is likely an acceptable illusion.
Yeah, the official Firefox Multi-Account Containers add-on : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/multi-account-containers/
seems far more functional and intentional. Splits cookies, cache and settings into containers like “Personal”, “Work”, “Shopping”. Pretty useful way to silo site data, if you ask me.
Basically like “multiple desktops”… I liked the idea when I first installed Linux and forced myself to use it, not because I needed it, but because it was there and I thought it was cool. Then Windows 10 added it, again I forced myself to use it for like 2 days, because I thought it was cool, but now I don’t use it, because it’s not really that much of an useful feature.
I’m not going to use that one in Opera either. I wish they could add some more UI customization so more buttons can be removed from the main bar instead.
Seems like a rather half baked idea if it doesn’t separate cookies etc. Wouldn’t it have been better to link in to profiles to create the workspaces then everything would have been seperated?
Opera has been half-baked since they were sold. Unlike a lot of folks, I’m not as upset about WHO bought them, but the last year or so, the browser has become increasingly riddled with bugs, slower on Chromium updates, and “new” features have been released to the stable channel when they still feel like they belong in beta or dev. I have zero confidence that this “workspaces” idea won’t be buggy and half-baked when it is released. Buggy and half-baked are what Opera now is.
True, I hope they will eventually realize this. In the current form it’s not that useful
I waiting for when they have Workspaces for Workspaces.
I haven’t used Workspaces yet, but the more I use Opera for various needs, the more impressed I am with the browser.