Oath's privacy policy is a privacy nightmare

If you are an AOL or Yahoo user, then you better take note that Oath, the new Verizon-owned parent company of AOL and Yahoo, has published an updated its privacy policy.
The privacy policy, which you may access here, gives Oath lots of rights to collect, process and share data. Emails and instant messages may be scanned, data may be collected and shared with Verizon or partners.
Algorithms may scan emails to deliver targeted advertising to users, Oath may read attachments, pull and use EXIF data from uploaded images or videos, or analyze "user content around certain interactions with financial institutions".
Here are the keypoints:
- Oath states that it "analyzes and stores all communications content, including email content from incoming and outgoing mail" and attachments.
- It may collect information from devices including "device specific identifiers and information such as IP address, cookie information, mobile device and advertising identifiers, browser version, operating system type and version, mobile network information, device settings, and software data".
- The automated analysis of content may include EXIF data and Oath may use algorithms to identify and tag "scenes, color, best crop coordinates, text, actions, objects, or public figures".
- Oath may share the data with parent company Verizon
- Oath may share "aggregated or pseudonymous information" with partners but it notes that it does not share personally identifiable information with partners.
Yahoo did scan the emails of Yahoo Mail users previously for advertising purpose already just like Google did on Gmail until last year.
AOL's previous privacy policy did not state anything about scanning emails.
The scanning and reading is primarily done to deliver targeted ads to Oath's userbase based on interests identified during the scans. Oath may use the data for other purposes, security or research are mentioned specifically, as well.
The main issue from a privacy perspective is that more data is gathered now thanks to Oath being the parent of Yahoo and AOL, and that Oath may share that data (or part of it) with Verizon or partners.
AOL or Yahoo Mail users can check out the privacy controls on the Oath website to opt-out of interest-based advertising and control other privacy related features such as search and content preferences.
It is probably a good idea to switch to email providers like Startmail, Posteo or ProtonMail, and to switch to different search and service providers as well.
Now You: What's your take on the updated privacy policy?

Another fine example of fake security at the expense of privacy, so lose lose scenario for users.
Yet, I bet no ones boycotted these ding bats because it is not convenient.
So scary… the web is getting worse everyday.
The web is not getting worse every day, its been terrible for any security from inception right down to the protocols which aren’t upgraded and haven’t been upgraded since they first came to be, just other layers added ontop which if one determined hacker can bypass by hacking the lower level protocols.
What has gotten worse is data collection and profiteering from selling user data to whoever will buy it.
Just came across Oaths EU privacy policy following a link to tumblr.
Lifes too short to jump through that many hoops. I’d probably find the same or similar content elsewhere. So its a big fat NOPE and close the page from me.
I won’t use any website that’s part of Oath – their cookie notice is intentionally designed to be confusing and make it difficult to make an informed choice. Other websites offer a simple option to turn cookies off (or choose to accept them). Oath is intentionally being tricky, just like another website I saw that made it look like advertising and tracking cookies were off but had hidden a load in the list.
Really interested in this topic as I think Oath may be breaking the GDPR as it stands. By forcing you to “agree” to be able to access talktalk webmail and then offering a *subsequent* opt-out option, isn’t that putting compulsory before voluntary, including with existing users who had no option but to agree to keep access to their webmail??
I have tried to exercise my opt-out of personalised advertisiing rights with Oath and it is not so simple. First attempt only got rid of 34 users leaving over 70. Second attempt got rid of another 60.. After five attempts there are still said by their interface to be 8 advertising companies who have not registered that I wish to opt out. Where does one go from there?
I am taking an oath to leve yahoo unless they take an oath to stop forcefeeding me that junkified page splash every time I visit the site.
I may even grab a few of their email addresses and sign them up to a few dirty dating sites beforehand
oath ceo watch your mailbox pmsl
Now this is the first sensible thing Ive read in a long time. Hlarious and well deserved for these jerk offs.
Take time to file a FCC complaint this posting will be part of my filing. In my case AOL/Verizon/Oath reps stated before I signed if I did not sign the new user agreement I would lose use. Which in my case included professional material. i.e. Prior to signing (dont sign it) I balked after reading the minimal but telling detail provided indicating scanning content,attachment,texts etc. The threat of losing professional content after using aol for 20 years at that moment while also in the midst of several projects placed me in a very precarious position and duress. In my view a concerted effort to monetize this merger including also the deception described further below.
After signing I sought to rescind within minutes of signing as immediately upon signing the loss of the GUI (graphic user interface) immediately followed A loss not included to my knowledge within the notification. One can imagine Congress likely under the cover of night eliminated our rights of rescission as well. From there over several days seeking to rescind and restore capability and also contend with numerous technical conflicts; AOL/Verizon/Oath proceeded to blame Apple software i.e. once proceeding this bogus company eliminated capability to access AOL email via my I phone 6 embedded within the device’s software. Within minutes of signing such a bogus agreement and under duress and threat and losing content with also the loss of the GUI; I was forced to contend with numerous non native english speaking time wasters propelling the deception and BS obviously planned in advance in my view..
Either way the Verizon/Oath objective appears to force subscriptions for use, force subscriptions for technical support under the guise this subscription worthless in my view as said experts have been unable to resolve technical lapses. In my case today still unresolved after paying for a 24/7 tech support subscription. Topped off by a technical staff that will waste your time for 20 minutes or more before even discussing the nature of the techincal matter. i.e. this deceptive company advertised a 24/7 service subscription then upon clearly demonstrating the lack of technical capability have now claimed I must contact a number not posted on their website Mon-Fri 10am EST that does not field calls.
SHAME on you Verizon/AOL/Oath however expletives are more appropriate.
Re demands of AOL/Yahoo/Verizon to sign OATH: Thanks for the informative responses. I do have a question. I’m an elder, using AOL for light emails, theater and plane tickets, and use Google as server, but wish to not use AOL and it’s Yahoo email anymore. But what other server can I use in NYC where we have Verizon as a Broadband? What other email server can I use other than AOL? I need email server can I use, if I use Verizon’s Broadband in NYC? I don’t use wifi, only use Verizon’s Ethernet or Broadband. Thanks for responses.
In light of the Supreme Court’s decision a few days ago which placed Corporate America’s “Mandatory Arbitration” above common peoples legal rights we, the common people, have no recourse: either accept Oath’s new customer agreement or stop using Yahoo.
It sucks.
Yahoo has been around for awhile and like most Yahoo users I have tons of old emails (pop3) I’d like to keep on my local drives.
From what I can tell the best solution is to install Thunderbird and then download all your Yahoo folders. But – that brings a lot of questions:
1. do you configure Thunderbird for pop or imap?
2. do you leave yahoo in pop3 mode for the transfer or upgrade Yahoo to imap before the transfer?
3. how do you correctly configure Thunderbird?
4. how do you copy folders from Yahoo to Thunderbird?
Can anyone help?
>In light of the Supreme Court’s decision a few days ago which placed Corporate America’s “Mandatory Arbitration” above common peoples legal rights we, the common people, have no recourse:
You do, dont use yahoo or oath anywhere, plenty MFA out there that dont use oauth
Set up a gmail account, select all emails from your yah-poo account and forward them there.
That is what I’m doing,
I’m taking an oath to leave yah-poo
That doesnt change anything, since the yahoo emails still scanned from yahoo servers before they are forwarded elsewhere, what this achieves is double scanning, since Google also does the same for the same purposes.
Question please. I’ve seen quite a few people comment (on this site and others) that there is the option to opt-out of the targeted adverstising. But doesn’t that just mean that they will still scan your emails and such and you’ll still receive adverstising, but that it won’t be targeted (won’t be tailored to whatever they find in your emails). In other words, they will still invade your privacy by scanning your emails and you’ll receive ads but they will be generic.
Can someone please clarify? Thanks.
You can opt out of targeted advertising, which is not the same as opt out from any unrelated ads, you will still get those.
On that note, I haven’t seen an ad or received any ads anywhere in years, hurrah for host file block lists and ublock origin and spybot search and destroy.
Hurrah for DD-WRT which is also setup at router level to block these shits.
Thank you for your article. I’ve used free AOL email accounts for years, and believed the recent emails wanting me to accept changes, were spam. Searching for answers led me here, where I’m out of my depth yet very appreciative of the help. As a light email user it seems like a free Protonmail account, Tutanota, or perhaps Posteo, are suitable. Needless to say, I wasn’t aware these choices existed.
It’s been unsettling reading – even knowing I was the product – so after a digital lifetime with AOL, time to move. Thanks to those contributing to the comment section, I understand the contents of my AOL email accounts won’t be lost, since I can transfer these across.
I clicked ‘accept’ without paying attention. How can I go back?? I didn’t find anything on Yahoo mail parameters!!!! Please help. Thanks ^_^ (I don’t have an account on Oath).
You can opt out of the advertising by logging into your AOL or Yahoo email, then clicking here:
@France: “I clicked ‘accept’ without paying attention. How can I go back??â€
You can’t go back, but it doesn’t matter that you clicked “accept†because you would automatically have “accepted†anyway de facto if you still had a Yahoo mail account after May 25, 2018.
The only thing you can do if you don’t want to accept these outrageous privacy violations from Verizon/Oath into your Yahoo mail account is to close your Yahoo Mail account and open a new email account with another email provider–one who respects user privacy. These are often free for accounts with smaller storage space, or have a small charge for accounts with larger storage space. I use and recommend StartMail, from the makers of the private search engine StartPage. There are other providers of course as well, including some mentioned above in these comments.
Also, if you want to download and save your mails from your old Yahoo account before you close it, you’ll need to use a program like Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird to do that. Again, see comments above for more information. Good luck! :)
Hi Martin
Thank you for this, very insightful. I’m not too clued up on tech stuff, but was always aware of how companies “brutalise” security and privacy policies to benefit themselves… at our expense.
I have closed my Yahoo account and as a light user, opened a Protonmail account. I refuse to allow companies to just walk over their clients’ privacy in such a nonchalant way.
Good article and thank you for helping me change my mind.
I refuse to “accept” oath/yahoo’s new terms of privacy rape. Guess I’m gonna have to transfer my email account elsewhere. I’ve been using yahoo for 16 years but the ship is sinking and I’m not going down with it.
Wow! I feel the exact same way! I don’t want to go down with the ship either, have had Yahoo for years, but don’t need anyone SPYING on my!
I am soo glad I found this site! I just posted on Twitter about the privacy being stripped of our lives and my husband is telling me “get over it, everyone is joining in on it so stop the whining” pretty much. I refuse! and I am so glad I m not the only one!! I started trying to find where I could change my email and avoid the criminal sect of oath and it’s like then I found you! I will be watching for further articles. I want to join but the “don’t subscribe” below is confusing!
Hi Angela,
We’re glad you found us, too! :) You definitely don’t have to “get over it†and let yourself be stripped of your privacy. On this site you can learn about many threats to your privacy and ways to protect against them.
I can see how the “Don’t subscribe†can be confusing. “Don’t subscribe†is one of the three choices you have whenever you post a comment on here, and it refers to subscribing (receiving emails) when there is a reply to what you posted or when there is any other new comment posted.
So, after you post something, you could choose to receive an email whenever someone replies to your comment (“Replies to my comments”), or you could choose to receive an email letting you know whenever any other new comment is posted (“All). Finally, you could also choose to not receive any emails when anything is posted (“Don’t subscribeâ€).
Oh, and if you were interested in an article and didn’t add your own comment but still wanted to receive an email when new comments were posted, you can also “subscribe†to receive emails whenever someone posts a new comment. To do that, click on the word “subscribe†where it says, “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting.â€
Regarding joining, the support page is here: https://www.ghacks.net/support/
Note to Martin: maybe to make it clearer “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting.†could be moved ABOVE the “Don’t subscribe†dropdown, and the “subscribe†hyperlink could be in a different color to indicate that it is a hyperlink? And “Don’t subscribe†could be changed to “Don’t subscribe to followup comments�
Good points, I try to think of something!
Just saw on Axios today: Verizon-owned Yahoo and AOL are making a change that requires users to give up their right to be part of class action lawsuits and forces them into arbitration for any disputes.
Especially pathetic after the two recent Russian mega-hacks of Yahoo which affected all THREE BILLION user accounts.
And Verizon treats their own fellow citizens the best: the arbitration clause applies only to U.S. users!
When I logged into Yahoo recently I was asked if I want to accept Oath’s new privacy policy. What happens if I don’t accept?
The version I got 2 days ago said II accept the terms by using their services. So, I won’t be using their services.
Thanks for this. Have been meaning to leave Yea hoo ever since their mega data breach in 2016 but it’s felt TOO BIG. That’s 15 years worth of mails there. Researching now how to move emails accross to another provider. Any tips welcome.
I download all e-mail to Mozilla Thunderbird. Use my own computer to archive keepers. Back up periodically using MozBackup.
Doesn’t help Yahoo security, but makes it easier to switch.
I use Outlook and Gmail, as I’m a light user and I’m painfully aware that – the service being free – I’m the product. My isp actually provides an email service, but it’s so abysmally insecure I’ve never used it.
Although there are a few already like Proton And Startmail, I’m surprised shenanigans like this don’t spur the development of a whole lot of new independent services. At present, quality paid-for services can’t always be justified for people like me – retired on a limited income. But as wider use might lead to lower prices, it wouldn’t take much to win me over.
But for any security advantages to be realised, secure services would need to become ubiquitous. I’ve never used Yahoo, but I’m a long-time victim of their spam, courtesy of other people. Weakest link, etc…
Wayfarer said:
“Although there are a few already like Proton And Startmail, I’m surprised shenanigans like this don’t spur the development of a whole lot of new independent services. At present, quality paid-for services can’t always be justified for people like me – retired on a limited income. But as wider use might lead to lower prices, it wouldn’t take much to win me over.â€
Actually it seems like there’s been a small explosion of independent email services appearing over the last several years, with many/most emphasizing privacy. The Snowden revelations in June 2013 and subsequent Lavabit shutdown seemed to spur the development of at least one or two dozen such services over the last four or five years.
Free accounts are available with a number of these providers, and, as you said you are a light user, perhaps one of them would work for you. I think providers offering free email include Disroot, Unseen, and Tutanota. You might get a free gig of email storage from Tuta, 2GB from Unseen, and 4GBs from Disroot, but it’s been awhile since I looked into these. I think Posteo offers an 2GB account for one euro per month (approx. $1.25 USD/month as of this writing). Maybe one of these would work for you.
(For your reference, I notice that, as a light user, I’ve used 0.3 GB (300MB) for email storage in the last sixteen months. Hope this helps!)
take a look at posteo. it’s german with high ethics and very cheap with good support. I chose this email provider a couple of years ago ( I formerly used hotmail ) and never had second thoughts. A great way to get an overview of privacyminded providers is to check thatoneprivacyguys website.
Thanks. New one on me. Looking right now…
Thanks for the heads up on the Oath takeover.
Hadn’t checked Yahoo mail for several months and now none of the email (bogus Gmail alerts, and spam) or other controls work except links to upgrade. However, uBlockO blocked the “UPGRADE NOW” button because of this:
Thank you, uBlockO.
I’ll be closing the Yahoo account, not upgrading Oath’s ability to slurp. Time to ditch Googleyes too.
How Pizza Night Can Cost More in Data Than Dollars
Even a low-key evening at home can mean handing over a trove of personal information to high-tech companies
I heard about this yesterday but hadn’t yet sought it out. Thanks for posting this!
Best article I’ve seen about this. Thanks Martin & Ghacks!!
Great article, Martin. As you point out, switching search engines is a good idea, too. There is no reason to go directly to Yahoo when no-tracking options are available:
For Google search results in privacy: Startpage.com
For Yahoo search in privacy: DuckDuckgo
Coming soon … toilet paper that spies on you.
I use a bunch of things to keep my stuff private. I use the StartPage search site, and DuckDuckGo. Any email address that is not on my list gets thrown into the Spam folder. I have a Proton mail account, and I’m thinking about migrating over to it. But I have so many accounts that use my Verizon email address.
But… but… the Oath Privacy Policy starts out with:
“Our Privacy Pledge
Our commitment is to put users first.”
Surely such a company can be trusted???
What are the implications of GDPR on these T&C’s?
Surely they now have to answer policy questions over privacy within the EU?
Hi Martin,
Just got an “Error 524: timeout occurred” when I tried to post a comment above. Never saw that before.
Thanks, I will keep an eye on this.
I blocked yahoo mail maybe three years ago because Mail senders messages began appearing as ads I’d never seen; ads based on terms that were in yahoo messages and nowhere else. The combination of Marissa and alibaba, their only asset were too obvious; yahoo itself was worthless. Then Verizon bought them for a crazy high price even as breaches were revealed, which made no sense unless they wanted yahoo user data. Gadzooks! What do we see above?
The truly scary notice is the financial one below the highlighted paragraph; yahoo’s a sieve and Verizon’s playing with fire if they fully exploit user data. Yahoo was a nice dot com company but became irrelevant a decade ago. Meyer eventually looked like the Walking Dead company she led.
I didn’t know AOL still existed until recently; I used it 20 years ago or thereabouts.
I use mailbox.org now and it works well, no spam, fast, secure, lots of features. Great file repository anyone can access with a link and pwd you send them.
I bet you that they had been doing this already
Oath needs you to take their oath to waive your privacy rights! Hardy ha-ha!
It is so generous of Oath to give current users until May 25,2018 to read Oath’s privacy policy for legacy users. Wow, that is over a whole month….
As I’ve been advocating for almost two decades now “Don’t surf your (free) email”.
Meaning, separate your browsing so as to isolate your casual web surfing (e.g.Waterfox) from your essential surfing (e.g.Firefox). Never sign in to an email address from your casual surf browser.
Of course, if your’e always on social media sites, just spread your bums and get used to the ride.
No hope there…
Yahoo out, startmail in…
I think I clicked the mouse 5 times or so.
Thanks Martin.
Was thinking about this for a while, but this article means I can’t ignore it anymore.
WOW…just posted this here and it Disappeared…
I have not agreed to the yea`hoo oath; only
using yea~hoo because it does not need Java to operate. Funny you posted this Mr Martin Sir; as I was just reading this article~~~
Yahoo makes secret tool for U.S. Spy Agency
Just as stated Google Gmail has been email scanning/targeted ads for years. Seems we have 2 new players to the game now.
So they think going the Facebook route is a good idea in 2018. I have sent a complaint, being a Flickr paid subscription customer. If they do not change this I am done with Flickr/ Yahoo/ Oath, and will change to 500px or so. Their privacy policy is a bit more sane.
(tried to proofread, wasn’t offered an opportunity to edit the earlier comment)
Back in 2012, a cousin emailed me (using yahoo) mentioning his worries about “the stock market gonna crash”. I’m not a stock picker, so only exchanged a few (polite) emails, begging out of further conversation on the subject.
Shortly afterward (like: within 30 minutes of the first email), my @elsewhere email account began receiving spam from “fishy investermen” (Fisher Investments) and that spam has continued incessantly, to present day, 3-5 times per week.
That’s what I experienced too. I created Yahoo mail only for registering for sites long time ago. That time I hadn’t had the chance to use the email yet but I had already been getting spam mails. I hadn’t told anyone about that newly created email yet so how could the spams went to my mail?
Because nowadays there’re many throwaway email services everywhere, I haven’t opened my Yahoo mail for a long time.. I don’t even remember when I opened it last time.
Considering the ghacks.net audience, clearly the article amounts to “preaching to the choir” ~~ IOW, a pointless exercise.
> It is probably a good idea to switch to email providers
Here’s a more meaningful, purposeful, suggestion:
It’s probably a necessary step (toward motivating change) to begin boycotting, refusing to correspond with folks when their emails hail from privacy-unfriendly corporate silos like OATH|yahoo|gmail
Don’t be rude to Aunt Martha, just explain that alternative email service providers are available (provide a link) and that you look forward to chatting with without BigData snooping the conversation.
If i choose different email provider for a local company in my country, how do I keep or download some of the info/data from my yah00 mail account…. I have had this account for over 10 years and going through so much info to find what i want to keep will take ages. Also I am very low tech person, so laymans terms would helpful.
Thanks M
@Michelle: “how do I keep or download some of the info/data from my yah00 mail account…. I have had this account for over 10 years and going through so much info to find what i want to keep will take ages. Also I am very low tech person, so laymans terms would helpful.â€
I’ll take a stab at this since no one else has replied yet, but I hope others who know more will comment as well.
Keeping it simplest to begin with: why not create your new email account with the different email provider you want to use now AND also keep your current Yahoo Mail account open as well even though you will no longer actively use it for new mails? That way all your ten-years-worth of Yahoo mails will remain there for you to refer back to whenever you want. Any particularly important mails you want to have in your new email account you could just forward to your new email account.
The website Lifewire often has fairly clear straightforward layman’s explanations for how to do tech things: https://www.lifewire.com/forward-email-with-yahoo-1174458
Also, if you do decide to keep your Yahoo Mail account open after opening a new mail account with another provider, you may also want to set up automatic forwarding of ALL future mails to your old Yahoo account to go to your new email account: https://www.lifewire.com/forward-yahoo-mail-to-another-address-1174481
If you’d like to download some or all of the mails from your Yahoo Mail account, I think that you may be able to download and install the program Mozilla Thunderbird and do that: https://www.thunderbird.net/
How to use Thunderbird with Yahoo Mail: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/thunderbird-and-yahoo
I think you may also be able to download your Yahoo mails with the program Microsoft Outlook. https://www.lifewire.com/access-free-yahoo-with-outlook-1173788
Hope this helps. Good luck! :)
You can’t boycott anybody if you’re using email for anything close to professional use. And you certainly can’t boycott Gmail, unless it’s your children’s provider and you threaten to starve them.
“You can’t boycott anybody if you’re using email for anything close to professional use.”
Unless They Track you.
“And you certainly can’t boycott Gmail”
They Track You!!!!!!
Thanks so much for this article Martin!
ams, I definitely don’t consider it pointless and only preaching to the choir. The ghacks audience is many and varied and at all different user levels, and we never know who else may find their way here and be helped by the excellent and timely information Martin makes available.
I used Yahoo Mail for 20 years–happily, I might add :) –and finally switched to Startmail a year and a half ago after Yahoo’s numerous Russian mega-hacks, and subsequent purchase by the wicked Verizon. I was certain that these kinds of rapacious privacy violations described above were only a matter of time with a company of Verizon’s ilk.
It’s unbelievable what companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Verizon think is okay to do to maximally exploit their users’ privacy for their own profit. It’s pathetic.
Startmail rocks and my only regret is that I didn’t switch sooner. But I know at least one family member and numerous friends and acquaintances still using Yahoo Mail, so I really appreciate this article bringing this policy change to my attention so that I can let others know. Thanks again, Martin!
The disappointment to me is yahoo doing this to paying customers like me, $20/year. So I’m moving to Posteo (12 Euro a year), and cancelling the yahoo auto-payment. Their loss.
When I did that, almost everyone dumped yahoo. Most went to gmail which is much better now but still awful compared to a good service. Don’t currently know anyone on yahoo.
Gmail, seriously? You think they don’t store your data?
Thanks for Saying that To the Public, Microsoft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck with that. “Aunt Martha” will never bother switching to a different e-mail provider.
She’ll think, “I have nothing to hide, he’s just being a paranoid schmo.”
Trust me. I’ve tried.
Well; I’ve seen this~~~It pops up every three days or so. I figure they’re gonna hack it
even though I have Not agreed to it.
The only reason I use yea-hoo is because it doesn’t need Java to operate…I’m on low bandwidth/signal.
Funny how you posted this Mr Martin as I was just reading this from 2016
Yahoo built a secret tool to scan email content for U.S. spy agency
i just have to ask if the eu internet protocol, if implemented here, will supersede any private company “oaths” already taken?
These new rules appear to effect AT&T email accounts as well. At least, AT&T told me that they just provide the infrastructure and not the management of email. Not sure this is true, but would like to know who we can protest to about this new policy. What government agency covers ATT/Yahoo??? Thanks
Jane Smith said “What government agency covers ATT/Yahoo???â€
Strictly speaking, the government agency responsible for ATT and Yahoo (now owned by Verizon) is the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). You may also complain to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission). I applaud your interest in actually taking action and doing something, but given the way the federal government is being “run†at the moment, if your protests fall on deaf ears you may have to protest again in three years or seven years, whenever there is a change in the current administration. Currently we are in the midst of a massive rollback of protections for consumers in all areas across the board, and an all-out gutting of the very agencies designed to protect us. Sad!
Do you really believe that this just happen in the “current administration”? Not every issue in the world is to be blamed on crazy dude ~n~ friends. Nothing is that simple. These are not things that happen over a year or two or even five. There has been a steady march for some time. Seriously, can I read ANYTHING these days without someone pointing fingers to the WH? “Someone ate my last Oreo!” “Well, you know, that’s going to happen until we can be freed of ‘the current administration’.”
lol what? doesn’t need java to operate?
More spying going on? This stupid box shows up on my smart tv and i cant access the ivons fir hulu, prime, heart, and any if the other icons or apps. If i hit close screen shuts down. My smart TV is no longer smart.
JavaScript, probably.
Gmail also doesn’t require JavaScript. (you’ll get routed to the “basic” version, which is still nice and fast, if a bit retro)