W10Privacy update brings even more privacy options to Windows 10

W10Privacy is without doubt one of the most comprehensive privacy-focused tweaking tools for Microsoft's Windows 10 operating system. Recent updates introduced new tweaks and support for changes introduced in the November 2015 update of Windows 10.
Design and layout of W10Privacy has not changed. The program creates a system restore point on start, and displays tweaks in tabs named privacy, telemetry or OneDrive that reveal their focus.
Tweaks are color-coded for easier access. Green preferences are recommended and have no side-effects usually, while yellow and red tweaks need to be checked out individually before they are applied as they may have side-effects and may even affect the system negatively.
On to the changes.
W10Privacy Changes
The developer has released four application updates that introduce new features to it.
Network > Disable changeable Wi-Fi services (for Windows 10 10.0.10586, November Update 1511)
This takes care of the three Wi-Fi options "Connect to suggested open hotspots", "connect to networks shared by my contacts" and "paid Wi-Fi services". The last option is new in Windows 10 Build 10586.
You can change the settings in the official Settings application as well. Open Settings and go to Network & Internet > Wi-Fi > Manage Wi-Fi Settings for that.
The update corrects several hostnames on top of that.
The new applications that Microsoft shipped with the November update of Windows 10 are integrated. You find Candy Crush, Sway, Skype Video and Phone listed there now next to all other applications already supported by W10Privacy. Apps can be uninstalled from the tab.
Windows 10 seems to re-install system applications near instantly on recent systems. This is triggered by the Windows Store application which runs in the background. You can prevent it from running in the background by deactivating it under background apps in the interface.
The IP addresses that you can block using the application have been updated.
This release introduces the cache.ini file which records preferences which the program uses for comparison after updates and to indicate new preferences in its interface after updates.
It furthermore added two Office 2016 preferences, and French and Spanish interface translations,
New Windows Defender options under Privacy:
- Disable sending of information about potentially identified safety problems.
- Disable the transmission of examples of malicious software.
- Disable the transmission of potentially determined malicious software.
New setting to turn off smart multi-homed name resolution under "Tweaks". This prevents that DNS requests are sent to all available network interfaces.
Check out our comparison of privacy tools for Windows 10 for additional suggestions.
Now You: do you use a privacy tool to tweak operating systems?

I’ll try this one, already tested Shutup10.
I have Win10 enterprise on a test machine, updates disabled, but sometimes I get an annoying big red message nagging about updates.
Microsoft is tightening their O.S, for the worst.
I don’t plan to get rid of my gaming habits but I can just skip 10 for now, at least on my gaming machine.
open source or go home…
Just like the Windows 10 OS itself, right?
No it doesn’t work like that
Microsoft is a super huge company with billions of eyes on them, users, devs, national regulators, etc…
When a tiny new software comes along promising of improving privacy of users on Windows, a sensible user should not just take their word for it… If it is a free software released for the benefit of users, there should not be any reason not to open source it.
But some stuff can still only be disabled in the Enterprise version, correct?
Very nice post Martin. Glad to see it has a check for updates as well. Too many of these don’t have that feature.
Not the most beautiful, but probably the most comprehensive and effective Windows 10 privacy tool. After W10Privacy, I’d recommend ShutUp10 for less advanced users. Easier (and more safe) to use, with less options.
I’m archiving all these most valuable Ghacks articles, those regarding Windows 10 as well when it appears I’ll most likely upgrade, one day or another. The company that sold me my latest computer just sent me documentation concerning their Christmas offers, computers with Windows 10 installed. I wonder what Windows 10 is installed on those computers. But when I’ll buy a new machine (later on) either I’ll choose a “naked” one and reinstall Windows 7 or Linux (of which I know nothing) either I’ll be in for Windows 10. If the latter, first thing I’ll have to do (as with previous systems but even more apparently with Windows 10) is to tweak, tweak… and tweak. Therefor my archiving of these articles. You understand? (lol).
Same here. I’m collecting all tools and information about Windows 10 privacy and annoyances. I think by January I’ll have a strong swiss knife so I can install Windows 10 :)
I installed W10 right away when it was released. One day later after I figured its invasive policy then I removed it.
@Corky — “you’re trying to build a system on constantly shifting ground.”
Exactly. I won’t “upgrade” until MS gives me the foundational control I currently possess in Win 7. I don’t really see much reason to leave Win 7 anyway. I see no added benefits to Win 10. The underlying engine is basically the same, and my OS is highly optimized, fast, secure, and private.
True,Corky. Already without Win10 when I think of the time spent on simple maintenance… if you want to relax, forget the latest updates, the latest tweaks, information, buzz, if you wish just to spend a week either off your computer or on for simple surfing from one place to another without caring for “this which must be corrected, that to be verified” you’re on for a half-day at least of getting things on the computer conform to that weeks computing history once back to business : a week is a tremendous amount of time when it comes to our computers. Of course there are users, and I know quite a lot among my friends here, who just don’t bother… until they encounter issues. Perhaps there’s an intermediary approach, but tough to do less when you know you could do more, tough, exciting nevertheless sometimes, stressing always.
By January Microsoft would probably have changed, renamed, or added a load more privacy and other annoyances, that’s the problem with enforced updates, you’re trying to build a system on constantly shifting ground.
What’s the difference between proper spyware and Windows 10?
Seeing all the default snooping in Win10, I’d guess not that much.
There is a huge difference. Win 10 has got much nicer GUI :P
Do you use a privacy tool to tweak operating systems?
No. Firstly i refuse to use Windows 10 for obvious reasons, and secondly all the privacy options in Windows 7 have been tweaked manually, the only problem i have ATM is that the “Diagnostic Service Host” service keeps logging into the “Customer Experience Improvement Program” and the only way I’ve found to prevent that is by disabling the service but then that breaks Windows update.