Google Translate Integrated In Google Chrome 5

Google Translate is a service offered by Google to translate text or complete websites from one language to another. Support for many languages and its ease of use make Google Translate a popular choice for users who need translation on the Internet.
Up until now it was necessary to visit the Google Translate website to translate a web page, or translate text to another language.
That's not as convenient as things could be, and probably the main reason why Google decided to make translation part of the company's Chrome web browser.
Users who have installed the developer release of Google Chrome may have noticed that Google has integrated Google Translate into the web browser.
Not all users may have found out about that right away, as the feature becomes apparent only on websites that are displayed in a different language than the computer's system language.
Google Chrome will automatically display a small toolbar below the address bar that offers to translate the website into the default language.
It is possible to change the detected language to another one in case Google Translate detected the wrong language.
A click on translate will translate the website to the default system language. If that option is selected the translation toolbar is modified letting you know that the page you are on has been translated to another language.
Here it is possible to make changes to either the detected language, or the language the website has been translated to.
The options button displays different options on the first and second screen. Options on the first screen are provided to never translate to the language, or to never translate that site. The former is useful if you speak a secondary language and don't need translation, the second option if translate breaks the site somehow.
Options on the second screen are to set the web browser to always translate the language whenever it is encountered.
Closing Words
The build in translation service is a great addition to the Google Chrome web browser. It is unobtrusive yet very convenient and comfortable to use. The one thing that is missing is an option to turn it off completely.
You can however select the never translate "language" option whenever it comes up to disable the feature in Chrome.
Update: Recent versions of Google Chrome come with an option to disable the translate feature fully, and to manage individual languages separately in the settings as well.
You manage that setting by loading chrome://settings in the browser's address bar. Scroll down until you find the advanced settings button and click on it. Scroll down to the languages section, and check or uncheck "Offer to translate pages that aren't in a language you read".
To manage languages, load chrome://settings/languages in the browser's address bar. Chrome displays all languages added to the browser, the main language, and whether the browser should offer to translate the language when encountered.
Newer versions of Google Chrome provide users with better control over the translate functionality.

Try [Options] > [Under the Hood], unclick the checkbox next to the “Offer to translate pages that aren’t in a language I read”
works with me :)
Annoying to have to do it every time I visit a Spanish language site. NOW I remember why I removed Chrome a while back and see it has not been fixed yet.
Google, it should be a relatively easy thing to fix and just allow users to disable it if they so choose.
It is as irritating as any popup. So what if I speak/read more than one language? Let me visit webpages in other languages without the irritating question if I want it translated. I don’t want it, I don’t need it and worst of all I can’t get rid of it.
I usually have different browsers open at the same time – lately I avoid opening pages in Chrome other than English language pages.
I want ti disable the toolbar :(
It’s fucking annoying!!!
Google by default should always let users decide – it’s their god damn mantra!!
User comes first!
Well. I feel seriously second, when I can’t choose for my self.
I can only agree with most users, this feature of Chrome 5 is annoying. It pops on every page i visit and i don’t need those translations. I hope they won’t turn it on by default on the next release!
I have to agree, fucking annoying feature!
I usually don’t go to websites which I don’t understand, so why should the browser by default think I’m a moron?!?
If I want something translated, I should press a button…
I found the solution. Seems like Chromium lacks this “feature”. Version is 5.0.321.0, so pretty uptodate and no damn translation-thingy popping up :-)
Ok, looking at the comments I can see it’s not just me… bloody annoying this popping up all the time! Great feature if/when I want it, but I want to disable it completely!
It annoyed me as well. Kinda spasmatic on some pages, and it keeps telling me that a page that is entirely in English is Estonian. They need to work out bugs with java, flash, and other programming languages.
That translate-thing s really annoying! There should at least be an “never translate or show toolbar” -setting somewhere!!!
Users who have installed the developer release of Google Chrome might already have noticed that Google has integrated Google Chrome into the web browser.
u probably meant google translate
yes, corrected and thanks ;)
I really liked Chrome. But his translation-thing is the worst annoying crap i’ve ever come across. Hey google, why can’t i disable it? If i need it, then i activate it. This must not be a forced always on “feature”.
Back to Firefox for me.
Hey moron.. its a developer release. dont complain about bugs in a bleeding edge developer release and then say youre switching browsers over it. Either help fix the bug if youre able to, Dont use the developer release if you dont know how to fix the bugs, or download the developer release knowing full well that the bugs will be there and, in some cases, will be annoying.
And by the way.. how is google forcing this on you? who exactly “forced you” to download the non official version anyways? This feature is not in the official version or even the beta. So since youre leaving to firefox will you download their alpha and switch to internet explorer once you find a bug?
I think such functionality would be better implemented as a right-click option rather than an obtrusive bar at the top.
No, on the contrary, it is obtrusive and annoying. Yes, it’s great addition, but the default action to pop up for every new language is stupid beyond belief. I daily visit pages in 3-5 languages and every time it pops up. I have to disable it for every goddamn site OR disable for that language completely. There’s no middle ground as far as I can see. What if I want to disable it for that language in general, but I want to use it for some sites in particular? No sir, no can do. Live with that stupid non-selfdisappearing bar OR get rid of it completely, rendering it useless. I’d live with it when it’d disappear in 2-3 seconds but as of no it annoys me to no end. Hope they’ll fix it soon. It’s kind of a thoughtless default even for a beta feature.