iPhone Update: iPhone Has Malicious Code, More Verizon iPhone Rumors And More

As I continue with my line of iPhone updates, one thing is becoming pretty clear – Apple is going to have a massive year next year. They have always been good at generating vas amounts of publicity by not saying anything at all regarding their future plans and now we have rumors of a Verizon iPhone flying in every direction. I will be doing a general Apple post right after this one and there we can look at the tablet scenario, which is showing no signs of cooling down.
As for the iPhone of the present, we now have the first truly malicious iPhone malware going around while Apple continues to grow in the smartphone business, posting more profits that the Finnish giant Nokia.
iPhone Malicious Code Now A Reality
For those who paid no heed to the first ever iPhone worm, here’s a much scarier piece of a news. While the first worm never really did much other than change your wallpaper to rickroll you, there’s a new piece of code that has truly malicious intents for your iPhone.
It attacks the same way as the last one does but instead of making its presence known, it will silently steal all the personal data that it can find on the iPhone and inside the apps. Thankfully, just like the last worm, this malicious program can only infiltrate jailbroken iPhones that have open SSH sessions and have not changed their default root password. So to all those who are jailbreaking their iPhones, do take your time to understand exactly what you are doing and close this gaping security holes. [read]
New iPhone May Be Verizon Only
After the rumors of the next generation iPhone going worldmode surfaced, we now have rumors about the iPhone being made solely for Verizon. This is the result of a confusion regarding reports from chip-maker Qualcomm who have been making new CDMA chips for their parters, including Verizon. [read]
Famous iPhone Dev Quits, First Of The Many To Follow?
After enduring Apple’s shenanigans with the app store approval process, the famed developer Joe Hewitt (creator of the Facebook app) has officially declared that he is quitting iPhone development. And he makes no bones about being vocal about why he quit, clearly stating that his decision “has had everything to do with Apple’s Policiesâ€.
With so many other developers also complaining about Apple’s policies, Joe’s move may be taken as an example and followed. And if that does happen, Apple will be losing the most important part of what makes the iPhone tick -- great apps from great developers. [read]
iPhone Now Has 17% World Smartphone Market Share
Apple is fast closing in on the others in the global mobile Handset Market. After being in the market for barely two and a half years, Apple now constitutes 17.1% of the total global smartphone market.
This is a 50% growth for Apple in recent times, showing exactly how fast a company can grow with the right steps and a brilliant product. The other reason why Nokia is so very important is because it is also one of the largest sellers of smartphones. Its smartphones are the reason why Symbian still holds such a large share of the market. Blackberries may have been very popular in different pockets (RIM is on the wane) but nothing beats Nokia’s worldwide reach. Nothing until now it seems. [read]
Want More Bang For Your Buck? Try The App Store
Analysts have shown that iPhone users have more than just the highest number of Apps to choose from. They also have more value for money when calculated on dollar for dollar. [read]
Apple Creates More Profit Than Nokia
In the last quarter (Q3), Apple made much more money than the world’s number one mobile handset maker – Nokia. And the difference is significant too. While Nokia made $1 billion, Apple made $1.6 billion. [read]

Although Apple has over 100,000 applications for the iphone only 15,000 of those apps are used by Apple customers for their iphones. Not only do many apps go unused but also the average iphone owner/customer only uses five to seven apps on their phone.