Two Free File Hosts With FTP Access
Not a lot of file hosts are offering ftp access as an alternative method of uploading files to their servers. Even less if you remove the file hosts that offer that feature to premium users only. The following two file hosts offer free of charge ftp access to their users. Uploading data to a ftp server has several advantages over uploading it in a web browser. Some noteworthy ones are that it is usually easier to upload multiple files to an ftp server, that many support the resume command which will continue the upload where it left of if the connection gets interrupted and that some even support ftp to ftp uploads which can increase the upload speed by a factor of ten or more.
Easy Share is one of the few file hosts that offer ftp access. Users need to create a free account at the file host as the username and password of that account are also used as the username and password of the ftp connection. All they need to do after account creation is to point their ftp client to and upload the files from that client. The ftp server supports resume. Users need to open the Easy Share website before 24 hours have passed to accept the ftp uploads in their account profile.
The file host supports remote uploads as well. This means that users can paste urls that point to files in the Easy Share upload script. The file host will then try to establish a connection to those servers and download the files from there. The maximum file size is set to 200 Megabytes currently.
Kiloupload is different from Easy Share as it does not offer free space on its own servers. It distributes uploaded files to various other free file hosts including Rapidshare, File Factory or MegaUpload. The service can be used from its web interface or by pointing a ftp client to Users need to create an account by providing an email address and password. The email address is the username for the ftp server and will also be used to inform the user once the files have been uploaded to the other file hosts.
The advantage of Kiloupload over Easy Share is that it is possible to upload files to multiple file hosts at once-
Do you know of other file hosts that support free ftp access? Let us know in the comments.
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It’s great in deed to know this site do a free account that offers FTP access, PHP, SQL, one-click CMS/Forum installs, subdomains and a hell of a lot of space. I’ve been using it for about four months now and it’s an excellent way to test things out before putting them on a production site (At the moment I’m using it to try out Joomla and test skins for Joomla, WordPress and SMF).
Fast and stable, too. I’ve only had one problem, which was SMF being unable to contact the SQL databases, and I’m not entirely sure that wasn’t my fault anyway.