Connect Open Office To Google Docs, Zoho or WebDAV 2 GoogleDocs is an Open Office extension that is compatible with 2.0.4+ or StarOffice 8+. It provides import and export options for Google Docs, Zoho or WebDAV servers from withing Open Office which should be interesting for all users who use at least one of the services and Open Office regularly.
Installation of the Google Docs Open Office extension could not be easier. A double-click on the program's icon after downloading it should open the Extension Manager of Open Office automatically with a prompt to install the extension. The selection of yes will install it.
The extension will display five new icons that can be placed in a Open Office toolbar. Here is what they do from left to right: Export to Google Docs, Import from Google Docs, Export to Zoho, Import from Zoho, Export to WebDAV server.
A click on an icon will open a new dialog. It is usually required to provide account information of the service or server before performing the action. To export a document to Google Docs one would have to supply the Google username and password which can be saved locally to avoid the hassle of having to fill out the information every time that feature is being used.
Importing documents works pretty much the same way with the difference that all supported documents that are available online will be displayed giving the user the choice to load them locally or in the browser.
The document import is limited. It is possible to import text documents or presentations from Google Docs. Zoho is supporting the import of spreadsheets in addition to that. Virtually any document can be exported to both services though.
Update: The plugin for OpenOffice is no longer working properly. Users are reporting crashes and other issues after they have installed the extension. What you can do alternatively is to integrate Google Docs and the other systems on the operating system with the help of Google Drive.
thank’s fot sharing this!
Great news for open office fans like myself who have moved to storing as much as possible online toa void carrying USB keys everywhere