Play Nintendo 8-bit games in your browser

I really loved the 8-bit gaming systems. I was pretty much a Sega fan back then and only played some Nintendo games like Super Mario Brothers or Zelda on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I did however follow the news and games and know lots of old classic games that came out for that Nintendo video game system and I actually bought a few already on my Nintendo Wii using the Virtual Console.
Still, it's sometimes nice to just play a quick game and that's where browsers excel. Nintendo 8 is a website that has huge list of available games that can be played in the browser which has to support Java because the games are emulated in a Java applet.
You can choose to browse a category like Action and RPG or browse all available games. Every category except the one that lists all games displays a preview image of the game. A click on the title or screenshot loads the game. Controls are usually the arrow keys for directions, B-key being Z, A-key being X, Start key being enter and Select mapped to CTRL.
Games are fast loading and performance is fine. Excellent way to spend some free time.
Update: The site is still up and running, and the majority of games are still playable on the site. If you have played SNES games as a child, you probably recognize some of the game titles right away. How about Defender of the Crown, Micro Machines, Castlevania, Contra, Bomberman or Mega Man?
A click on top list displays the top 10 games, led by Super Mario Brothers. Excellent games like Zelda, 1942 or Double Dragon are also included in that list.
man the web site does not have sonic 2. i go on all web sites
and still no sonic 2.
great, time for a trip back in time!
Ah excellent! It’s from the same guys that did the even better C64 gams site too, apparently.