The Compact Disk Eraser
Let me ask you a question: What do you do with old CDs and DVDs that have data on them that you no longer need? Do you simply throw them away or bring them to the collection station? Or, do you destroy them first so that they cannot be read anymore if someone should find them in the trash or at the collection center?
If you never thought about this matter before and have a stash of used disks lying around you `may want to take a look at the compact disk eraser.
The disk eraser is a handy compact tool that wipes out CDs and DVDs environmentally friendly keeping the disks intact. You slide the disk once or more through the disk eraser creating a wide strip that can't be polished out.
The website answers some frequently asked questions about the process and why you may want to use their product and not a knife, scissor or any other tool to wipe data on optical discs.
Breaking a CD for instance may have the same effect but means that it cannot be recycled anymore. Microwaving CDs is bad for the microwave due to metal arcing and toxic fumes.
Scratching CDs with sharp objects like knifes could have the same effect but is more time consuming and not as thorough, plus, you may hurt yourself in the process.
You use the product in three easy steps. Note that you can only process one disc at a time and that it is not suitable for very large collections of optical discs because of this.
To use it, simple place the disc in the open device, close it afterwards and push down while you are pulling the slider quickly to cover the whole disc area.
I'm still not really convinced if the method is really destroying all data on the disks. It does not cost much and may be worth a try but how am I supposed to find out if the CDs and DVDs can't be read by experts ? What do you normally use for this purpose?
Also, disposal is clean and environmentally friendly – just toss them into the recycling bin. Your recyclers will sort them out and have CD recyclers to recycle them.
There are (as you can see) 4,234,983 better ideas than spending 12.99 USD, plus another 5-6 USD and waiting for the mailman evertday like a little puppy for your (not available yet through Ronco) CD Eraser.
I’m waiting for the 16.88 USD Brain $ Emotion Eraser so I can use that before I finally order the CD Eraser which will totally (hopefully) ERASE any feelings of total idiocy that may befall me. Buyers Remorse if you will so allow me. And if gHacks feels I have finally crossed the line with this slipery and slimy comment (I used to think he was some sort of diety) then he can rest assured I’m not relaying what I really think.
Microwave it….
Putting them in the microwave for 1-5 seconds is easier. Works great and looks cool. If you do it a lot it will make your microwave smell funny.
I just give them to my kids and tell them it’s a new PS2 game demo. In a matter of minutes it’s all scratched up to hell, like the rest of the games and will no longer work. :P
I put them through a shredder… – probably not very good for the shredder mind…..
Just putting dimples on the clear plastic side of the disc does nothing. You can still polish down the disk and read it again. Destroying the labeled side of the disk does a little more, as without the reflective layer, no cd drive can read the disk. But than, all you need to do is re-apply the reflective layer. The best way is to use a CD shredder. It’s a lot easier than using a pair of scissors. I’ve tried both, and found I go through lots of scissors.
Had a wall with cd’s on it, tho, that is kinda bling blingy in summer when you want to sleep ;)
For plectrums there just fine if you have the time to make it :D
Glue them to your bedroom ceiling, over time you’ll create a cool mirror :p
With good and strong scissors, the job is done.
And I make plectrums for the guitar.
hehe, you have got to be kidding me.
To make this work you have to exactly scratch into the data layer, else you could deeply polish if it was realy wanted data and still recover it with a real thin CD ;)
However, if you would scratch the cd for a couple of times it would look quite nice on the table as beermats like “gnome” said ;)
Does drawing on the CDs with a permanent marker work? I do that sometimes ;)
Why not use them as beermats? I mean, what could be so confidential?
I think a BIG HAMMER and don’t forget those safety specs have the same effect! Plus is more enjoyable and a de-stresser all in one…