Free Web Proxy List, Custom Proxy Server Guide

A web proxy is becoming more and more important on today's Internet. Schools and companies tend to block sites pretty quickly nowadays for instance, and if you ever tried to open your favorite website while connected to a network where Internet access is limited, you know that it can become quite the problem.
Sure, you can fire up your smartphone and use it to browse the web, but that is not really the most practicable solution.I find it especially irritating if only select websites are banned of a particular category while others that provide you with the same service are not. It does not really make sense to ban five video hosting sites but keep all others accessible to users of the network.
A proxy may help you sneak past the protection that is in place and display the site in your browser even though it is banned in the network.
How does a web proxy work?
A network bans a website either by its IP, its name, part of its name or based on keywords that a site contains. A web proxy on the other hand sits between the network you are using and the Internet websites you want to open which means that the network's firewall and other security programs only know that you are connected to the proxy but not that you use it to access other sites.
The admin of the network won't see the sites that you connect to in the log, as only the connection to the proxy server is listed here. The only thing that might happen is that the admin is banning the web proxy as well, but this is not a big deal either. Hundreds of web proxies exist, just switch to a new one and you are ready to visit the banned site again.
Setup your own Proxy Server:
Let us assume that all proxy websites have been banned on your network, you can't find a single web proxy that is still working. Your best choice is to create your own web proxy at an address that only you know.
All you need is the php web proxy script and some webspace with php to upload it to. Search Google for free webspace php and you should find some hosts that allow you to use php and upload your web proxy to them so that you can use it exclusively. You can alternatively use a cgi web proxy which needs a webspace with cgi enabled.
Web Proxy List:
Please not that the list does not display if the web proxy can handle scripts, I did not find a reliable way to test for all scripting languages out there, therefore this has not been added to the list. I also removed websites that loaded slowly, displayed errors or forced you to click on an ad before you could use the service.
Script support may be important if the site you want to connect to requires it. I suggest you try out multiple proxies at home until you find one that is working on all sites you visit. Keep in mind though that all traffic that you generate flows through the proxy. Be careful what you transfer or enter when using a proxy server.
It is most likely that the name "proxy" may have been banned as well, try using web proxies that do not have proxy in their url to overcome this
Free Web Proxy List
If none of the above work in your special case try my last resort, blockstop. It utilities the coral cdn network and uses a different method to access sites. Update. Blockstop is no longer available, but you can still use the Coral CDN easily.
Sites that update their web proxy lists daily:
If you think a proxy server is missing in the list let us know in the comments.
All DO NOT know how hard it is to access blocked websites in 2020 lmao comment any proxies you have found ones I have are
For YT :)
This one is real good!
You can add:
Super info on Free Web Proxy List, Custom Proxy Server Guide -.
It is surely one of the most useful that I’ve found in a long time.
i live in iran
and these wbsaite filterd in my country.
please send the proxy web in my eamil.
thank you
Thanks for one’s marvelous posting! I definitely enjoyed reading it, you will be a great author. I will make certain to bookmark your blog and definitely will come back someday. I want to encourage you continue your great work, have a nice evening!
Always use a fresh proxy to avoid any interruption of service.
dis works….try ….or …dynaweb…..or download freegate at… freegate..or……..or……….or……………best
hey, you may wish to add this site:
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease send me proxy new.
here another program that works well
Easy Hide IP –
for only £20 a year its worth having ago even on a trail to see wot u think of it
i need fukkin new ones all of these arfukkin blocked
thanks the info about proxy.
please give me one proxy server or sites
daveproxy worked just fine for me thank you very much try this
German SSL Webproxy:
Please send me an email Back To Unblock Iran
nice list.
very useful
hi me froum iran all addres is block plz new addres for porxy
help me
plz send the proxy web that work in all time to me
the all of sites i need these is blocked & open with the antifilter?
hi plz send web proxy
Any new proxies?
Thanks the info about Proxy
thanx but the problem is they are useless.all of them are blocked by irans goverment.
they need another proxy i think!!!
guys…only thing we need here is a little freedom.can you add it to your list!?
Ultra surf is the best Tool for Managing web proxy.
Login to
Hey there guys, no need to worry, i am not a computer expert or anything, just follow what i did:
1. for accessing/using facebook type in or copy and paste address bar of the explorer “”
2. for google type in or copy and paste “”
3.for gmail type in or copy and paste “”
3. for accessing/using any other website type in or copy and paste “” it is a web proxy with secure connection, it can open almost any website (as it can open google, you can open almost anything)..
[Notes: remember to remove the Quotes i.e. ” ” , what i did is i just added a ‘s’ after ‘http’ you may have noticed, this ‘s’ means and used to open/access secured web connection, and web filter softwares usually dont block the secured connection, i hope it helps, enjoy and by the way, DONT USE/ACCESS ANY OF YOUR SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES USING ONLINE FREE WEB PROXIES, your social networking account may get hacked :( yup thats true ]
Here is a 100% free professional Web Proxy Service:
It get fund support from online advertisement so using the anonymous web prosy server is absolutely free, enjoy!
hello,i’m from iran
plz give me good proxy
i cannt go to facebook
I found a better web proxy:
please add to list.
you will find new proxy sites every hour on
Hey fyi just do search type CMD hit enter then type ‘ping *PROXY NAME*’ (without quotation marks or asterisks’. Then open up your web browser and type the IP Address that came up in the CMD prompt. This will work and it will take you to whichever web proxy you want to use. I’ve been doing this for a while and i don’t believe the school can block it this way (unless they block CMD).
i need one proxy cos i want to use facebook plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me i used Puff but now it isnot working
for FACEBOOK you can use (also from mobile phone).
New design and script allow to log in your facebook account from school or work !
i havetried it but now it doesnt relle work that much i want to get on airaim can you help me
did you tried online service? free and fast to be anonymous and access any site from school or work. Great article, thanks.
Iran’s goverment filter all the free web proxies and we cann’t do anything
plz help us :D
The best way to use proxy for blocked website by our isp.
Thanks for the listed.
i need a proxy ASAP
thank you for all youre good work, but all the sites are blockt !!
the net shold be free.
can u help ?
thank you.
hi,I need proxy .plzZ send the best proxy to me.I’m from Iran.OK? tnx
none of these work at my school
Great site! Thanks everyone for putting up proxies! Everything was blocked though, I’m just going to create my own. Good luck!
please send me daily web proxies
Just use a free proxy server to unblock any banned sites like Myspace, Facebook or
Best are: (new and supports SSL also)
they dont work
Need a brand new unblocked proxy
All of the proxy server(sites) given here is also blocked,so it is waste of time for looking the same.
i need to your proxy in iran. plz send to my e_mail
thanx a lot
I think is the best.
Thats what I call a list. Thanks for gathering them up for us.
I personally use as it supports youtube facebook which are the main sites i visit and is current unblocked and my school hope admin can add to list as i would really recommend it.
Iran s goverment filter all the free web proxies and we can not do anything
i need a good proxy asap
I can access to myspace using this proxy browser but most of the function in the myspace can not be used such as to approved friend comment, to approve friend request, to send messages.
Can someone help me how to solve this problem?
derek likes men is a good one.
here another free webproxy
still fast..
Please send filter & proxy
Here is a new proxy site – – good alexa rank!
this proxy supports; YouTube Videos or MySpace posts
I need clear information about web proxy for the purpose of seminor of this toppic.
new free web proxy! check this out!
drop by. nice blog.
Hola, gracias por la informatión.
I tried this webproxys mentioned here, but none worked.
As i think moore people has this problems i am posting here a new WebProxy that works whith webfilters.
This one really works:
It contains even a list of 3 other proxys you can try. They are not mine so hope dansguardian & co don’t find theme.
I’ve found a free anonymous browsing proxy here, thought I’d share with whoever is interested before it gets blocked
well, nice list.
i have found
hey can u plz give me sum proxys that actualy wok. every sight is block from schoo. how cum all sights kids enjoy hav 2 be block from scgool.?
…of course I should have asked:
Has anyone found one that supports Javascript?
Tried many of your proxies, but none of them access the Hotmail login screen which requires Javascript.
Are you able to list the ones that do this?
Many thanks
thanks guys i found one too its
i needa a web proxy to get past fortiguard, i new 3 of em but none of em work anymore
ay I cant find an site that will deblock my myspace freindster facebook gaia xanga or twiiter plz help me I nedd 2 use them so badly pls.
You gotta get me some of dat workin’ proxy, niggaz. I am in dire need of some of that guro 4 schoolro, niggz.
But really, i need that yowtube…nigga.
hey dis is good sight. ye. shadup omgwtf but u rite my school is gau lbocking all dis sights from school and not wantin us to have fun and syuff i wonder y they block youtube and myspice
Hey guys i go to this school and they block like EVERY proxy ive tryed it is really hard to find one that works could you guys put some like brand new ones up that prlly are not blocked for me??? Thanks a tun it would help alot
this is a great website to unblock all those websites
look heres something yall might find interesting iv been looking into why proxys r blocked and how its cuz they block all proxys at once it dont matter how up to date they r they r all blocked but if you must try heres two
hope they work they dont with me but schools r diffrent i also learned that ill continue looking for great proxys
my school blocked all these websites my friends and i cant find any websites so if any of you know any plz let me know
Please send me a step by step instructions on how to bypass a censoring proxy in UAE, etisalat. There are some blocked websites that I need to access.
i honestly cant believe this, my school has blocked each and every one of these except for ghost click, and that doesnt work for facebook. i hate school. if im 18, why cant i do what the hell i want to here?
I’ve found this list they have a fresh web proxies and i got unblocked at school
hi, just here to share the following site of updated proxies
Some more UK web proxies:
this is a great website to unblock all those websites
This proxy list is a little bit old and they aren’t active no longer. Why in schools do not use http proxy list? With IP&port?? With web based proxy you can’t watch youtube clips, etc..
Great list,unfortunately several are no longer active.
I found another one:
hi, just here to share the following site of updated proxies
Surfinvisible is a free to use webproxy.
every proxy I look up there all blocked
i need a proxy that i can use for Gumtree as i dont any responses.. seems my ip has been blocked
please leave a new proxy on comments. because none on list work
Use a proxy over https (ssl). The connection is harder to block. Try
This will wipe out some packet sniffers!
Best of luck!
I design proxy templates from time to time. It seems web proxies are very popular these days.
Ugh! meh school blocked ALL of these!!!
um… my school uses SonicWALL. any proxies for that?
of coz all proxy don’t work, filter pick this website fast because too many people accesing this website and filter will notice that. (too many request obviusly and bandwidth suddenly skyrocket?? 5 year old will notice that) to be honest proxy website only last 2-3 days :P
All you need to do is make your own proxy website and dont tell anyone about it. That way your proxy website can last longer or you can signup to any proxy newsletter to receive daily proxy list. Filter will still block it but you get daily list everday :D Anyway you can always try this one:
– I think by the time you try this it already block :P so dont forget to signup for the newsletter for fresh proxy not advertise anywhere :)
goodluck anyway
they have blocked evry singel proxy site @ school -.-
my freaking school blocked every single one of them!! I am in study hall with absolutly nothing to do!! this is retarded!! someone make a new one please?????
another free glype script:
please anybody help me out with this problem. my college is using fortiguard web filter and they have blocked every proxy servers any of them not working on it please give me any other way to bypass this filter.all proxies are blocked.and administrator blocked the insatallations of softwares is there any other way? help me out.
please mail me on [email protected]
I always use
It has SSL, and you can watch YouTube videos and use web based IM on that one. :) i always use this website, works great maybe the admins can add it to the list?
i’m using
works great to download ebooks from google, outside the usa.
i was using too, but the proxy has been baned by googlebooks… :’-(
ussually i using, but lately its doesnt work in my office
and i already tried all of proxies above and no one working :(
can someone help me?
hello, try out one of my proxies. they all work great!
Here’s one of my recent proxy:
KeyWordNichePowr – Browse With Us
Fast web proxy – like the name?
I need further guidance. I have been unable to use bit torrent. I started out using localhost and proxy ports 8118. I was using the vidalia, tor and privoxy package. I have a mac as well. Thanks.
Very fast anonymous web proxy—-Stay invisible—
i have a problem with the net of pakistan when i open any web that i have some work in it ,if this site have some sex pic in it then their sever doesnot let me to go in that websites .please send me websites like htt:// that by pass sever ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Here is one
heres the latest fast proxy
all these proxies when it is on use, the fricken govt.schools or authorites will block it.dont know how the hell they come to know.this sucks.jet.
This is the fastest php proxy on the internet.
Just created, unblocks all work and school filters.
Just feel the difference.
Hello could you add to your list.
It is very fast and you can even view videos with it.
I tried this one:
Looks nice, and it works really fast, even for gmail and facebook.
I made http proxy server list, listed proxies really works.
Great list. Claims to have the highest percentage of active proxies. No SOCKS or cgi.
Heres my proxy. Also it can log into myspace and facebook but the remove script must be off. Also it can view many videos on youtube without the need of flash player. but if flash is installed then it can view all of the videos on youtube.
Heres the link:
Its just another web proxy, located in germany, and relative unknown.
most of your proxies are good and working.but will be blocked sooner or later here in u.a.e. and even the forum site as well. anywayway thanks a lot and keep going ….jet.
i was using all proxies and now the are all block from the same computer i used before
Please add
Web proxy, allows youtube downloads / watching / rapidshare downloads / facebook/ myspace
they all blocked
Please add to your list.
Here’s another new proxy site, Up and running.
the teachers at my school are too up to date and have blocked every single fricken web proxy out there! is there not an unblockable web proxy site?????
here is a good web-proxy:
very fast and reliable: is super fast and reliable and even works with all the major sites including youtube
your out of order dont be a retard and unblock the websites plz x
Can i use this in USDownloader? is free and unblockable – it has a security page just enter the red text in the box!
surf invisibles, hide your Ip, unblock all web sites, web proxy, cgi proxy, ssl support proxy
Hi I would like to add and share my web proxy
it is free and has lots of extras such as sudoku, broadband speed test, etc
hope you guys like it :D
New web proxy server:
Free and useful
thanks for the list. :)
Thanx for the Dave Proxy:
Here’s a glype proxy that works with facebook and myspace:
Thanks for the list!
So far, this two proxies have been working great for me!
Here are 4 new fast proxys:
ma skl blocked all da proxies how do i overwrite da system
Very Good Thank You
Got you another fresh one :)
Fresh onto dedicated servers so its nice and fast!
Another nice proxy – fast too
Hey guys works fine and free
I like and use Ultimate Anonymity.
They have been around for over 10 years now and provide a full suite of anonymity and privacy tools in addition to just anonymous web surfing.
I do know that any time I need a working proxy (both http and/or https) their list of open proxies is always current.
there are no working proxies on your site…get good ones!!!
Really helpful. Thanks.
hey guys, found a site that has loads of web proxies to get onto myspace and bebo and gets updated regularly
I use it at school to keep getin new proxies. enjoyz!
none of thos work!! come on
I have a few more to add:
This is a great list of proxies!
I need a unblockable web proxy because all the proxys have been blocked.
I need 1 thats unblockable
WTF can they make a proxy that cant be blocked!!!!!!!!!!!
Another fast proxy:
they work great
Newly launched.
Another two fast proxies
Everything blogged when using FortiGuard.
You have tried to access a web page which is in violation of your internet usage policy.
Category: Hacking
To have the rating of this web page re-evaluated please contact your administrator.
Powered by FortiGuard.
i need a new proxy my school blocked them all please
Iight listen right now im in a program and i need help not to unblock the website but to get a websites that i can go to so like that i can go on myspace without having problems please help me i really need to get to myspace a.s.a.p thanks bye holla at ya gurl Lil-bitt and please i am block from alot of websites and can ya please give some websites were i can go on and there are just like myspace a good example is that is a very good website plaese give me websites were i can do good people search . bye
they simply block the domain name.
If you’re being blocked from proxies use
I have added a feature that lets you put any word as a sub domain:
if “” is blocked
do “”, or “”
they can’t possibly block every combination of letters and numbers.
yeh but if u refuse to share the content that is on ur usb when they ask u (provided that their is due cause) they can say that they suspect that their is malicious content on ur portable storage device and refuse to let u use the storage device oj the system, effectively, screwing u up
Instead of saving the command prompt to your account, save it to some sort of memory device. It will work right off of the device and the place you work or go to school cant do a damn thing because searching your flash drive or portable hard drive is a violation of your rights.
im getting repeatedly web proxy saying ilegal doings closing down but doesnt cant get rid of it.. always poping up w/ no action taken…
web proxy’s are good… but they are blocked for most people. for those on school computers, try a different browser (Mozilla, opera… ect) and edit the proxy settings so the browser doesn’t use the government proxy to filter u.
for some proxy’s
also. schools use “net support” to monitor ur use, if this is the case press L ALT + L SHIFT + R SHIFT at the same time and if it has a spot to enter ur name then u are not being monitored if it just shows a comment section dont do anything, they will spot u!!!
p.s. do this at ur own risk… but for help on not getting caught look up a program called “koperfield” Hope this helps
Heh, the “recommended proxy” is a default Apache 2 installation. Great recommendation! ;) has some good tools, There is a proxy that works with sessions & cookies also. use it all the time @ work
Here you have another 2 proxies to be added to the list
None of these will work at my school.
NONE of them. i swear my technology director here is like the Geek Squad owner or something
Hey can you please send me proxy list weekly because I need to get on to my myspace because my auntie is pregnant and I need to keep in contact with her on bebo!!!!!
All of these work at my school. Thanks alot.
all the teacher look lyk cunts is good one :D
This site will help you to surf anything where you cant access through your isp or restricted network
all of your proxy servers are either blocked…or the site has been shut down…
yeah me too, so here it goes..
I mighht aswell add another proxy to the list.
but i suggest to delete the command prompt when ur done, because decent admins can find u… they really can…
you guys could use the site’s ip to bypass ur filters…
open notepad, type in, save as batch.bat. * save this to a fast to find spot *
open command prompt ( what you just made ) type in : ping
then u get a shit load of stuff but find the ip, now go to inter explorer,opera,mozilla firefox etcetera… and enter http://the ip you got from the site, and if everything worked out, youre on. still seems to work.
dont work no more
Thanks for listing all the proxies in a convenient
place. The filtering companies spider the site for easy addition to their products…
help all is blocked i need a new one lol for bebo
is a web-based supports proxy->server SSL, but not user->proxy ssl :|
Well, is there any way to bypass the network settings to access proxies. some people ban proxies based on keyword in the contents.
nice article.
Here are three new proxies you can try:
hey i need help finding a proxy that is not blocked my my schools firewall!!! do you have any recently updated ones that would help? plz email me if so and if not plz email me if you know of anyone else who does thank you *~AsHlEy~*
hi stonecutproxy,
thank you for your proxy site and hope it will stay here.jet
please send me list proxi (weikly)
Have you ever wanted to check your messages but couldn’t because the schools network has, & blocked from the network? Yea, me too. Thats why I opened this site. It acts as a work around so that you can check your email, myspace messages, chat with friends, watch videos, and even play free games. Not only that but it hides your ip address to help keep you safe from those nasty websites and provides an anonymous browsing experience.
thnx for the information.but all of these proxies are blocked in u.a.e. i am an adult and i am requesting you any new proxy sites pls.thanks in advance.jet.
You can try with aniscartujo encrypted web proxy
Do you students out there not realize that using alternate proxies is (in most cases) a violation of your school’s Internet Use Agreement? In most cases, if you are caught using sites of this nature to access websites that your school has specifically blocked, you will get your internet PRIVILEGES revoked, possibly be suspended, and depending on the nature of the site you are accessing, law enforcement can become involved. Websites like MySpace and Facebook are blocked for a reason. You are at school to learn, not screw around on the internet…do that on your own time.
no…we’re here because the law requires us to be….so stick that in your juice box and suck it!
you must be a teacher so you wont understand this world we live in now survives because students like us subscribe to those sites and spend our money on phones and internet and pay these sites which eventually pay the gov. which in turn comes right back to fund the worlds problems. think about it
I’m from Iran.Alii of your proxy sites are unuseful,they’re blocked.thanx
Here is another brand new one from yesterday…please add to list
send proxy plz
Any proxy for accessing orkut, which uses https ??
Brand new proxy, how do i add to your list?
hello , al of your sites have been blocked . if you have new one , please mail to me , tanx . . .
Iran s goverment filter all the free web proxies and we can not do anything
Have your tried
that proxy does not work for the school computers. How come none of these proxies work for school computers?
mollas blocked all your sites
oooh suck me off none of these work
They all don’t work at my school, the school uses surfcontrol. Fixes?
If You looking by geographically proxy look at :
again AAALLLLLLL blocked. whyyyyyyy?!
I need myspace and surf control at my school blocks everything. AAAAAARGH
Man.. this sux. My school blocked ALL of those.
Damn mother fucker mollas in iran block all the proxy sites.
Really helpful….Thanx by tons….
Sadly, more and more webpages are being locked geographically and the once useful proxies simply do not work. Examples are VH1s Vspot, CBS Innertube, and many FM radio stations like WUSL and WWPR. Even reliable popular ad-driven ones like and subscription proxies like The Cloak.
One of my favorite proxy sites is .
It has new sites added daily. All web proxies are verified to confirm they are actually working and dont have intrusive popup ads. Many, if not all of them support Facebook / Youtube / Twitter / etc. There are lots of fast sites here to use from all over the world!
New list of proxy that really work (new php scripts) for Youtube, Orkut, Hi5, Myspace and most important for FACEBOOK !!
Just try: (youtube & myspace, fresh proxy) (fast facebook working)