Windows Keyboard shortcuts

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 24, 2006
Updated • May 4, 2013
Windows, Windows tips

This little list may be helpful to some Windows users. It is a detailed listing of windows keyboard shortcuts that most people don't use because they simply don't know about them. I'm not using many as well except maybe Ctrl+C to copy, Ctrl+V to paste the copied content and Alt+F4 to close a window. Shortcuts are a great way to work faster. The list is not complete but contains about 40 shortcuts.

Here is a list of the most important Windows keyboard shortcuts:

  • Cltr-Shift-Esc Loads the Windows Task Manager more efficiently than Ctrl-Alt-Del.
  • Windows-Pause Brings up the System properties control panel applet
  • Ctrl-a selects all items in the current window. This works in Windows Explorer and in most programs, e.g. Office or web browsers.
  • Cltr-c copies the current selection to the Windows Clipboard
  • Ctrl-v pastes the Clipboard contents back into the active program
  • Windows to display the start menu
  • Alt-Tab, switch between all open windows in a small overlay that lets you pick the window that you want to display on the desktop.
  • Ctrl-s displays the save dialog window of the active program. Works in many different programs, including web browsers and document editors.
  • Ctrl-p displays the print dialog box
  • Windows-d displays the desktop
  • Windows-m minimizes all open windows so that the desktop is shown
  • Windows-Shift-m restores the original position of the minimized items
  • Windows-r opens the run dialog box to execute commands on the desktop
  • Windows-l locks the system, great for taking breaks
  • F2 rename the active item in Windows Explorer
  • F3 search in Windows Explorer and many additional programs, including most web browsers.

The guide lists additional keyboard shortcuts that you may find useful, and I suggest you check it out. You can also take a look at our Windows 8 keyboard shortcut list, or the ten keyboard shortcuts that I can't live without for further inspiration.


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