Google is killing Gmail's Basic HTML View in early 2024

Gmail users who use the service's legacy HTML Basic View mode won't be able to do so anymore starting January 2024. The classic version of Gmail's web interface offers a simpler experience, one that many of its users find less convoluted than the current promoted version of Google Mail on the web.
Up until recently, Gmail users could access basic HTML view mode and make it the default view mode on the site. New Gmail users may not have come into contact with the mode, as the standard view on Gmail does not appear to include switching links anymore.
Users may still access it using a direct link, but doing so does not provide the option to set the mode as the default anymore. Any reload of the Gmail website, for instance after closing and reopening the browser, will load the standard view. Gmail users who prefer the Basic HTML view on the site may bookmark the URL to open it manually each time.
The option to do so will be removed in January 2024. Google confirms the deprecation of the Basic HTML view mode on a support page. The company is not displaying information about the planned change to Gmail users who use the mode, at least not currently.
Google writes: "You can display Gmail on your browser in Basic HTML view until January 2024. After this date, Gmail automatically changes to Standard view".
Basic HTML view mode URLs that open the classic mode currently will be redirected to the Standard view interface automatically once the change lands. Google goes on to explain that Gmail will be opened in Standard view automatically, if the browser is supported.
Unsupported browsers may not load the Gmail website anymore once Standard view becomes the only available display mode on the site. Google offers some recommendations to Gmail users who can't get Standard view to load in the browser they are using. The tips include switching to a supported browser, checking the Internet connection or using a different device.
Additionally, Gmail users may use the Gmail apps on their mobile devices or a dedicated email client to access the service.
Gmail's Basic HTML view lacks support for several of the features that Google introduced in recent time. This includes, among others, the ability to add or import contacts, rich formatting, spell checking, chat or custom "from" addresses.
Now You: do you use Gmail and its Basic View mode?

“Martin Brinkmann’s latest update on Gmail brings news of the retirement of the beloved Basic HTML View mode, scheduled for January 2024. While change is inevitable, the simplicity and user-friendly experience offered by the classic version will be missed by many Gmail enthusiasts.
Over the years, Basic HTML View has provided a straightforward alternative for users who prefer a less complex interface. The announcement may evoke nostalgia for those who have found comfort in its simplicity, especially as Google Mail’s current web version continues to evolve.
The detailed explanation provided by Martin guides users through the impending transition, highlighting the fact that direct links to Basic HTML View mode will soon redirect to the Standard view. Despite the forthcoming changes, it’s commendable that Google has offered recommendations for users facing compatibility issues, encouraging a seamless transition to supported browsers or alternative devices.
As we bid farewell to Basic HTML View, it’s worth acknowledging its role in providing a no-frills option for users who favored efficiency over additional features. The article serves as a thoughtful heads-up for the Gmail community, ensuring they are well-prepared for the evolving landscape of the email service.
Cheers to Martin Brinkmann for keeping the Gmail user base informed, and here’s to the memories of Gmail’s Basic HTML View – a classic that will be remembered fondly by those who cherished its simplicity.”
Gmail had better leave things well enough alone as they will bleed money and it won’t come back. They apparently didn’t learn from the MySpace disaster, the Yahoogroups devastation, and the long line of crappy UI designers and idiot morons who can’t design anything unless it looks like total crap facebook.
Google is shit, their “modern” Gmail suckass
You are not alone, I absolutely agree. And for me the basic html mode was the only way I can (able) to comfortably use gmail. After they turned it off the gmail for me will become inappropriate to use.
I also agree. I mistakenly wrote: ‘HTML’ is too embellished and not user-friendly. Why can’t they leave both? What does it bother them to keep it the way it is?
I meant Standard, whereas basic HTML is simplified with no frills.
Martin, I think you are still showing as a “spoofed sender” (left column about 8 up from the bottom). I don’t know if you’re bothered about that single line. At least the image now looks more respectable.
Tom, some of the categories semi-work regarding comments. I believe these specific categories: Amazon, Google chrome, Microsoft Edge, Security and Twitter mostly seem to function so do a few more. Nonetheless most categories are just outright malfunctioning.
The “Brave” category also works, now if that specific one didn’t work; ironically you’d probably get some certain individuals arguing in great detail against their own personal historic posts and views.
If you see a post count above zero (next to the speech balloon icon) in any new thread created during September 2023; it’ll be one that will likely post your comment in the same place as you intended. I don’t know if it’ll also duplicate elsewhere though or get displaced at a much later time in the future.
Hallowed be the memory of the Lost Souls.
Oh look! Comments with same date as the article, and making reference to the relevant topic. How nice.
Article Title: “Google is killing Gmail’s Basic HTML View in early 2024”
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@Kalmly, the Ghacks’ Comments mix-up is getting worse and worse and, as i see it, Softonic engineers are either totally unqualified, either half-qualified and half-lazy, either qualified and totally uninterested in resolving the issue. At first bothering, than annoying, now laughable. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Softonic, a qualified money-maker and a likely technically unqualified company, not to mention rude in that not one explanation is provided. Over the years Softonic has not changed.
Article Title: “Google is killing Gmail’s Basic HTML View in early 2024”
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@TomHawack Wow, they allowed your comment. Whenever I have tried to criticize them in a comment, they censored it.
This stinks. I prefer the older html interface. Guess I’ll add my gmail account to Thunderbird instead.
You’ll be happier with that — I’ve used T-Bird to get gmail forever (actually forwarding the gmail)
Article Title: “Google is killing Gmail’s Basic HTML View in early 2024”
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Why not choose another e-mail service than Gmail? Gmail is bloated, Gmail reads all emails, and now Gmail wants to impose its way of reading emails … how can anyone endure this muck?
Shame, I’m still prefer using old interface – just using new one for changing settings; new one is a bit slow to load..
Regarding the Screenshot; the sender: Lisa looks rather friendly, and possibly advertising some form of perverse enjoyment. Martin is she talking about her cat as it (currently) says: “[…] Do you wanna see my […] 💕 Baby 💕 […] Sept 19”.
Perhaps you should have blurred some of that image. Because it also mentions your email address lower down. Operational security.
Hallowed be the memory of the Lost Souls.