Opera 58 for Android out with automatic notification blocking

Opera Software released Opera 58 for Android with automatic notification blocking, improved speed dial actions and form improvements today to the public. The browser may not show up yet on Google Play for everyone at the time of writing.
Opera Software notes that the release is not as big as previous releases due to the current situation in the world. Still, Opera engineers managed to integrate three new features in the mobile browser.
The first addresses notifications and the constant abuse of notifications on the Web. According to Opera Software, it received complains and feedback from Opera users which made it go back to the drawing board after trying out several different approaches to showing notifications in the browser.
The new iteration that is in Opera 58 blocks notification prompts by default. Opera will display a "notifications blocked" overlay for a short period of time but it will go away automatically after that period. A tap on the overlay or on the icon that is next to the site address opens options to allow notifications for that particular site.
Notifications are denied by default in the new Opera 58 browser for Android.
Tip: Opera users who don't want to see notifications blocked prompts in the web browser may select Opera Menu > Settings > Site Settings > Notifications and turn Notifications off there for all sites except for sites whitelisted in the browser.
The second change of Opera 58 improves the Speed Dial functionality. The big change in the release improves Speed Dial edit and delete actions. All it takes now is to long-tap on a Speed Dial item to get delete and edit options displayed. Previously, Opera users had to drag the items to execute the actions.
Last but not least, forms on the web have received a visual upgrade in the latest Opera for Android release. Opera Software notes that it has "followed the latest Google Android guidelines to maximize usability".
Now You: how do you handle notifications in your browser of choice?

Those infinitely cascading windows from the 1990’s live on in different forms. Opera’s notification of disabled notifications is a notification (duh!) but a useful notification. Moot, since I’d never use Opera.
Otherwise, except for new messages and calls on phones, notifications are always off.