Latest Everything Desktop Search beta build introduces 64-bit version

The desktop search engine Everything has been around since 2008. It may come as a surprise that the most recent stable version of the application dates back to 2009, and that the program's developer seems to have taken a hiatus from the project after the release until the beginning of 2013 when development continued.
More than 10 beta versions have been released since the beginning of the year introducing new and exciting features such as bookmarks, folder indexing, or the option to record the search history in the program.
The very latest beta build, released yesterday, introduces another highly requested feature: a 64-bit version of the Everything client. You can download the portable version or the installer of the 64-bit client from the official website of the Everything project.
The developer notes that you can theoretically run 32-bit and 64-bit versions side by side, but suggests that you remove any 32-bit versions prior to installing the 64-bit version of Everything to avoid any conflicts.
The most recent version of the desktop search tool adds several other interesting features to the application. The following list details some of the important changes introduced in all recent beta versions of Everything:
- You can now bookmark searches and define their parameters exactly using the new bookmarks menu. This includes where and how to search among other things. One interesting option here is that you can add keyboard shortcuts to searches to run them again.
- Everything Service option so that NTFS volumes can be indexed when run with standard user rights.
- Context menu customizations to define which items to show here and which to hide.
- Option to leave the data uncompressed.
- Support for ETP/FTP and HTTP servers for remote search support.
- Run history and search history can now be remembered. Can be enabled and disabled in the options. The search history can display suggestions underneath the search form that you can select directly to speed up searches.
- New Home Page feature that defines the search and search settings to use when Everything search windows are created or shown. You can for instance set it so that the last search term is loaded again on the next start or define various search matching parameters.
- Recent changes can now be displayed. To do so right-click the header in the main Everything window and enable the Date Recently Changed option there.
The program evolves well ever since the developer has started to push out new beta versions of the application. Remember though that all versions released this year are beta versions not designed for productive environments.

Didn’t I made a post before?
Everything is a great program. Thanks for the update notice.
Do you use the portable version, or is it installed, and is there any noticeable difference? I’d image that indexing is the only difference, but it doesn’t take long at all for me to index 3 hard drives running the portable version.
I’m using the portable version, no real need to use the installer.
Another one…
– Instant File Searcher Professional
Agent Ransack 32 and 64 bit:
Great search program. Ultra fast. Totally free.
Been around a long time. It’s my search program of choice.
Archivarius 3000:
“Archivarius 3000 is a full-featured application to search documents and e-mail on the desktop computer, your local network and removable drives (CD, DVD). The documents can be searched by content, the same as with Internet search engines. ”
Some really big names use it:
Oh, I guess Agent Ransack *does* do content searching. I haven’t used it in a year or so. I only pull it out when I’m really lost.
Like I said, it’s a beast of a search program.
No spyware or ads. Totally free.
I think I found it back in 2003 or something.
Let us know how it works for you here in the blog.
I’d like to know how it stacks up.
On topic: I really like Everything for searching for files/folders and for Outlook (2003) I am using Lookout, which is a great program… not sure if it works with Outlook 2007/2010 though.
For searching files without admin rights I use “Index Your Files”.
I am successfully running Lookout on Windows 7 x64, using Outlook 2010. Takes a couple tweaks, but works so much better than native Outlook search.
Ha! Just upgraded laptops yesterday and got Lookout 1.2.0 working on Windows 8, x64, using Outlook 2013. Following this link on the first go worked the first time:
Scroll down to the “Fast-Forward Your Searching” heading. Be sure to follow the steps in order. Good luck!
Hi Jason,
could you please share your solution for running Lookout on Windows 7 x64, using Outlook 2010?
kind regards
I am looking for a Desktop Search that indexes text files (*.txt etc.) and ideally also *.pdf and *.doc?. I used Copernic Desktop Search in the past but never liked it and I think there must be SOMETHING out there…
Why do you need to index these file types at all ? just run Everything with *.txt… and in less than a second you’ll get all files.
Try DocFetcher (install, portable, 32/64 bit..)
Windows, Mac OSX, Linux
Requires Java runtime
I want to index the CONTENT of those text files.
No kidding about the desktop search. I used to like Google Desktop until they abandoned it, like many projects. Been using a giveaway version of XYplorer and loving it. Part of me would like to turn off Windows search indexing and save the resources, but I’m so hooked on Outlook (yes, like an old-timer) and searching for emails using indexing that I just leave it alone.
locate32 is still superior, sadly it hasn’t been updated forever :(
I wonder why that is. Desktop search was really big back in 2007/2008 and now it is nowhere to be seen.
I thought it would have never been updated anytime soon :)
Happy to be proven wrong :)