Look-Up Addresses With Quick Maps For Firefox
If you need to look-up addresses quite often while your on the Internet, for instance if you are an estate agent, doing research or just planning your next holiday trip, then you have got multiple options at hand. You can for instance keep Bing Maps or Google Maps open in a new tab or browser window to quickly copy and paste address information into the web applications.
This may work if you do not have to look-up many addresses throughout the day, but if you are reaching dozens or even hundreds, you may prefer an automated solution.
Enter Quick Maps for the Firefox web browser. The Firefox add-on integrates direct Google Maps look-ups into the browser.
Just highlight an address in the browser, right-click it and select the Search with Quick Maps option to open an overlay window that displays the address on Google Maps.
The address is marked on the map right away, and you have options to zoom in or out of the map with the mouse wheel or by clicking on the plus and minus icons on the left.
You can furthermore hold down the left mouse button to move the map which can be helpful to locate other objects of interest on the map.
The overlay window remains on the screen until it is closed again. Please note that it is restricted to the web browser borders, and that it will only be displayed in the tab the address was looked-up.
A click on Fullsize Map opens the map in a new browser window. You can alternatively increase or decrease the size of the overlay map window directly. The default view mode can be switched to Terrain or a Satellite view mode.
The extension is useful for Firefox users who need to look-up addresses in the browser regularly. It is compatible with a number of countries, including the US, Germany, Spain, France and the United Kingdom. It should work for other addresses as well, as long as they are displayed in a common address format.
Firefox users can download Quick Maps for the browser from the official Mozilla add-ons repository. The extension can be used without restarting the browser.
Google Chrome users can take a look at Mini Google Maps as an alternative for their web browser.
Update: Quick Maps is also available for Google Chrome. You can visit the developer site here.
The developers of this add-on should have allowed for user based input for addresses as well.
Nice concept but not working for INDIA. Maybe a future support will fix it
How are addresses listed in India?
Will you guys please post in English for the rest of us who don’t understand German? LOL!!
As I was to post, been using Google Earth Plugin for Firefox, which seems to do a nice job.
I’ll check out Quick Maps to see what benefits it offers!
Danke für das Teilen, Martin!
Ist ein Projekt eines Bekannte, wie ich gestern schrieb. Link mal ruhig auf seine Seite, die Erweiterung gibt es auch für Chrome ;)
Carsten, hast also auch drüber geschrieben. Interessant das es auch eine Erweiterung für Chrome gibt.