Pop-up History For Chrome, Display Browsing History In A Popup

What would you say that an extension with the name Pop-up History and the description Pop-up a History does? This one had me puzzle for a while. My first thought was that it would display the list of popup windows in the Chrome browser. After installation it became much clearer.
Pop-up History is an extension for the Chrome browser that displays the web browsing history directly in the main Chrome interface. If you are a Chrome user you know that you can display the browsing history by pressing Ctrl-H or by clicking on the Tools icon and then on History.
The problem with this is that the History in the Google browser opens in a new tab, which is not the most comfortable option.
Chrome Pop-up History places an icon in the Google Chrome address toolbar. A click on the icon displays the last entries in the Chrome browsing history. Listed are the page titles, the time that has passed since the visit to the website and the number of visits to that page.
A click on an entry in the history opens the page in a new tab in the web browser. The listing contains dozens of history entries. A search is provided at the top that automatically updates the listing after entering a search term. That's for instance helpful if the item is not amongst the most recent history items.
Chrome users can download and install Pop-up History from the official Google Chrome Extensions repository.
The extension comes with configuration options that you can make use of. You can for instance change the sorting order from descending by last visited time to ascending by last visited time or visited count. You can also change the maximum number of items displayed in the history. The default value is set to 100, which in itself is a large number of items. You may want to reduce the history items to speed up the results page generation.
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