Domain Name Registration Typo Checker
Webmasters and business owners who want to create a new web project face a problem during domain name registration.
Should they register the additional domain name extensions of the domain that they want to register or should they skip that step? For instance, should you stay with .com only or a local variant, or get .net, .org and several of the other popular extensions as well?
The first option is more expensive but ensures that no one else will benefit from type in traffic and typos.
This can also prevent criminals from using these domains to confuse and attack potential visitors of the original website.
Not only new websites and projects benefit from these domain name registration look ups. A webmaster who started with one domain name extension might want to check for the availability of the domain name with other extensions either because these were not available at the time of registration or to see if they can be registered at a later time.
The Domain Typo Generator aids webmasters and business owners in the research. The online tool will check for available and registered domains based on the search term entered by the user. It will include popular typos like qwerty typos or look alike names in the domain name look up by default.
It is possible to limit the results by unchecking boxes and selecting registered or available only instead of both.
The domain name registration checker offers three different view modes. The registrant view mode will display the domain names that have been discovered, their registrants and the number of domains that are owned by the registrant.
The top level domain view on the other hand displays the domain names and their com, net, org, info, biz and us registration status. This list contains significantly more domain names than the registrant view mode.
The DNS view mode finally displays the domain names, their name servers and their IP address. This mode uses the same domain name list that the registrant view uses.
Results can be exported into a csv file. Some results contain links to other tools offered by Domain Tools that will display detailed information. Webmasters who are interested in the domain name registration look up can visit the Domain Tools website to use the service.