Mozilla Firefox About Protocol Links

Many Firefox users know that typing about:config in the Firefox location bar will open a Firefox configuration file that provides access to user preferences that cannot in the browser's interface otherwise.
Did you know that there are more than 12 additional protocol links accessible in the web browser?
Not all of them are as useful as the about:config protocol link but some are definitely useful.
Below is a list of all internal about pages that the Firefox web browser supports.
For each page, a short description is provided so that you know what it offers or displays to you when you load it in the browser.
Firefox about: links and their purpose
This displays the current version and build identifier of the browser, as well as links to the build configuration, licensing information and contributors.
Lists some of the about pages for your convenience. Note that you won't find all listed here but the major ones appear to be included.
Opens Firefox Sync. Asks you to sign in or create an account.
Opens Firefox's Add-on Manager. Use it to enable or disable extensions, display additional information about them, or display their options.
Opens the App Manager which helps you build and install web apps.
Displays a blank page. Can be useful for screenshots or as the page that gets opened when the browser starts or when you load a new tab page in Firefox.
Displayed BloatView outputs, not working in release builds.
Displayed when a web page that is loaded in Firefox is blocked by the browser's Safe Browsing protection.
Lists build information including the tools used, target platform, the source that was used to build it, the machine used, and the arguments.
Lists memory, disk and appcache information. For memory and disk cache, you get the option to list the items that are currently cached.
Displays Firefox's certification error message (this connection is untrusted).
Loads the advanced configuration of Firefox that you can use to tweak the browser. Here you find many preferences that you cannot modify in the browser UI otherwise.
Lists all recent crash reports submitted to Mozilla. For each report its date and time is displayed. You can also click on a report to load it on Mozilla's Crash Reports website.
A list of all contributors in alphabetical order. Redirects to a Mozilla web page.
Launches Firefox customization screen that enables you to move most interface elements around, remove them, or add new ones.
Displays a list of recent downloads with options to open the containing folder and to clear individual or all downloads.
The template for the feed viewer that gets loaded when you click on RSS links and do not have them associated with a program or service.
Lists performance information and other statistics. Here you find information about the last crash, the time Firefox has been open all-time or this month, how many add-ons are enabled and disabled, and the same for plugins.
In addition, it lists the startup time by day.
Loads the default startpage of the Firefox web browser.
about kitchensink (no longer working)
Was never integrated into Firefox. A joke.
Displays detailed license information with links to every licensed used.
Displays the Firefox logo.
Measure and display memory related information. Has options to free memory.
Displays the following sentence: The twins of Mammon quarrelled. Their warring plunged the world into a new darkness, and the beast abhorred the darkness. So it began to move swiftly, and grew more powerful, and went forth and multiplied. And the beasts brought fire and light to the darkness.
from The Book of Mozilla, 15:1
Displays a network error message when Firefox cannot load a page.
Experimental feature. Displays opened http addresses, ports and related information, sockets, WebSockets, and DNS information.
Loads the current New Tab page in Firefox.
Loads the permissions manager. Use it to change permissions for individual websites that you have visited in the past.
Lists all installed plug-ins including file names and local paths, states, versions and description as well as mime types, descriptions and suffixes if available.
Loads Firefox's preferences in a tab. Will one day become the default option.
Explains what private browsing is and offers to open a new private window to start a private browsing session.
User rights..
Nightly is free and open source software, built by a community of thousands from all over the world. There are a few things you should know:
- Nightly is made available to you under the terms of the Mozilla Public License. This means you may use, copy and distribute Nightly to others. You are also welcome to modify the source code of Nightly as you want to meet your needs. The Mozilla Public License also gives you the right to distribute your modified versions.
- Any applicable privacy policies for this product should be listed here.
- If this product incorporates web services, any applicable service terms for the service(s) should be linked to the Website Services section.
Another joke. Displays the following message:
Welcome Humans!
We have come to visit you in peace and with goodwill!
Robots may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
Robots have seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Robots are Your Plastic Pal Who's Fun To Be With.
Robots have shiny metal posteriors which should not be bitten.
And they have a plan.
Displays session restore options to restore a previous browsing session. Displayed automatically on load after crashes.
The error message that gets displayed when Firefox cannot connect to a Social provider.
Troubleshooting information. Use it to for a link to your profile folder and the update history. Here you find information about the application, crash reports, extensions installed, graphics components, modified preferences, library versions, and experimental features.
Opens the local synchronization log files of the Firefox profile in the browser.
Current status of data synchronization
Displays synced tabs from other devices that you have used with your Firefox account.
Displayed when a tab crashed and is not responding.
Lists all Telemetry data (only if the feature is enabled.
This page shows the information about performance, hardware, usage and customizations collected by Telemetry. This information is submitted to Mozilla to help improve Nightly.
Displays information about WebRTC sessions.
Seems to load session restore as well.

You left out about:support, the most useful About. I’m not sure what FF version added this, but it’s definitely in 5.0.
Thanks, added it.
about:news requres the ambient news extension.
ALL of these pages can be Fully Customized using UserStyles:
I have just uploaded my Styles for About:Robots and About:Crashes
about:kitchensink doesn’t work on FF3. but about kitchensink worked. but i heard it’s actually the google search working it. just google ‘about kitchensink’ and you’ll get the link :)
“about kitchensink” It works without colon – “;” :)
Thinker some are only available in non-release versions like about:bloat
Half of those links won’t work in my Firefox 3.