Page Style to Tab Firefox Extension

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 20, 2006
Updated • May 11, 2013

Page Style to Tab is a really useful Firefox extension that displays the tabs that are open using the style of the page. This is helpful because it is much easier to distinguish different tabs as they now show up in different colors in the tabbar. You are able to configure this extension further by choosing if the colors of the current website should be displayed only in the tab or the complete browser.

Update: Page Style to Tab has not been updated since 2009 which means that it is not compatible anymore with newer versions of the Firefox web browser. The last version that is supported by the extension is Firefox 3.6 which has been retired some time ago.

I'd like to highlight two Firefox extensions that you can use as alternatives for the now defunct extension. While they do not offer the very same functionality, they do let you color your tabs to make distinctions easier.

Colorful Tabs paints every tab in the Firefox browser in a different color. This adds another visual indicator to each tab open in Firefox. The color obviously does not match the page's system or favicon at all, but it is still pretty handy when it comes to identifying websites using the colors that the extension assigns to the tabs.

The second extension that I'd like to refer you to as an alternative for the Page Style to Tab Firefox extension is the excellent Tab Mix Plus add-on which improves tab management in quite a few different ways.

The extension can be used - among a lot of other things - to style backgrounds, unread and current tabs in a variety of ways. It is again not adding a unique color to every open tab in the browser, but it still helps you identify websites based on colors.

Update: Page Style to Tab has not been updated in a long while. The add-on is not compatible with Firefox 4 or newer versions of the browser.


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