Jabbits Ask Questions Get Answers
Jabbits is a interesting new interactive website that is supposed to be the world's first interactive video website. It can be described as some type of video answers website where one user posts a question and all others reply to it. The major difference to normal written conversations is that everything is recorded on video and can be watched directly on Jabbits.
There are actually three types of questions on Jabbits: Public, Research and Private questions. Public questions come from normal visitors who would like an answer to a question whereas research questions are added by companies who pay users for answer to question that they post on the site. Private questions can only be answered by users who have been invited by the creator of the question to answer it.
All users can watch and access public and research questions and answers without registration on the Jabbits website.
Invite only questions are of course only accessible to users who have been invited. Registering at Jabbits provides you with rights to create questions and answers on the site by recording videos and uploading them to the Jabbits website, or by using online tools to record questions and answers right on the website.
Jabbits does not have that many questions at the moment but this is surely going to rise once the service gets some good reviews from sites like mine, hehe. A question of the day can be accessed as well which is a nice idea. It is possible to react fast on global events and ask a question that will get lots of responses because of the actuality of the question.
Update: Jabbits has been retired and I'm not aware of a comparable service. While not offering the video option, Yahoo Answers seems to be the best option to have your questions answered by other users right now.
Im not shur but fore me this is just a waste off time.
Jabbits是一个很有æ„?æ€?的新型交互å¼?网站,也许å?¯èƒ½æ˜¯ä¸–界上第一个交互å¼?视频网站。它å?¯ä»¥è¯´æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªç”疑网站,用户在上é?¢æ??交自己的问题,而其它的所有用户å?¯ä»¥åŽ»ç”疑。和一般的文本形å¼?çš„é—®ç”æ–¹å¼?ä¸?å?Œï¼Œç”¨æˆ·ä¹‹é—´é‡‡å?–视频方å¼?记录æ??问和回ç”的全过程,并使用Jabbitsæ??供的æœ?åŠ¡æŠŠè§†é¢‘ä¸Šä¼ åˆ°ç½‘ä¸Šã€‚Jabbits里有三ç§?问题类型:开放类问题ã€?è°ƒç ”ç±»é—®é¢˜å’Œç§?人问题。开放类问题是由普通用户æ??供,他们把问题æ??交出æ?¥ï¼Œä¸ºçš„是得到一个ç”æ¡ˆã€‚è€Œè°ƒç ”ç±»é—®é¢˜ç”±å•†ä¸šå…¬å?¸æ??供,它们将为用户的ç”案而付费用。ç§?人问题则å?ªèƒ½ç”±æ??问者邀请特定的用户æ?¥å›žç”。
任何人都å?¯ä»¥æµ?è§ˆå¼€æ”¾ç±»å’Œè°ƒç ”ç±»é—®é¢˜å?Šå…¶ç”案,且ä¸?用在Jabbits注册。当然,ç§?人问题å?ªèƒ½ç”±å?—到æ??问者邀请的人开回ç”。如果在Jabbits注册的è¯?,那么就å?¯ä»¥æ??交和回ç”问题。一ç§?æ–¹å¼?æ˜¯ä¸Šä¼ è§†é¢‘æ–‡ä»¶åˆ°Jabbits,å?¦ä¸€ç§?æ–¹å¼?是使用在线的工具实时记录问题和ç”案。
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