Five Unique Gift Ideas

Martin Brinkmann
Sep 9, 2007
Updated • Dec 20, 2012

I'm one of those who always wants to find the perfect gift for people that I care about which usually takes some time to think about. My usual approach is that I listen carefully and make mental notes whenever I hear something, a desire or wish, that makes the perfect gift.

It is still a lot of work and I collect unique gift ideas throughout the year to be prepared to buy a gift that is unique and special. Here are five unique gift ideas that make a very special gift for people that you care about. I hope you do find at least one gift idea to be good enough.

1. Custom Jewelry:

I start with the most expensive gift idea, don't worry the others will not be that expensive. Paragon Lake is a company that creates custom jewelry. Customers explain what they would like and Paragon Lake creates a 3D design of the jewelry which will later be used to create the jewelry. This will of course only be created when the customer is fully satisfied with the model.

Paragon Lake Homepage (no longer available)

2. Blends for Friends

A truly unique gift for tea drinkers. Alex Probyn is a professional tea tester who creates custom blends using information that you provide about the person. He needs as much information as possible about that person. Everything is important and could include hobbies, colors, job, unique stories, experience and so on.

The tea will be neatly packed in a unique presentation gift box, a decorative tin, recipe descriptor referencing the personality traits of the recipient and a booklet. Each blend gets a unique id which makes it possible to order additional amounts.

The first is sold for £27 plus postage and additional ones cost £7 plus postage. That's about $55 for the first one.

Blends for Friends Homepage

3. RideMakerz

Create custom cars for kids of all ages. You choose the car, paint jobs, tires, rims, engines, radio control, stickers, music and a personalized license plate. Prices start at $19 plus posting.

Ridemakerz Homepage

4. Art Toy USB Drives

A gift for geeks, especially female ones I think. Unique usb devices that cost a little bit more because of their uniqueness. You can buy some characters from Star Wars, Happy Tree Friends and unique creations that look cute, oh so cute..

Mimoco Homepage

5. My Food Home

This is actually a pretty unique idea. You pay a monthly membership fee of $9.99 to join the food community which gives you the support and knowledge to analyze and change your eating habits. This is done by taking pictures of the food that you eat which is then analyzed by experts and other community members. (link no longer available)


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  1. Jeff S said on September 13, 2007 at 8:19 pm

    Those USB Drives are awesome. I’m going to get one this weekend for sure. There are some really good gift suggestions on this site. I have a unique gift idea blog. Check it out sometime and let me know what you think:

  2. Helen T said on September 11, 2007 at 5:39 pm

    I love your suggestions. I started my website for those of us who are not as organised as you! I love Blends for Friends, we featured them as one of our gifts of the week as I thought it was a really unusual and thoughtful gift, particulalry if you know someone is into tea.

  3. Kelly Thompson said on September 10, 2007 at 2:26 pm

    I have worked with Paragon Lake and had a great experience. They answered all of my questions and the experience was fun. One note: I am not sure how they picked the examples on the website, but my design came out far better looking and much more realistic than any of the examples.

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