Microsoft Office

While Microsoft Office started with a few programs, it has a larger selection today with a cloud offering. Besides sharing news on the latest packages and prices, we’ll also review different apps, provide some tips, and compare them with others.

ddeauto word security

Disable Office DDEAUTO to mitigate attacks

There is a vulnerability in DDE in Office applications currently that is exploited actively in the wild. DDE, or Dynamic Data Exchange, is a feature of Microsoft Office that is designed to […]

word comments

How to remove comments and other data from Word documents

Microsoft Word's commenting system is quite the useful addition to the program. You can use it to keep track of things that need to be done, add reference or additional information, or […]

office october 2017 updates

Microsoft Office October 2017 Patch Day

Microsoft released a batch of non-security patches for Microsoft Office 2013 and Microsoft Office 2016 on the October 2017 Office Patch day. The following guide provides a list of all patches that […]

word 2016 table of contents

How to add a table of contents to a Word 2016 document

Adding a table of contents to a Microsoft Word 2016 document is not a complicated process. Still, if it is your first time doing so you may find it helpful if the […]

word 2016 index

How to create an index in Word 2016

An index can improve the accessibility of a book or document tremendously, as it lists important words and phrases, and the page numbers they are referenced on. I'm writing my first book […]

microsoft office july 2017 non security updates

Microsoft releases July 2017 Non-Security Office updates

Microsoft has just released non-security updates for Microsoft Office 2013 and 2016; a day later than anticipated because of 4th of July in the US. Only non-security Office updates get released by […]

Office 2007 support ends on October 10, 2017

Microsoft announced that the company's support for Microsoft Office 2007 will end on October 10, 2017, a little over three months from now. Office 2007 was the first version of the office […]

word 2016 researcher

Word 2016: Researcher and Editor tools

Microsoft announced two new tools, Researcher and Editor, for Word 2016 today that introduce better research integration and writing assistance. Word 2016 is the newest version of the popular word editing software […]

office 2016 preview expires

What you need to know about Office 2016 before you install it

Microsoft has just published the Office 2016 Preview application for home and enterprise. It is available to Office 365 subscribers, other Office users and non-Office users on the Office website. If you […]

Scan and fix Office issues with the Microsoft Office Configuration Analyzer Tool

If you use Microsoft Office for more than just the occasional spreadsheet or Word document, you may have encountered issues in the past after installing a new add-in or plug-in, or making […]


Microsoft releases Word, Excel and PowerPoint previews for Windows 10

Microsoft has released previews of several Office apps today for users running the most recent build of the company's upcoming Windows 10 operating system. Update: The applications are no longer available as […]

disable cloud sign-in office 2013

How to remove cloud features from Office 2013

If you are using Microsoft's most recent desktop version of Office, Office 2013, you may have noticed that the company has integrated several cloud features in it. You can sign in to […]

microsoft office mobile

Microsoft Office Mobile for Android now available without Office 365 subscription

Big news today is the launch of Microsoft Office for Apple's iPad. What most tech sites seem to have missed is that there are also changes for Microsoft Office Mobile for Android. […]

Microsoft launches Office for Android, tablet users need not apply

Microsoft has already released the long awaited Office for iPhone, but Android remained only a dream and a rumor. Now the software company makes good on that with the roll out of […]

office addins manager

Change the start mode and connection of multiple Office addins at once

If you have a copy of Microsoft Office installed on your PC it is near certain that several Office addins are installed on the computer as well. Office 2013 for example ships […]

microsoft web apps

Microsoft improves Office Web Apps with Android support, real-time co-editing

Office Web Apps is built into Microsoft's SkyDrive OneDrive file hosting and sharing service.  It provides OneDrive users with access to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote right in the web app. […]

chrome office viewer

Google releases Chrome Office Viewer, gets bad ratings

If you need to open Office documents on the Internet you have quite the arsenal of services at your disposal to do just that. From Google's own Google Drive service to Microsoft's […]


Listen to your Word documents with AudioDocs

What ifht you could listen to your Word document being read to you from your phone or tablet? Though it may not be a need for many people, I am sure it […]

view office documents online

Office Web Viewer to read Office documents on the Internet

If you are using Microsoft's cloud hosting and synchronization service SkyDrive you know that you can use it to view and edit Microsoft Office documents. Microsoft up until now did not offer […]

Microsoft Office 2013 can now be transferred between PCs

The Office 2013 lineup is Microsoft's entry into the world of subscriptions thanks to Office 365 which is available for a yearly subscription fee instead of a one-time price. Subscriptions to have […]

word web app floating format

Office Web Apps rolls out new features

Microsoft introduced Office Web Apps as a part of SkyDrive sometime back. The service is free to use, but the apps are limited to Word, Excel, OneNote and PowerPoint. Also, functionality is […]

Microsoft ties Office 2013 to a single PC

Prior to Office 2013 customers who bought a retail copy of the suite were allowed to  reassign a license to a different device. The purchase of a new PC for instance that […]

office 2013 365

Microsoft Office 2013 editions overview

Microsoft Office 2013 and 365 are now available for purchase, for instance via Microsoft's official online store. Not every online retailer seems to have it in stock right now, Amazon for instance […]

uninstall microsoft office2013 365

How to uninstall Microsoft Office 2013 or Office 365

If you have installed a trial or full version of Microsoft Office 2013, the company's latest installment of the suite, on your PC and want to uninstall it again, for instance because […]

How to recover data from a damaged docx, xlsx or pptx document

Interrupted transfers, system crashes while editing documents or malware may corrupt Office documents on your system. When Office fails to open a document that it opened previously or supports, you know that […]

office 2013 upgrade

Buy Office 2010 and get a free Office 2013 upgrade

If you are planning to purchase the next Office once it comes out, and holding back on the previous version of the software because of that, you may be interested to know […]

email as attachment office

How to save old Office formats in Google Docs

Google recently implemented a change on Google Docs that removed download and export options for older Microsoft Office formats. It is not clear why the change has been implemented, but the result […]

google docs doc format

Google Docs and Apps: doc, xls or ppt format downloads removed

Google's document editing and hosting service Google Docs supports a variety of formats. You can upload Microsoft Office or Open Office documents for instance, to access, edit or share those documents online. […]

word 2013 share

Share and Blog from Word 2013

Microsoft recently rolled out the first public beta of Office 2013, formerly known by the code name "Office 15".  While many things are still similar to the previous Office 2010 version, many […]

office store

Microsoft opens the Office Store

Microsoft seems to have looked closely at Apple's revenue model when it decided to build stores into its core products Windows and Office. Apple is not the only company that is profiting […]

download office 365

Download the Office 15 Consumer Preview now

Microsoft is currently holding a press conference where the next version of Office, Office 365 is presented for the first time. If you do not have time to watch the presentation right […]

Office 15 with PDF Support

Microsoft is not only working on a new version of its Windows operating system, but also on Office 15, the next installment of the popular Office suite of programs. Back in January […]

Will we Anti-Trust Microsoft in the Future?

It's not that long ago, really not a distant memory, when Microsoft were hauled before regulators in the US and Europe for several years over the anti-competitive practices of bundling Internet Explorer […]

save as picture

How To Extract Images From Office Documents

Office documents may contain images and other media besides text. I sometimes get article suggestions by email in Microsoft Word format. These articles often contain one or multiple images that I need […]

microsoft office word starter

Download Microsoft Office Starter 2010

Microsoft Office 2010 is available in different editions just like the Windows operating system. There is Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 or Office Professional 2010 for instance. And there is at […]

not a valid win32 application

How to get your Microsoft Office Files to Open after Office 2010 Trial Expires in Windows 7

It is good that Microsoft offers a 60 day trial of Office 2010, but once it expires and you try to open Word or Excel Files, you will get an error message […]

opa backup

OPA Backup, Microsoft Office Activation Backup

When you reinstall the Windows operating system you may need to reinstall other software like Microsoft Office as well. It may then be necessary to activate the software again which may not […]

Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 3 Released

Microsoft yesterday has released Service Pack 3 for their Microsoft Office 2007 suite. The update applies to both Office 2007 as we as Microsoft Office Project, Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer, Microsoft Office […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Using Templates in MS Excel and Word 2007/ 2010

Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010 include templates in the applications. These templates are useful when you have to create customized documents such as invoices, charts, and even blogs. If you need to […]

word line spacing

How to Customize Default Line Spacing in Microsoft Word 2007, 2010

When you have made the move from older versions of Microsoft Office to Office 2007 or Office 2010, one of the first things that you notice in Word is the difference in […]



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