Microsoft Office January 2018 Patch Day

Martin Brinkmann
Jan 3, 2018
Updated • Jan 4, 2018
Companies, Microsoft, Microsoft Office

Microsoft released updates for Microsoft Office 2013 and 2016 yesterday on the January 2018 Office non-security Patch Day.

Microsoft reserves the first Tuesday of the month for the release of non-security patches for Microsoft Office. The second Tuesday of a month brings security patches for Office, Windows, and other Microsoft products.

The company released updates for Microsoft Office 2013 and 2016 only. Patches were not released for Office 2010 or 2007.

Note: The updates apply only to Microsoft Installer-based editions of Office 2013 or Office 2016. They don't apply to Office 2013 or 2016 Click to Run Editions such as Microsoft Office 365 Home.

Office 2013 Patches

office january 2018 patch day

KB3172510 -- The update improves the thesaurus for modern usage guidelines for all Office 2013 products.

KB4011635 -- Fixes an issue in PowerPoint 2013 that truncated files containing some special characters after installation of KB3141461.

KB4011640 -- The update fixes issues in Project 2013. It corrects issues that throw the following error messages:

"This operation cannot be completed because the source file contains invalid project data or the total number of rows would exceed the limit of 1,048,000 rows in a project. Validate the data in the source file, insert fewer rows, delete some rows, or consider dividing your project into subprojects to provide more space for tasks and resources.".

"The date you entered isn't supported for this field. Dates must be between January 1, 1984, through December 31, 2149. Enter the date in the correct format, eg., 15/06/00 or 15 June 2000"

KB4011638 -- Update for Skype for Business 2015.

Office 2016 Patches

KB4011221 -- The update fixes a crash bug in Access 2016 when adding a lookup column to a related table in the Datasheet view. It fixes that the Home tab shows up in the ribbon when opening a password protected Access runtime application while the password dialog box is up.

KB3178662 -- Same as KB3172510 for Office 2013. It improves the thesaurus.

KB4011146 -- The update for Office 2016 improves some translations and makes sure that the ribbon displays only add-ins that were marked as enabled.

KB4011569 -- The update improves font selection "to display the text correctly" and a bug in Outlook 2016 that saw recipient names not being pasted correctly when you copy and replace among the To, CC, and BCC fields.

KB4011625 -- Fixes a bug in Outlook 2016 that made the attachment list disappear after selecting attach file to add a file attachment to a message.

KB4011630 -- This Office 2016 update adds a Registry key that enables authentication even if Online Content is disabled.

KB4011631 -- This update improves font selection to display the texts correctly in Office 2016 applications.

KB4011644 -- Fixed line endings may display inversely during slide presentations in a scatter chart or chart that contains a series of lines.

KB4011564 -- The update corrects the translation for "Slides" in the Korean version of PowerPoint 2016.

KB4011633 -- The update fixes several issues in Project 2016 including the one fixed in KB4011640 for Office 2013. Check the KB for details.

KB4011215 - The update fixes a reliabiltiy issue in Visio 2016.

KB4011623 -- Update for Skype for Business 2016.

There is no rush to install any of these patches. You may want to consider installing them if you ran into issues that these patches fix.

Microsoft Office January 2018 Patch Day
Article Name
Microsoft Office January 2018 Patch Day
Microsoft released updates for Microsoft Office 2013 and 2016 yesterday on the January 2018 Office non-security Patch Day.
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  1. Paul(us) said on January 4, 2018 at 6:52 am

    Thanks Martin for informing us of the January 2018 Office patches.

    I have a question about the MS Office patches to you.
    Every month when you informing us about the operating system (o.s.) updates on the second Tuesday of the month you always mentioning and also linking, to a ferry handy MS Excell spreadsheet where all the o.s. updates are listed.
    Is there no such MS Excell spreadsheet for the MS Office patch day?

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on February 7, 2018 at 7:00 am

      Paulus, no there is not unfortunately.

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