Microsoft Is Killing Its ‘Free’ VPN—And Raising Prices Too

Agencies Ghacks
Feb 3, 2025
Microsoft, Microsoft Office

Microsoft has announced that it will be shutting down the VPN feature in Microsoft Defender for Microsoft 365 Personal and Family subscribers later this month. The decision comes just days after Microsoft raised subscription prices across the board, leaving users with fewer features despite the increased cost.

Initially introduced in 2023 as part of Microsoft 365, the VPN was marketed as a privacy protection tool, allowing users to securely browse the web on open networks. While it lacked the functionality of standalone VPN services, it was a convenient addition for millions of Microsoft 365 users. However, Microsoft now says it will discontinue the feature on February 28, 2025.

“Our goal is to ensure you, and your family remain safer online. We routinely evaluate the usage and effectiveness of our features. As such, we are removing the privacy protection feature and will invest in new areas that will better align to customer needs,” Microsoft stated in a support document confirming the change.

The move comes alongside Microsoft’s recent price increase for Microsoft 365, which raised the cost of Personal and Family plans by $3 per month—the first price hike in over a decade. While the new subscription includes AI-powered features via Microsoft 365 Copilot, many users may find the removal of the VPN a bigger drawback.

With the Defender VPN service shutting down, Microsoft 365 users have just a few weeks to find an alternative. Those in need of a replacement can explore the best VPN options available in 2025.


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  1. EU said on February 3, 2025 at 6:53 pm

    Generally sceptical to stuff like VPN from vendors like Microsoft/Apple/Google/Meta/Samsung or whatever. I prefer multiplatform independent solutions which increases the likelyhood of protection FROM these vendors. Same goes for VPN (and Email++) delivered by the browsers which may very well benefit from permitting a peek.

    If trackable footprint is a concern, have a look at the Browser profile which tends to remain the very same regardless of what you do with everything else. Would assume that’s where the streaming platforms gets your natural habitat from when you are doing all sorts of things with your languages, VPN and DNS to stay low key….

    As for now, I remain faithful to Mullvad which I have used for some years.

  2. efromme said on February 3, 2025 at 1:14 pm

    MS: “Our goal is to ensure you, and your family remain safer online.”
    That’s a quote for the ages.

    I get the feeling the CCP runs MS.

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