Microsoft Office November 2017 Patch Day

Martin Brinkmann
Nov 8, 2017
Updated • Jan 4, 2018
Companies, Microsoft, Microsoft Office

Microsoft released non-security updates for all supported versions of the company's Microsoft Office software product yesterday to the public.

The company publishes non-security Office updates on the first Tuesday of each month, and then a week later security updates for Windows and Office.

This month saw the release of updates for Office 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

office november 2017 patch day

Office 2007

Office 2007 is not officially supported anymore by Microsoft as it reached end of support on October 10, 2017. This did not keep Microsoft from releasing a single patch for Microsoft Office Publisher in November 2017.

KB4011203 -- November 7, 2017, update for Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 

The update fixes a crash in Publisher 2007 that occurs when you edit a title bar in a newsletter and deselect the title bar by clicking anywhere else in the interface.

Office 2010

Office 2010 is supported until October 13, 2020 if the latest Service Pack is installed (Service Pack 2). Microsoft released a single update for Office 2010 in October 2017.

KB4011188 -- November 7, 2017, update for Office 2010

The patch corrects a scanning issue if Windows Defender is enabled and registered for IOfficeAntiVirus scanning. Office applications would still run Registry key scans instead of using Windows Defender.

Office 2013

Microsoft released a total of nine updates for Microsoft Office 2013 and Office 2013 applications.

KB3172533 -- November 7, 2017, update for Office 2013

The update fixes a crash issue in Office 2013 applications that open a document from a SharePoint connected site.

KB4011228 -- November 7, 2017, update for Office 2013

This update fixes a decimal values truncation issue in a chart axis or data label in on-premise versions of Office Word Online and Office PowerPoint Online 2013. The update requires the installation of KB3162081 and KB4011168 as well.

KB4011229 -- November 7, 2017, update for Office 2013

This update fixes several issues, including the same scanning issue that KB4011188 fixes for Office 2010. It furthermore corrects a flashing issue when you dock or undock external monitors, and application freezes in Office applications.

The update improves translations of "Total Row" in the Danish version of Office, fall back improvements and to avoid software rendering, and software rendering improvements.

KB4011075 -- November 7, 2017, update for OneNote 2013

The patch fixes the cause of the error message "That email address does not exist" when using move or share functions to share a notebook in OneNote 2013.

KB4011252 -- November 7, 2017, update for Outlook 2013

The update fixes a "exceptions of recurring appointment series" missing issue when exporting calendar data to CSV files, and issues with the tab key and space bar not working after switching from a Windows Presentation Foundation format to the reading pane in Outlook 2013.

The update improves the Swedish translation of "Private Appointment" and hides the Apps for Office button on the compose form if no legacy compose add-in is installed.

KB4011168 -- November 7, 2017, update for PowerPoint 2013

Required to fix the issue described in KB4011228. Also improves the translation of Compress Media in the German version.

KB4011235 -- November 7, 2017, update for Project 2013

The update fixes a issue with MOD_DATE having the same values for two baselines in projects. The property should have different values.

KB3162081 -- November 7, 2017, update for Word 2013

Required to fix the issue described in KB4011228.

KB4011255 -- November 7, 2017, update for Skype for Business 2015 (Lync 2013) 

This update includes the new Skype for Business client. Lync 2013 will be upgraded to Skype for Business. The Lync client user interface can still be used after the upgrade.

Office 2016

Microsoft released a total of 12 updates for Microsoft Office 2016 on the November 2017 Office Patch Day.

KB4011138 -- November 7, 2017, update for Office 2016

The update fixes several issues in Office applications. It does fix the Windows Defender issue described in KB4011188. It fixes a freezing issue in Outlook when emails contain lots of images, and extends validation of 255 character document property settings to VBA and VSTO.

Extends the protection that the BlockContentExecutionFromInternet  offers to Excel workbooks embedded in other Excel workbooks, and a hang issue when opening IRM protected Office documents when the Rights Management Service returns an error code.

Last but not least, translations of Total Row in the Danish version and Disable all macros with notification in the Dutch version are optimized.

KB4011216 -- November 7, 2017, update for Office 2016

The update fixes two print issues. First that some textboxes with shadow effects are not printed correctly, and second an application crash when trying to print presentations with large tables in PowerPoint 2016.

KB4011223 -- November 7, 2017, update for Office 2016

The update addresses two language display issues in Office. The first changes the default Help language of Office 2016 to "match display language" instead of the language of the Office setup program. The second fixes a fall back to another language issue if Match Microsoft Windows is selected, and if a Spanish regional variety is selected other than Spanish (Spain).

KB4011224 -- November 7, 2017, update for Office 2016

This update fixes a display issue for certain DBCS symbols and characters.

KB4011226 -- November 7, 2017, update for Office 2016

The update fixes a freezing issue caused by rendering, and the flashing of Outlook 2016 when external monitors are docked or undocked.

It furthermore improves software rendering and introduces options to avoid falling back to software rendering.

KB4011259 -- November 7, 2017, update for Office 2016

Fixes the "invalid argument" error when using ActiveX Data Objects to connect to SharePoint lists.

KB4011145 -- November 7, 2017, update for Office 2016 Language Interface Pack

Improves translations of Compress Media (German), and Private Appointment (Swedish); fixes multi-selection function in Edit Links to Files, and improves translations for the Cloud File Options interface in all languages.

KB4011137 -- November 7, 2017, update for OneNote 2016

Adds an option to set pages to read-only in OneNote Class Notebook.

KB4011240 -- November 7, 2017, update for Outlook 2016

The update fixes several issues on Outlook 2017:

  • Email messages don't display presence icons.
  • Account setting issues for profiles if ZeroConfigExchange is configured.
  • Display issue for Exception Appointments.
  • Cause of the error message "The public group cannot be displayed. The operation failed" when changing members of a distribution list.
  • Messages sent using IMAP may re-appear in the draft folder occasionally.
  • RSS feeds that don't require Office 365 Modern Authentication may still prompt for authentication. The Registry value NoAuthCheckAddingFeeds needs to be set to 1 after installing the update. See KB4011241.
  • Tab key and space bar key don't work properly after switching from a Windows Presentation Foundation form to the reading pane and back.
  • Freeze in Outlook 2016 when trying to send encrypted messages with large attachments.
  • Fixes Private Appointment function in Swedish, and translations for Cloud File Options UI.

KB4011219 -- November 7, 2017, update for PowerPoint 2016

Fixes a crash issue in PowerPoint 2016 (or nothing happens issue) when copying from an IRM protected document in another Office application using the Paste Special dialog in PowerPoint 2016.

Also improves Compress Media translation in German versions, and fixes multi-selection function not working properly in Edit Links to Files.

KB4011227 -- November 7, 2017, update for Project 2016

The update fixes several issues in Project 2016:

  • The MOD_DATE issue described in KB4011235.
  • Task Form issue that shows unit for additional resources as 100 percent even when set to other values.
  • Sub-project saving issue when saving master projects stored in SharePoint document libraries.
  • Freeze issue in Project 2016 when Task Path is enabled and selecting a task within the project.
  • Other labels for timescale tiers may disappear when setting timescale label to none

KB4011238 -- November 7, 2017, update for Skype for Business 2016 

This updates Skype for Business 2016.

Microsoft Office November 2017 Patch Day
Article Name
Microsoft Office November 2017 Patch Day
Microsoft released non-security updates for all supported versions of the company's Microsoft Office software product yesterday to the public.
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  1. Cap'n Crayfish said on November 13, 2017 at 7:05 am

    WHy would you want to go to ransomware – Office 2016?

  2. [email protected] said on November 9, 2017 at 4:43 pm

    Can anyone suggest how to buy office 2016 lifetime for cheapest price Thanks in advance

  3. basicuser said on November 8, 2017 at 9:14 pm

    For backwards compatability? Just a WAG.

  4. Paul Bajorek said on November 8, 2017 at 2:30 pm

    I have a question about KB4011188. It is for Office 2010. This update shows up as available in my update status. I have Office 2016 installed, not Office 2010. Also, am running Windows 10, and this update is for earlier versions of Windows. Why would this show up as available for me? Thanks

  5. Straspey said on November 8, 2017 at 2:01 pm

    Users of Windows 7 (and possibly 8.1) BEWARE !!

    I received this batch of Office updates today for my Windows 7 machine – but one of the “Optional” updates I also received was the nefarious KB2952664 – the patch Microsoft issued and reissued numerous times during the “free” upgrade period to Windows 10.

    I’m sure Martin can provide more details – but KB2952664 provides the gateway to downloading the setup files for Windows 10 to systems such as mine, which still run Windows 7 or 8.1.

    For those users who do not want a force upgrade to Windows 10, it’s a good idea to look closely to review all the updates appearing on your system today.

    I’ll be “hiding” this update once again – probably for the tenth or twelfth time.

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