MSN for Windows 8 Launches, Immediately Goes Down

Alan Buckingham
Oct 24, 2012
Updated • Jan 1, 2013
Microsoft, Windows 8

It's a big time for Microsoft with the upcoming release of Windows 8 and the Surface tablet this Friday.  They have also been actively updating almost all of their software and web apps, with new versions of Skydrive and Hotmail already released as well as the email site, and even new versions of Office and Windows Phone will be coming very soon.  The company has also updated all of their logos, but now they are moving on to web sites and MSN is the latest to get the Metro (or Modern) interface.

This isn't a complete surprise since Microsoft announced a few weeks ago that an update would be coming, but it was a bit surprising that it slipped out a couple of days ahead of the Windows 8 release.  The site uses your location information, if you have enabled this, to customize everything for each user.  You will find weather for your local area displayed right at the top of the page, but you will also find all kinds of other information like news, sports, entertainment, money, and more.  All of this is displayed in a very Windows 8/Windows Phone 8-style tiled interface.

msn for ie10

Microsoft had previously stated that the new MSN would be specifically for Windows 8 and Internet Explorer 10 and it seems that is really the case.  While I haven't attempted to access the site on an old Windows 7 system, I can verify that only IE 10 brings up the new interface, while both Chrome and Firefox continue to display the older, original version of MSN.

The user interface apparently rolled out this morning and the folks over at LiveSide were the first I saw to pick up on it.  Apparently when the news broke earlier, the site did briefly go down under the weight of the traffic, but Microsoft quickly got it back up and running and it's been rock-solid ever since.  Use IE 10 to browse to and check it out for yourself.

Update: When you try to access the site with another web browser, even Internet Explorer 9, you are automatically redirected to the same article on the "old" Msn website instead.


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  1. Marie Wilcox said on November 6, 2012 at 2:13 pm

    How do I get onto the same as my computer

  2. anshuman said on October 25, 2012 at 6:43 pm

    msn new version support window 7??????

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on October 25, 2012 at 6:52 pm

      I guess it does but only if you run Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 7.

  3. Peter (NL) said on October 25, 2012 at 4:08 pm

    It looks nice this new layout, but for me it is also a bit overwhelming (busy for the eyes). I do not have Windows 8, but on your screen print the fonts look not so sharp. Is this also the case in the Windows 8 final release ?

    What is your experience sofar with Windows 8, Martin ? No problems with drivers, etc. ?

    rgds, Peter

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on October 25, 2012 at 5:12 pm

      I do not have problems with drivers, but with the mouse and keyboard for the last two days or so, and once issues with Windows account. More issues that I had with Windows 7 in the first year, but hey, could be a coincidence and is still pretty low for a few months of usage.

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