50+ Helpful Keyboard Shortcuts for Hotmail

Mike Halsey MVP
Oct 6, 2010
Updated • Aug 30, 2011

Microsoft's Hotmail service is undergoing a period of expansion, with new features being added.  As always happens this adds levels of complexity to the service but, recognising that many users still like to use their PCs using keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V for instance, Microsoft have released a guide, which for some reason comes a JPG, on the keyboard shortcut key combinations you can use with Hotmail.

The shortcuts are detailed here in full and can help you make better and faster use of Hotmail.

There are some very useful shortcuts here including Ctrl-Enter to send an email, L to flag a message and F followed by I to return to the inbox.  These shortcuts can make life for Hotmail users far simpler but the question has to be asked why it's taken Microsoft so long to publish the list?


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  1. BlueRaja said on October 9, 2010 at 12:24 am

    lol hotmail still exists?

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