Zoofs Finds Viral Youtube Videos On Twitter

Martin Brinkmann
May 2, 2010
Updated • Jan 4, 2018
Companies, Internet, Music and Video, Twitter, Youtube

Have you ever wondered what the trends of tomorrow will be? What people will be talking about? You can now get a headstart with Zoofs, a brand new service that scans Twitter for video links and aggregates them into a most popular listing on their website.

According to information posted on the service's website more than 2.1 million videos have been discovered in the past 22 days.

The site opens with a video wall with controls at the top of it. Each video is displayed with a thumbnail and playtime. Hovering the mouse over the video displays the video's title which sometimes happens to be in a foreign language.

The controls at the top can be used to filter the video listing. It is possible to view only videos of a specific category, e.g. sports, news and politics or comedy, switch to a list format for an better overview or change the video upload date from anytime to last 72 hours.

Zoofs is an entertaining and interesting site. A search is missing as well as an option to filter videos by language. Users who like viral videos should give the service a try.

Update: We had to change the website's service as it was pointing to a non-existing url. The main page lists the most talked about YouTube videos on Twitter. Each video is displayed with a thumbnail image and the playtime. A click on the video plays the video right on the website. The site supports various languages, and also different video categories like gaming, film and animation or sports.

The service at the time of writing has found more than 600,000 videos in more than 23 million tweets. Once you click on a video you see the video frame open up at the top of the screen. You can then switch between videos without screen reloads.

Update 2: The Zoof website is not responding anymore, returning errors when you try to open it. We have removed the link from the site, and suggest you go to YouTube directly to watch the trending videos there.


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  1. Transcontinental said on May 2, 2010 at 1:54 pm

    I think more and more people tend to wonder so intensively about what other people think that they forget to think for themselves. The lot of this circle is that the mainstream is that of everyone in general and on no one in particular. Except for very few. I hope. This is why I am not fond, to put it mildly, of social networks, and therefore don’t care less of what the trends of tomorrow will be, and of what people will be talking about.

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