You cSo, every year we see commercials for just about every type of Christmas gift one can think of...The sports equipment, the cars, the romantic getaway... But what about the Linuxbeard guy […]
I remember for a long time that Skype on GNU/Linux systems was a nightmare. The official application was terrible, and solutions like Pidgin were lacking in some crucial features such as video […]
So, I’ve mentioned a few times for my love of Arch Linux and Manjaro, but there is another player in the mix that deserves due diligence, and has actually won over my […]
Imagine being able to place your cellphone into a small little dock, and be able to run your favourite Linux distribution on a monitor with proper mouse and keyboard, use it as […]
So, regardless of what distribution being used, there are things that I do after every single install I do, and I thought perhaps I would share some of them with you; perhaps […]
In a blog post written Oct 25, the Linux Mint team has announced that Linux Mint will be ending the KDE flavor after 18.3 is released. “In continuation with what’s been done […]
I’m going to preface this review, and say that I liked Ubuntu 17.10 after using it for a few days. However, there were multiple issues with it, that ultimately ruined my experience; […]
In a previous article we talked about some simple commands for people to learn to do in a Linux terminal like changing directories, or copying files. Today, I’ll be showing you some […]
Python is one of the most amazing languages one can learn to code. Python is very simple to learn when compared to some other languages out there, but yet, it’s still very […]
In a previous article it was stated that the next version of Linux Mint would include a piece of software called Timeshift, a very popular and powerful backup utility. However, currently Timeshift […]
Atari has recently announces that they are coming back into the console market, and are releasing a console dubbed the “AtariBox†and the kicker is; it runs Linux! On Sept. 26, Atari […]
If you’ve never heard of SUSE Studio, it’s a service offered by SUSE that allows users to create their own respins of their GNU/Linux Operating System; OBS, is a tool designed for […]
Unsurprisingly, Ubuntu has planned to follow the same path that other major distributions have, and drop 32bit ISO images for upcoming releases. Dimitri John Ledkov from Canonical, sent out a message through […]
In a not very surprising move by the Manjaro Linux developers, a blog post was made by Philip, the Lead Developer of the popular distribution based off Arch Linux, On Sept. 23 […]
Linux Mint Project Leader Clement Lefebvre, otherwise known as “Clem†released a blog post on Sept. 18, giving some information about the upcoming release of Linux Mint 18.3, dubbed “Sylvia.†In his […]
It’s no secret that using GNU/Linux is generally safer than using Microsoft Windows, however, there are specific distributions of GNU/Linux that are even more focused on privacy and safety than the usual […]
There are more terminal applications than one can shake a stick at, so I'll say it's a little hard to really think, "Why should I use X instead of Y?" But, Terminator […]
CTRL+Shift+ESC... END TASK END TASK END TASK............ Seem familiar? Yeah, Windows. Thankfully, it's pretty rare (at least in my experience) that GNU/Linux suffers from applications freezing or hanging. However, it does happen! […]
GParted is one of the if not the most popular partitioning tool for GNU/Linux, when it comes to GUI tools. Powerful, easy to navigate, and straight to the point; GParted does what […]
One of the things that I found pretty confusing about GNU/Linux during my transition from using Windows as my primary OS to using GNU/Linux, was how audio worked. In Windows, you don’t […]
There are many different tools and applications to help enhance speed and productivity in GNU/Linux. One of the greatest things about the operating system is its flexibility; granted it can sometimes come […]
There are so many different text editors out there, some have a GUI, some are terminal based; and so many people prefer different ones for different reasons. With all that said, there […]
One of the things that people like to hate on about GNU/Linux is that a lot of programs and applications are not compatible with it. And it’s true, as a long-time user […]
So, I’ve mentioned in a previous article that I have been known to distrohop (read: change distributions often) and I decided that I wanted to try something different; again. I’ve used Sabayon […]
I was sitting at home writing future articles for Ghacks and I decided on a spur of the moment whim that I wanted to try out a distribution I had never touched […]
GNU/Linux is powerful. GNU/Linux is mighty. GNU/Linux can be confusing… One of the things that terrifies most people about GNU/Linux is the command line. Granted, most users can get away with never […]
Sudo; at some point or another while browsing the web in relation to GNU/Linux, I’m sure those of you who are new to this world would have come across this word/command. If […]
There are countless tools that claim to optimize your Windows system, but not nearly as many for GNU/Linux. Now, many GNU/Linux power users will likely say something like, "If you're using Linux […]
So, I recently got my father to start to switch from Windows to GNU/Linux. The man is a serious privacy freak who knows Windows systems better than almost anyone who hasn't been […]
WikiLeaks has been fairly steadily releasing documents from what is known as the “Vault 7†leaks, and now documentation has been released about a tool known as “Aeris†which specifically targets POSIX […]
Canonical's Ubuntu Linux distribution is one of the, if not THE, most popular distributions of any GNU/Linux systems available; and now the company is looking for input from the masses on what […]
There are multiple ways to encrypt files, or encrypt your entire filesystem, make containers, encrypt emails etc. However, AES Crypt has got to be the absolute most simple way to encrypt virtually […]
When I was running Windows one of the first pieces of software I'd install after I'd grabbed all my necessities, was CPU-Z. It was useful for looking at temperatures, specs, generating reports, […]
Given that I have been writing the odd article here and there about server work, hosting, VPS and the like, I thought that perhaps an article about editing configuration files / text […]
So, I recently purchased a new (used, but new to me) laptop, that had a 1TB 5400RPM Hard Disk in it, granted the laptop is fairly powerful and capable of modern gaming, […]
Linux, or GNU/Linux, is has grown in popularity exponentially over the course of the past ten years or so, and with that and the rise of users switching from Windows; there are […]
It’s been a number of years since I sat down and gave Fedora a spin; I’ve always leaned more towards some of the other distributions out there with features that more suited […]
In a previous article we discussed how to start up a basic web server with nginx and get a primitive webpage online, however, what if we are hosting our website on a […]
Arch Linux by default does not come with a GUI tool for updating packages or working with the AUR (Arch User Repository), and this is just fine for most Arch users. However, […]
Previously I wrote a very simple beginners article on how to host your own nginx webserver and host a webpage. But, not everyone is familiar with ways to get the files you […]
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Ghacks is a technology news blog that was founded in 2005 by Martin Brinkmann. It has since then become one of the most popular tech news sites on the Internet with five authors and regular contributions from freelance writers.