Windows 11’s Start Menu Just Got a Huge Upgrade for iPhone and Android Users

Agencies Ghacks
Jan 30, 2025
Google Android, iOS, Windows 11 News

Microsoft is rolling out a major update to Windows 11's Start menu, bringing seamless integration with both Android and iPhone devices. This new feature allows users to access text messages, images, call history, and even battery status directly from the Start menu, making cross-device connectivity easier than ever.

Previously, the Phone Link feature was exclusive to Android devices, but with this update, iPhone users can now enjoy the same level of integration. To use the feature, users must have Windows 11 Build 4805 or higher in the Beta Channel, or Build 26120.3000 or higher in the Dev Channel. Additionally, Phone Link must be updated to version 1.24121.30.0 or later, and Bluetooth LE support is required.

Once the feature is enabled, users can manage their connected devices from Settings > Personalization > Start. From the Start menu, they can check their phone’s connection status, view recent messages, and even pick up calls. However, for more advanced functionality, they will still need to access the full Phone Link app.

Microsoft is using its Adaptive Cards technology to power the new Start menu sidebar, which also supports Windows widgets. This suggests the possibility of future expansion, where third-party developers might be able to create their own widgets for the Start menu’s sidebar.

For now, this integration is not available on Windows 11 Pro Education or Education SKUs. Microsoft continues to refine its cross-platform features, reinforcing Windows 11 as a hub for both work and personal connectivity.


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  1. Joe H said on January 30, 2025 at 1:03 pm

    Some monitoring for compliance will occur

  2. Bobo said on January 30, 2025 at 10:52 am

    Requires a Microsoft account, so no thanks.

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