FlyBy11: update introduces more Windows 11 installation options and plugins

Martin Brinkmann
Oct 30, 2024
Windows 11 News

My first review of the open source tool FlyBy11 is less than ten days old. The initial version could be run in Windows 11 devices which did not meet the system requirements to upgrade to Windows 11 version 24H2.

Microsoft removed some options to upgrade Windows 11 that worked previously. FlyBy11 supports both options that remain. It is not the only tool that does so. Rufus, for example, supports one of the options as well.

FlyBy11 Update adds more options

FlyBy11 Script

When you launch FlyByScript now after the download, you still get the dreaded "are you sure" security warning on Windows 11. Once you accept it, you see more options. The initial options, now called Method 1 and Method 2, are still available.

If you plan to upgrade to Windows 11 version 24H2 on an unsupported system, these are the options that you may try. First the easier option, method 1, but if that does not work for whatever reason, the Registry hack that is method 2.

The third option that is now available is for systems that do meet the hardware requirements. You can initiate the upgrade on these systems right away. That may be easier than having to wait for Microsoft to show the upgrade when you run checks using Windows Update.

Another excellent addition is that you now get checks that tell you if method 2 or the direct option is enabled already. A small detail but still useful for verification.

Plugins are introduced

FlyByScript plugins

The second big addition is a plugin system. This is not the first app of the developer with a plugin system. You activate it by selecting the import option in the main interface.

A total of ten plugins are provided. Not all are useful in all situations. There is Windows Old Remover, which you may run after a successful upgrade to free up disk space.

Other plugins remove OneDrive from the system, restore all built-in apps, or create restore points. All in all, these can come in handy and there is the prospect of future plugins that may automate certain processes before or after upgrades are installed on the system.

You do not need the plugins, but they may come in handy.

Closing Words

FlyBy11 is an easy to use script to upgrade to the latest version of Windows 11 on systems that do not meet the minimum system requirements.

The plugin system could turn into a great addition. For now, it feels unlinked from the scripts main purpose, the upgrading.

Have you tried the script yet? Or do you have no need for it? Feel free to leave a comment down below.

FlyBy11: update introduces more Windows 11 installation options and plugins
Article Name
FlyBy11: update introduces more Windows 11 installation options and plugins
The latest version of the open source tool FlyBy11 adds more options to install Windows 11 and plugins that give you even more flexibility.
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  1. Danny said on October 31, 2024 at 12:33 pm

    Thank you. I only run Windows in a virtualbox VM with Linux host. I used the product server method to update to 24H2. Hopefully this tool can help make future updates quicker. Rufus is not practical for my use case. Thanks.

  2. John said on October 31, 2024 at 12:18 pm

    Still like Rufus better right now. The issue I find with trying to bypass restrictions on hardware with Windows 24H2 is drivers. Even compatible hardware has had some issues with 24H2. Has become a Bizarro world with Windows these days. Where you just are not guaranteed that it will just work. Having worked with Windows for decades I never thought about whether any version of Windows would work on a PC designed for Windows.

  3. karlo2105 said on October 30, 2024 at 5:18 pm

    I always upgrade Windows by fresh install because it keeps OS lighter and cleaner. That’s why I only use LTSC versions.

  4. Anonymous said on October 30, 2024 at 2:52 pm

    I tried to use the version 0.13 (now there is version 0.14) to upgrade to 24h2 on unsupported hardware. It did not work, I tried all options.
    Happily Rufus 4.6 did work.

    1. Bokoy said on October 30, 2024 at 5:16 pm

      Same here, Rufus still is the best. Flyby should be more easy, too much scripts and config needed.

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