Get creative with TikTok generative AI avatars

Emre Çitak
Apr 26, 2023
Apps, Mobile Computing

The social media giant TikTok is reportedly working on a new feature that will enable users to create generative AI avatars for their profiles. The move comes as a part of the company's ongoing efforts to enhance its user experience and attract more users to its platform.

According to social media consultant Matt Navarra, who has shared images and video of the tool, the AI-generated avatars are quite similar to those produced by Lensa app developed by Prisma Labs.

You may see Matt Navarra's tweet on TikTok generative AI avatars below.

How does TikTok generative AI avatars work?

To create an AI-generated avatar, users will be prompted to upload between three to ten photos of themselves and then select from two to five different styles.

Once this is done, the tool will take some time to generate the photos. Users can then download the images and use them as their profile picture or post them to their TikTok page.

Fun styles for creative avatars

The examples Navarra shared on Twitter showcased a wide range of fun styles that users can choose from to create their avatars. The AI technology used by TikTok allows for a vast array of customization options that can be used to create unique and creative avatars. The feature is expected to be popular among users who want to experiment with different looks and styles for their profiles.

As of now, there is no official announcement from TikTok regarding the release date of this feature. However, this leak suggests that the company is actively working on enhancing its platform with the latest technology. With this new feature, TikTok aims to keep its users engaged and attract more users to its platform.


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  1. snap tik said on April 28, 2023 at 7:36 am

    Very interesting. AI is really making some advancements lately. It seems like every week there’s new AI tech being released. I’m definitely going to give this a try on my personal TikTok profile. Thanks for the detailed write-up :)

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