Microsoft Word supports Sentence-Level writing suggestions now

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 21, 2020
Microsoft, Microsoft Office

Microsoft 365 or  Office 365 customers who do use Word may now use a new feature in Microsoft Word that provides sentence-level writing suggestions.

Microsoft announced the introduction of Rewrite suggestions at the 2019 Microsoft Build conference designed to provide users with suggestions that may improve the quality of texts. The new Sentence-Level writing suggestions that Microsoft introduced this week are an addition to the functionality. Instead of providing phrasal suggestions, the new feature provides suggestions for entire sentences.

The entire process is very simple. All that needs to be done is to select a sentence, right-click on the selection and pick the Rewrite Suggestions option from the context menu to get suggestions that may improve the quality of the sentence.

Microsoft notes that different types of suggestions are supported right now: fluency improvements, concise phrasing improvements, and readability improvements.

Improves fluency: These suggestions aim to improve the flow of the wording, including mechanics like grammar and spelling.

Concise phrasing: The goal of these suggestions is to express an idea clearly, without extra words.
Paraphrased sentence: These suggestions offer synonyms for alternative wording.

Improves readability: The goal of these suggestions is to make the writing easier to read for people with different reading abilities. In general, suggestions will include shorter, simpler wording.

The changed text is highlighted in the suggestions so that it is clear right away what has changed; this makes the analysis and comparison much easier. Microsoft lists the type of improvement, e.g. improves readability, as well underneath each suggestion.

The company notes that only some types of suggestions may be provided at times, and that "sentences that are good enough" already may not show any suggestions as there is nothing to improve.

The new Sentence-Level writing suggestions in Word are available for subscribers only. Microsoft has made available the feature for English language sentences only at the time of writing and did not reveal when additional language support would become available.

Microsoft Word supports Sentence-Level writing suggestions now
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Microsoft Word supports Sentence-Level writing suggestions now
Microsoft 365 or  Office 365 customers who do use Word may now use a new feature in Microsoft Word that provides sentence-level writing suggestions.
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  1. ULBoom said on April 22, 2020 at 3:03 am

    Haven’t used Word in a while but this seems like a repackaging of the spelling and grammar checkers it’s always had.

    Some of the more extensive “rewriters” are fully capable of changing the intent, meaning, tone, etc. of sentences and even documents. No real substitute for learning proper grammerr, spillng and sintacks.

    Here’s a great example of perfect writing that says (no surprise here), maybe 100 times, almost nothing beside “We take your data and sell it. You can flip all the switches you want; we have so many ways to collect data, we’ll just use a different one. Be happy about how wonderful we make your life by controlling it for you!”

    MS must have plugged in Word’s Experience Baffle Blender to deliver that smoothie. :)

  2. Peterc said on April 22, 2020 at 1:10 am

    Yes, I can imagine trying out this new feature on the following sentence:

    “The tone-deaf boneheads at Microsoft really *screwed the pooch* with their heavy-handed approach to implementing the GWX program.”

    Concise phrasing:

    “Mistakes were made.” ;-)

  3. Anonymous said on April 22, 2020 at 12:15 am

    Does this work out of the box or is it a premium feature locked in a subscription crap?

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on April 22, 2020 at 6:56 am

      This is only enabled for Microsoft 365 or Office 365 subscribers (meaning only for paying customers).

  4. acafj said on April 21, 2020 at 9:43 pm

    you know what it’s good for? academic plagiarism

  5. jern said on April 21, 2020 at 8:56 pm

    If you’re unable to write a clear sentence how are you going to know if the program is making a sensible suggestion? Some things are better handled by a carbon-brain than a silicon-brain.

    Fuddle Duddle indeed.

  6. Mike said on April 21, 2020 at 5:43 pm

    I feel like this company has burned too many bridges and betrayed me one too many times for me to consider adopting their cloud services, even if they found a way to literally transform my garbage into gold.

    My writing skills and vocabulary may be at a sub-tenth grade level, but that is preferable to subjecting myself, my privacy, my wallet, and my PC to all of the above, and whatever else they cook up next month!

  7. Sunil said on April 21, 2020 at 5:28 pm

    This is misleading – the feature is only available for Word online, not Office 2019 to Office 365.

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on April 22, 2020 at 7:03 am

      Coming to Desktop according to Microsoft.

  8. pHROZEN gHOST said on April 21, 2020 at 3:18 pm

    I see your trying to say something nasty to your boss. Try this … Fuddle Duddle.

  9. Anonymous said on April 21, 2020 at 12:24 pm

    Microsoft planning to put Grammarly out of business.

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