TeamSpeak 3

Martin Brinkmann
Dec 19, 2009
Updated • Dec 31, 2016
Linux, Mac, Software, Windows, Windows software

Gamers have a few choices when it comes to ingame voice communications. Many games today offer voice chat that has been build into the game so that no external software is required to communicate with friends, allies and enemy players. But voice communication software for gamers offers several advantages over ingame solutions. The main advantages are that they can be used for all kinds of purpose and all games and applications; Not only those that support it. Another advantage is that they always use the same server IP address so that it becomes easier to meet and communicate. Unlike voice communication in games where everyone communicates with everyone third party voice communication programs allow a user to communicate only with users who also got access to the server.

One of the disadvantages is that these programs require a server (or a home PC, although this would void some of the advantages) to run. One of the most popular voice communication programs is TeamSpeak which has been available in version 2 for a very long time.

Other updates include a global TeamSpeak identity which can be used to find other players even if they change their nicknames frequently and 3D voice communications which can be used to distinguish TeamSpeak members based on their position in the 3D environment.

The TeamSpeak website is currently displaying a static website with torrent and file hosting downloads only. The full website will be enabled again once the traffic begins to slow down again.


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  1. David Fisher said on December 22, 2009 at 10:30 pm

    So this is TS3. They’ve done a pretty good job but if you’re unhappy with the features that made it into TS3 and don’t want to wait until 2015 for TS4- then give imVOX a shot. I’m the Community Manager there and we are rapidly developing the best voice service for games possible- better yet 30-slot servers (that we host) are always free.

    If you’ve got things that you want in there- just pop in our forums and let us know. We’ve got some features slated that neither TS nor Vent have

  2. Kold said on December 19, 2009 at 8:36 pm

    Were running the Linux client. This is going to kill Vent.

    Just having issues with the file sharring. Also need to register the clan for Reg NPO as 32 slots is not nearly enough for a WoW Guild

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