KB4043961 update for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update released

Martin Brinkmann
Oct 18, 2017
Software, Windows 10

Microsoft released the update KB4043961 for the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update yesterday to address issues in the new version of Windows 10.

The new Windows 10 version 1709 has been released yesterday, and while the roll out will take months, a first update for the operating system has been released already.

Tip: read this if you want to install the Fall Creators Update for Windows 10 right now.


KB4043961, or October 17, 2017—KB4043961 (OS Build 16299.19), addresses two issues, and patches security issues on top of that which seem to be identical to the patches released on this October's patch day for other supported versions of Windows.

Security updates to Windows kernel-mode drivers, Microsoft Graphics Component, Internet Explorer, Windows kernel, Microsoft Windows Search Component, Windows TPM, Windows NTLM, Device Guard, Microsoft Scripting Engine, Windows Wireless Networking, Microsoft Windows DNS, Windows Server, Microsoft JET Database Engine, and the Windows SMB Server.

The two issues that the update fixes are noteworthy however. The first fixes the following issue: when you remove applications from the machine running the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, you will notice that they get reinstalled on every restart, logoff or login. This ends with the installation of the update.

Microsoft's Windows 10 operating system was plagued by application reinstallations in earlier versions, but this happened usually only when new feature updates were installed.

The second issue that is fixed by the update addresses a JET database error output issue. Only English error strings are reported, the patch fixes the issue so that error strings in other languages are reported as well.

KB4043961 lists a known issue on top of that. Universal Platform applications that you run after installation of the update may stop working if they use JavaScript and asm.js.

Microsoft suggests that you uninstall the application, and reinstall it afterwards to fix the issue. It is unclear as to how many applications are affected by the issue.

The update is pushed out via Windows Update, and it is also available for direct download on Microsoft's Update Catalog website.


KB4043961 update for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update released
Article Name
KB4043961 update for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update released
Microsoft released the update KB4043961 for the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update yesterday to address issues in the new version of Windows 10.
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  1. Anonymous said on December 11, 2017 at 1:27 pm

    I had to roll-back to 15063 as IE did not launch. I tried removing IE using Turn Windows features on or off in order to reapply it but windows 10 would not start.

  2. jasray said on October 18, 2017 at 7:36 pm

    Duly noted.

  3. Area51 said on October 18, 2017 at 12:10 pm

    Just for confirmation, If you are on the most current release (16299.15 currently) when you update via Windows update the download size isn’t the full 235mb for x64 is it? it does a comparison and then only has to download a smaller amount, is that right?

    1. Jeff said on October 19, 2017 at 9:46 am

      No this is the actual size on Windows Update too after calculating the difference (delta). Run Windows Update MiniTool and it will show you the size.

  4. Franck said on October 18, 2017 at 11:39 am

    Thanks Martin !

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