DoNotSpy10 3.0 for the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update

DoNotspy10 is a new version of the privacy software for Windows 10 that has been released today with support for the Fall Creators Update.
Note: The developer website and/or DoNotSpy10 may be flagged or blocked by security software. The reason for that is the use of potentially unwanted software in the installer. It goes by the name FusionCore or InstallCore. If you want a privacy tool for the Fall Creators Update that is adware free, try O&O ShutUp 10 which was released yesterday, or check out our list of privacy tools for Windows 10 here.
I reviewed DoNotSpy 10 back in 2015 when it was released for the initial version of Windows 10, and the sister tool DoNotSpy 7/8 for previous versions of Windows.
DoNotSpy10 3.0
The program needs to be installed on the computer system, and this is when the potentially unwanted offers may appear. I did not see any, but I did block the program's ability to connect to the Internet so that may be the reason why. Note that this needs more confirmation though as there are other potential reasons why I did not get any offers during installation.
The program interface has not changed all that much since the initial release in 2015. You find the following new tweaks added to the application:
- Apps: Disable Push to Install
- Windows Defender: Enable Network Protection Guard
- Privacy: Disable Network Traffic Pre-User Sign-In
- Search: Disable Cloud Search
- Search: Disable and Reset Cortana
- Updates: Disable Automatic Speech Model Updates
Most of these tweaks can only be applied to the Fall Creators version of the Windows 10 operating system.
The application color codes tweaks to indicate how safe it is to apply these to a machine running Windows 10. Blue means it is usually safe to do, orange and red that you should read the description and understand the impact of making the change, and gray is only used on consecutive sessions as it indicates changes that have been made since the last use of the program.
DoNotSpy10 displays a prompt to create a System Restore point whenever you hit the apply button. It is recommended that you do so, as you may restore the previous state of the system using the Restore points if things don't work out as intended.
Closing Words
The integration of potentially unwanted software offers in the installer blocks the program from reaching a larger audience. Malwarebytes blocked the developers domain for instance, and it also blocked the installer from running by default.

I would give “W10Privacy” a try … (from Germany and we know how Germany pays attention to privacy)
Installing the original version from the command prompt with the full filename and the switch /NOCANDY installs it cleanly.
I stopped using it ages ago, so am unsure if the above still applies.
I prefer WPD, from
Can it be unchecked during install or is the extra junk mandatory? If it can be unchecked and is optional then no biggie.
WPD is better.
The best way is to jail Windows 10 to VirtualBox or VMWare Player on Linux and keep Windows VM disconnected from the internet.
Doesn’t matter anymore. You’re still being tracked online and any other online service you use. I bet you have one of those stupid smart speakers in your home, but then come here and complain about telemetry.
The same old argument, Nick. Online we have a CHOICE of being tracked or not. We have a CHOICE of putting sensitive data on our phones or not. With Microsoft’s desktop OS we have no choice currently but to allow these diabolical Microsoft infiltrators access to our data. They not only track your online activities, they if not forcibly stopped also track your contacts, installed apps, names of documents, and originally even your wi-fi passwords!
I’ll go even further than that, and if you are a “patriotic” American apologist or a corporate apologist you will say this is a tin foil hat conspiracy theory, the US would never do this, bla bla bla. The US government is using US tech companies as its global spy network, period. The Chinese and Russians knew this from the start, the Europeans are just starting to admit it to themselves. NOBODY should have this kind of access, not any government, not any tech company.
I tried (am) doing this. But the CPU performance is garbage. I use KVM with VGA pass-through, and the CPU/GPU are an FX-8350 and GTX770. 4 cores are passed through, as is 16 GB of memory. I think I am going to convert it into a dual-boot, but without letting Windows connect to the Internet. The only reason I use Windows is for games, and I don’t play any multiplayer games and I refuse to buy any single player ones that won’t work without connecting to the Internet. The test game I run is PCSX2, which can’t even use 4 cores, so it shouldn’t fall so far behind a bare metal install, but it does!
It’s Just disappointing, because I am not seeing the ~95 percent native performance that a lot of fellow Linux users like to claim that KVM provides. Or maybe I set up something incorrectly.
thats because you’re using an AMD CPU, there are some pretty bad KVM performance bugs even on the newer Ryzen chips ( read ), I’ve benchmarked my 3930k at 4.6ghz on native windows and an arch KVM running the same version of windows with GPU pass-through using a GTX 1080 and I do indeed get bare-metal performance in a KVM. your guess is as good as mine as to why AMD has yet to address the issue.
“The integration of potentially unwanted software offers in the installer blocks the program from reaching a larger audience.”
Well, don’t integrate potentially unwanted software offers in the installer, DUH! Your cure is worse than the disease.
DO NOT USE WINBLOWS 10!!!111eleven :((
I think it’s a better advice.
Get a copy of Chinese Windows. No telemetry, no forced updates, no (cr)App store.