Chill, the Video Pinterest?

Martin Brinkmann
Feb 24, 2012
Updated • Sep 13, 2018
Internet, Video

With the success of an idea on the web come clones and services that refine the idea, or find a niche that is not yet dominated by the first mover.

The success of Pinterest, which certainly was surprising to some, has sparked the creation of Pinterest-like sites for all kinds of things. We have seen music and video sites adopt the system the system in masses for instance in past months.

Update: Chill is no longer available. We are not aware of a comparable solution at this point in time.

Chill is one of the latest sites. It is a video pinboard community where logged in users can post videos that they have stumbled upon, comment on and like videos, and create video groups like The Ultimate Steve Jobs Collection.

Even the posting of videos on the site works in the same way. Just drag and drop the Chill bookmarklet to the browser's bookmarks bar, and click on it when you have found a video that you want to post on the site. You can also click on the post a video button on the Chill website directly.

Users can currently only register if they link their Facebook account to the service. While that is a comfortable option for some, others may not want to link their account or may not even have one.

Since it is possible to post videos on Pinterest, the main question is if Chill is unique enough to survive on its own. And Pinterest is not the only site the service has to compete with. There are also regular video hosting sites, like YouTube or Vimeo that it has to compete with as well.

When you look at the features it offers, you end up with a site that allows you to post videos into categories, make them available to others, and use the site as a video discovery service.

ReadWriteWeb notes that Chill has received over 500,000 unique visitors in its first month, which definitely is an impressive figure. It is however too early to tell if the site will continue to grow in the next months, or if it is one of those one-hit wonders that you happen to see fairly often on the web.

Have you tried Chill yet? If so, what's your impression of the service?


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  1. Deano said on March 5, 2012 at 3:11 pm

    My long-term favourite site for discovering cool videos is and it’s marvelous community of sifters.
    I’d suggest people give that a go.

  2. Honor Clement-Hayes said on March 2, 2012 at 5:17 pm

    I suspect that this will appeal to nerds who hate Google. It’s also a lot more intuitive to use and with the Facebook sign-in, it’s so much more accessible. Youtube made me create a ‘channel’ to comment on a video yesterday. Dislike.

    For producers of videos/small media agencies I think Chill could be great.

  3. Joey said on February 24, 2012 at 11:04 pm

    Cool site. Seems like something I want to be a part of. Too bad they don’t offer any way to login or register besides Facebook. That is enough to steer me away.

  4. Fred said on February 24, 2012 at 8:13 pm

    I have no problem with copycats. the problem when people stop cloning things you get no innovation. imagine social networks stopped cloning after myspace? no facebook. no search engines after yahoo? no google. i’m already seeing pinterest competiors leapfrogging them in terms of innovation, like weheartit or both are taking it in new directions. juxtapost alone has several features that people go gaga for.

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