AT&T gives loyal customers free Femtocell

Mike Halsey MVP
Jul 11, 2010
Updated • Dec 1, 2012
Mobile Computing

The femtocell caused a great deal of excitement when the technology was first announced a couple of years ago.  These boxes use your broadband connection to boost the signal for your 3G mobile phone and can be a godsend in those areas where the phone signal just isn't up to scratch.

Now Engadget are reportingthat AT&T's "most valuable customers" in the US can get a free femtocell to help with their 3G signal coverage.


Customers who receive an invitation letter can collect their femtocell, called a "3G MicroCell" from their local AT&T store.

Not all mobile phone companies are offering femtocells yet but there's a great push for them to do so as this is an extremely valuable technology for those people who simply don't get a good signal.

In the last couple of years AT&T has been heavily criticised for its 3G coverage, a problem highlighted by when Apple's first iPhone came to the network.  These free femtocells are no doubt an attempt to smooth over relationships with some annoyed customers.

Let's hope that other mobile phone companies follow suit and give femtocells to their customers who cannot get a decent mobile phone signal.


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