Windows Wallpapers From MSN

Martin Brinkmann
Oct 1, 2008
Updated • Dec 7, 2012

Windows Wallpapers from MSN is a beta application and web service that provides Windows users with wallpapers from Microsoft. The software application will automatically check in intervals if new Windows wallpapers are available to download them automatically to the computer system. At the time of testing 156 Windows wallpapers were downloaded to the computer.

Wallpapers from MSN is not your usual wallpaper manager though. It displays the Windows wallpapers in an image library and gives you options to add your own wallpapers to the application. Each wallpaper can be processed before it is being used as the Windows wallpaper.

You can use basic photo editing features like cutting, rotating or cropping the wallpaper images to prepare them before you make them the desktop background. More interesting that that is the option to add elements to the wallpapers. Three types of objects are available that can be added to a selected wallpaper: Foreground Images, Graphic Elements and Text.

The changes can be previewed and saved to the library. The Wallpaper Settings menu can be used to pick a permanent wallpaper or to rotate the wallpapers frequently. There is no need to run the application if you want to pick a downloaded wallpaper from the list and use it as a static Windows wallpaper or move it to another operating system.

Wallpapers from MSN is one of those nice to have applications for casual computer users. All effects could be added with a photo editor as well. Most wallpapers are well done and the program can be used to increase the wallpaper collection on a computer rapidly.

Update: The program is no longer available. I suggest you check out alternatives such as the wallpaper downloader Picturethrill or Bing Images Downloader instead which can both download wallpaper images from Microsoft's search engine Bing.


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  1. هه said on June 12, 2009 at 11:35 pm

    Not Nice it’s bad

  2. Helen Lindo said on November 30, 2008 at 8:35 pm

    How do I exit from wallpaper once I’ve been in?

  3. Martin said on October 1, 2008 at 9:45 pm
  4. BeautifulZune said on October 1, 2008 at 5:39 pm

    Hey, were did you get the wallpaper used in the screenshot?

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