Free Survival Game like Resident Evil

Martin Brinkmann
Jun 15, 2006
Updated • May 22, 2018

Yesterday we reviewed the latest release version of the game Nexuiz, an incredible freeware online shooter. Today it's a free survival game that looks and plays a lot like Resident Evil and Silent Hill. Penumbra sets you on a quest to find out more about your father who bequeathed you a mysterious book. Graphics and game play is great for a freeware game, make sure you grab your copy from the developers homepage as long as it is available.

Penumbra is a first person horror adventure with a focus on story, immersion and puzzle solving. The engine, while not comparable to state of the art engines like those used in games like Battlefield 3, produces good looking environments that players will enjoy.

Update: The game is no longer available for free. You will find a demo version on the developer site linked above that you can download, install and play on your computer system. The developers have released a total of three parts, which are currently sold as a collection for $20. Even more interesting, the series is not only offered for Microsoft Windows operating systems, but also for Linux and Mac systems.

The Penumbra series' central character, Philip, is realistically vulnerable, while enemies are fierce and intelligent. Any object can be picked up and thrown in defence, but the end result might only be to buy some time, or more likely, anger enemies further. Avoiding, outwitting and sneaking past enemies entirely provide the best chance of survival.

Penumbra will put players on edge like never before as they explore bizarre and mysterious environments, the unknown awaiting them behind every corner. The world is detailed both in terms of graphical fidelity and narrative character - The Penumbra Series is a horrific experience that will grip players from its opening thrills to it chilling denouement.

Here is a video trailer for the Black Plague episode of the game.

Keep in mind that the game has been released in 2006, and that graphics may not look overly impressive anymore.

Update: Only demo versions of Penumbra are available on the developer site. The games have been released as commercial games for various platforms which may be the reason why this version of the game is no longer available on the website.


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  1. ranjoytsingh said on July 11, 2006 at 7:51 am

    excellent can’t believe

  2. moshboy said on July 7, 2006 at 11:45 am

    Here’s an interview with the creators of Penumbra, Frictional Games:


  3. ERT3 said on June 27, 2006 at 6:32 pm


  4. gnome said on June 15, 2006 at 10:20 am

    Excellent! better than Nexuiz…

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