Amazon Raises Music Unlimited Prices—Here’s How Much You’ll Pay Now

Agencies Ghacks
Jan 31, 2025
Amazon, Music and Video

Amazon has announced a price increase for its Music Unlimited streaming service in the US, making it the latest company to raise subscription costs. The new pricing went into effect this week for new customers, while existing subscribers will see the changes reflected in their billing cycle starting March 5, 2025.

For Prime members, the cost of an Amazon Music Unlimited Individual plan has risen from $9.99 per month to $10.99. Non-Prime subscribers will now pay $11.99 per month, up from the previous $10.99. Meanwhile, the Amazon Music Unlimited Family plan has increased by $3, now costing $19.99 per month instead of $16.99.

This adjustment aligns Amazon Music Unlimited’s pricing with Spotify, which raised the cost of its Premium plan from $10.99 to $11.99 in June 2024. However, Amazon still offers a slight discount for Prime members, keeping their individual plan at a dollar less than non-Prime users. In contrast, Apple Music and YouTube Music both continue to charge $10.99 for their standard plans.

Amazon justified the price hike by stating, "In order to bring you even more content and new features, we’re updating the price of select Amazon Music Unlimited plans." A similar explanation was given during the company's last price increase in August 2023.

With streaming services across the industry raising prices, customers now face tougher choices when selecting a music platform. Whether Amazon’s added content and features justify the higher cost remains to be seen, but the pricing shift reflects a broader trend in the streaming industry.


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