Explore Hubble missions with Hubble Gallery for Android
Hubble Gallery Beta for Android is a free application for the mobile operating system that lists information about Hubble missions and photos in an easy to navigate interface.
The application requires only one extra permission -- access to photos/media/files -- which it requires for some of the functionality it provides. The source code of the application has been published on Github from where you can browse or download it.
General information about the Hubble telescope are displayed when you start it for the first time after installation.
The app displays photos and descriptions of missions afterwards in a gallery view in the interface. A photo and description is displayed for each mission and a tap on one of them opens a page listing additional information and the photo in a larger resolution.
The information provided are quite extensive and consist of several pages worth of text that provide details about the mission and the context the photo was taken in.
A tap on the photo displays it on its own in the interface while a tap on the menu icon options to save or share the image, or to set the image as the device wallpaper.
Missions may take a moment to load depending on the connection speed as images are often larger than 1 Megabyte in size.
The default view mode lists the entire collection of missions and photos when you start the application. A tap on the menu icon lists options to filter missions by type.
There you may for instance display only galaxy, nebula or solar system missions. Some types allow you to improve the grade of detail further. The star category for instance lists brown dwarf, massive star, supernova and about ten additional star types that you can select from there.
The application filters the gallery view according to your selection. The only other option you have there is to switch from the default popular sort order to a resolution-based sort order instead.
The application is responsive and works well. It is not only for space enthusiasts but also for people who like to use it as a new wallpaper resource for their phone or even desktop. Since you can share and download photos, it is no problem to transfer them to other systems or share them with a bunch of friends.
Images and descriptions are taken from Hubble Site so that you don't really need to use the application if you are on a desktop most of the time to read about missions and download photos taken by Hubble to the local system.
It is still a great little application that works really well.