Pangobright is a screen dimming tool with multi-monitor support

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 22, 2014

When it comes to the brightness of the monitor, you have two core options to adjust it if you feel it is too bright or too dark. You can use the brightness setting of the monitor to modify it, or use software running on the computer to do so.

While the first option may be ideal in many situations, it can lead to side effects such as the monitor starting to make a buzzing sound all of suddenly.

This may not be the case for all or most monitors, but if yours does it, the option becomes less viable or even completely impracticable.

This leaves the software option as the only solution. Most video card control panels come with options to adjust the brightness, but you can also install third-party software like DimScreen or the amazing F.Lux for that.

Pangobright is a lightweight application that offers a similar feature set as DimScreen. You can start the portable application right after you have downloaded it on your system.

It displays an icon in the Windows System Tray upon doing so which you can use to change the brightness of the monitor screen.

pangolin screen brightness

The brightness can be set to a value between 100% (full brightness) and 20% (minimum). The program launches with a brightness level of 80% which you can adjust accordingly using the control panel.

Once you modify the brightness it is applied automatically to the selected screen. You can change the level again by setting it to a different value or by closing the program instead using the system tray icon or the Windows Task Manager.

What makes the program interesting is that it can be used to control the brightness of other monitors connected to the PC. If you run a multi-monitor setup for instance, you can use it to change the brightness of each monitor individually. This can be useful to turn down the brightness of a laptop screen during a presentation while you keep the VGA output at a brighter level.

While that is great, its low memory footprint makes it ideal for single and multi-monitor systems.


The program is compatible with all recent versions of Windows, portable, and not resource hungry at all. If you are currently shopping for a screen dimming application, especially one supporting multi-monitor setups, then you may want to give this one a try.

It is easy to use, does not get in your way, and simply works as expected.

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  1. Dwight Stegall said on August 30, 2014 at 6:25 am

    It doesn’t say if it works on Windows 8.1 but it does.

  2. Dan said on August 23, 2014 at 6:50 pm

    Been using PangoBright for a while now (in addition to f.lux) and I like it a lot. Two things I wish would change in a future update:

    1. When clicking on taskbar icons, right-clicking, and the like, the screen momentarily flashes at full brightness. This can have a flashbulb effect when you’re in the dark at 20 or 30%.

    2. The program, when auto-started, always comes up at 70%. There needs to be a configuration file or option that allows the user to determine at what brightness the program should start.

  3. exrelayman said on August 23, 2014 at 5:11 pm

    Apparently not applicable to windows 8. Apparently can only be downloaded from cnet. I’ll pass.

  4. bob said on August 23, 2014 at 3:53 pm

    Thanks Martin, it’s easier than using the monitor settings. Great find.

  5. HelenChristain said on August 23, 2014 at 2:32 pm

    You could always use Flux :

    1. Dan said on August 23, 2014 at 6:56 pm

      Great utility, but serves a different purpose.

  6. naveed said on August 23, 2014 at 4:10 am

    Or if you prefer a command-line approach with a program that does NOT run in the background you can use bright.exe from Full disclosure: this is my website.

    1. Justin said on March 20, 2015 at 4:27 am

      Thanks, naveed. Pangobright had a lot of lag, where portions of the screen show at their original brightness before being adjusted – your solution has been perfectly tight so far.

    2. Elben said on August 25, 2014 at 4:26 pm

      Your autotextsender looks cool. Will try it out.

    3. Christoph said on August 24, 2014 at 11:08 am

      Doesn’t seem to be able to set the value for only one monitor, does it?
      That seems to be the feature setting panobright apart.

      My use case is that I’m often playing games when it’s darker but it’s annoying to turn off monitor two all the time to prevent the breaking of immersion. PanoBright seems great for that :)

    4. Dan said on August 23, 2014 at 6:55 pm

      Looks useful, Naveed, but VirusTotal shows a couple of hits (assuming these are false positives, you may want to contact the companies to have the program retested and whitelisted):

      1. naveed said on August 23, 2014 at 7:21 pm

        False positive alright. I’ll see if a rebuild on a later compiler fixes it first.

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